Books & Fiction

Personal History

The Transformative Experience of Writing for “Sense8”

In working on a TV show, I discovered the pleasure of temporarily losing my intellectual sovereignty

The Latest

Ben Marcus on How to Honor a Catastrophe.

The author discusses “Blueprints for St. Louis,” his short story in this week’s issue of the magazine.

September 25, 2017

A History of My Mexico City Home, in Earthquakes

Living on the Plaza Río de Janeiro, I experienced for the first time what it is to be house-proud. But pride blinds you to flaws.

September 23, 2017

James Baldwin’s Lesson for Teachers in a Time of Turmoil

Rigorous lessons are not mutually exclusive from culturally and politically relevant ones.

September 23, 2017

“Sometimes People Write Poetry with Their Feet”: A Conversation with Tamim Al-Barghouti

“I remember as young as four or five, I thought that if I could speak in standard Arabic I would be physically able to fly.”

September 22, 2017

Notes on a Lifetime of Passing

Thanks to my parents transplanting me often from one ethnic mix to another, I’ve become something of a code-switching connoisseur.

September 22, 2017
More Stories

Fiction & Poetry

“White Gays”

“Privilege is a man / taking up two seats on the train.”

“Signs for the Living”

“One side says slow, the other stop. / Joy and sorrow always run like parallel lines.”

“Blueprints for St. Louis”

“They’d been friends once, before they’d got into designing memorials for unspeakable catastrophes.”

“As You Would Have Told It to Me (Sort Of) If We Had Known Each Other Before You Died”

“Eight months later I died in a moped accident in Portugal. One week later I was resurrected in Stockholm.”


The Austere Fiction of Fleur Jaeggy

Her work sees little point in exploring happiness, productivity, or self-understanding. Her focus is the void.

A Secret History of the Pissing Figure in Art

A new book traces a steady stream of urine through centuries of canvases, fountains, and frescoes.

Lillian Ross in The New Yorker

Ross, who died at the age of ninety-nine, once said that the finest reporters are “truth tellers.” Her work exemplified that standard.

A Novelist’s Powerful Response to the Refugee Crisis

In Jenny Erpenbeck’s masterly “Go, Went, Gone,” a retired academic befriends asylum-seekers in Berlin.

Criticism, contention, and conversation about books and the writing life. Follow The New Yorker's @pageturner on Twitter. »

Literary Lives

This Lonesome Place

Flannery O’Connor on race and religion in the unreconstructed South.

Last Words

Those Hemingway wrote, and those he didn’t.

A Society of One

Zora Neale Hurston, American contrarian.

Visible Man

While the literary world awaited a second novel from Ralph Ellison, his early work became the forefront of black intellectual debate.


Curtis Sittenfeld Reads Tessa Hadley

Curtis Sittenfeld reads and discusses “The Surrogate,” by Tessa Hadley.

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