
"Municipalism has the potential to feminize politics in a way that political action at the national or transnational level does not. It offers radical opportunities to change the underlying dynamics of the system and construct emancipatory alternatives from below."

Beside turning local institutions into mechanisms of self-governance, municipalism also has the potential to feminize politics in a way that action at the national level does not.

Four years ago today, the anti-fascist Greek rapper Pavlos Fyssas was stabbed to death by Golden Dawn thugs. Here's how the Greek antifa movement fought back and defeated the Nazis in the streets.

How the murder of a Greek rapper by Golden Dawn thugs sparked an anti-fascist backlash that eventually led to the neo-Nazis’ defeat in the streets.

"Municipalist syndicalism offers an enduring platform and long-term strategy for ensuring that the multi-racial urban working class possesses voice and power."

By adopting a municipalist agenda, the labor movements of the new working class have the power to democratize not just the union, but also the city itself.

Halfway through the first mandate of Spain's municipalist movement, Carlos DelclĂłs looks at how the jump from the streets to the institutions has helped advance the demands of the social movements from which it derived.

Two years into its governing mandate, how is Spain’s municipalist movement fighting back against the impositions of global capital?

Last week, Nazis, fascists and white supremacists tried to march in Charlottesville, and y'all said "NOT. THIS. TIME!" To read up on the rise of the far-right and the antifascist struggles emerging against it, check out our previous issue on the topic, which is now freely available online:

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From Europe to the US sanctuary and solidarity cities are on the rise, presenting a first step in a broader conquest of democracy that can eventually begin to erode the nation-state as we know it.

As the sites of a shared lived experience, cities offer a unique opportunity to develop new political subjectivities that move beyond nationality and citizenship.

Latin America’s new paradigm of urban planning shows how even benign state interventions can multiply violence and reproduce patterns of inequality. Residents, however, are already indicating the path forward — subverting the state's hegemonic practices by exploring radical autonomy.

Latin America’s new paradigm of urban planning shows how even benign state interventions can multiply violence and reproduce urban inequality.

"The neoliberal city is a vampiric city and we have all become inured to its feeding habits. It is being defined by racialized patterns of displacement and occupation, and tracing those genealogies is essential to fighting back."

Understanding the forces deforming our cities today requires more than a class analysis of capitalist land speculation. We have to talk about race.

"Blurring the lines between social movement and local governance, municipalism is a path to social freedom and stateless democracy. The municipalist movement may be small, but its potential is revolutionary."

Much more than simply a strategy for local governance, radical municipalism is emerging as a path to social freedom and democracy beyond the state.
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22 de julho
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Debbie Bookchin opens our new issue on urban struggles with this powerful guest editorial: "Only a global confederation of rebel cities can lead us out of the death-spiral of neoliberalism towards a rational society that delivers on the promise of humankind."

Only a global confederation of rebel cities can lead us out of the death-spiral of neoliberalism towards a new rational society that delivers on the promise of humankind.

Check out our exciting new expansion pack, "The City Rises"! Last chance to subscribe with free shipping before it hits the shelves:

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Looks like we'll need to make alternative plans for the weekend, fam.

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7 de julho
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Our next issue — "The City Rises" — on the new municipal movements is coming soon! Subscribe now to receive your own print copy:

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7 de julho
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"The goal of everyday anti-fascism is to increase the social cost of oppressive behavior to the point where those who promote it see no option but for their views to recede into hiding. Our goal should be that in 20 years those who voted for Trump are too uncomfortable to share that fact in public."

We may not always be able to change someone’s oppressive beliefs, but we sure as hell can make it socially costly to articulate them in public.