Good Music We Can Know

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: Music in Mahogany

Tonight we'll hear some more Latin American exploratory sounds, a bunch of music from and about Haiti, and further grooves from hither and yon. Join in the sounds, jump in the comments, get in the Explorers Room tonight, 7-10:00.  See you there!

And now a note on the WFMU fundraiser: WFMU and Give the Drummer Radio encourage, implore, beseech, cajole, and entice you to contribute to our INTO THE BLACK fundraising campaign during the month of October. If you're already a supporter, consider converting your one-time pledge into a monthly sustaining pledge. This is our SWAG FOR LIFE option, which you can join for as little as $10 per month. Tell us how much and we will charge your card for that amount each month until you say stop. THIS IS THE SINGLE BEST WAY THAT YOU CAN HELP US.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: Música Cósmica Folclórica y Cumbias Psicodélicas

Tonight we hear sundry South and Central American folkoricisms, extremely psychedelic cumbias from Colombia and Peru, and some wonderfully animist experimental Mexican synth music with pronounced pre-Columbian elements.  Also some stuff from the new Meridian Brothers, which is really, really unbelievably great.

Also, WFMU's annual October Silent Fundraiser has begun, and I urge you in earnest to pledge what you can.  In uncertain and alienating times such as these we need more than ever to maintain this portal into Total Sound Liberation and affirm our humanity by keeping something good and right actually alive for once. From each according to their ability, give so we may keep these good sounds in the ears of all.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: Children of All Ages (Just Might Turn Out to be Sages)

Children of All Ages (Just Might Turn Out to be Sages): Tonight's Explorers Room starts with jazz for children and flows outward from there, into the beyond. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Relaxing with Cugat, Jazz Toccata & Fugue, Stormy Weather

Tonight in the Explorers Room, we come off that four-part series and take a little coolout episode.  Some back-to-basics fun stuff: Xavier Cugat, some records I've picked up recently, some jazz toccatas and fugues, and some storm-themed exotica.  Also, one particular unheralded marvel of obscure exotica that I just discovered and am very happy to put a spotlight on.  Tune in, jump in the comments with your other explorers, relax with Cugat and me.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: In Search of New Languages – Women in Electronic Music (Commercial & Mystic – All Dreams Are Not For Sale)

First off: Holger Czukay, one of the great musical heroes of our time, is gone and will be profoundly missed.  There are a lot of musical tributes floating around this week but I humbly recommend giving my own Czukay-centric Explorers Room a listen, part of a three-part Can series I did in 2015.  The pool just got less cool, the dancing spot a little less hot.  Goodbye Holger Czukay, thanks for everything.

Tonight in the Explorers Room we will hear the fourth and (for now) final installment in our series on the great women of electronic music. This evening will encompass a wide variety of approaches, from commercial to mystic to Oramic, with all the meditation, provocation, and pure exploratory research such a spread implies.  Heavily (but not exclusively) featuring: the great and only lady of Oramics, Daphne Oram; another BBC Radiophonic legend, Delia Derbyshire; and the liquid sublimity of Suzanne Ciani.  Tune in, join in the comments, hang out.

The study of sound and its relationship to life

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room – In Search of New Languages: Women in Electronic Music (Switching On & Classical Astronomy)

Tonight in the Explorers Room we will hear the third installment in our series on the great women of electronic music. This evening will find us focusing on the legendary Wendy Carlos – Moog vanguardist and pioneering practitioner of the switched-on classic – as well as a few others in the switched-on field, further studies in the occult, and some particularly conceptual planetarium music.

Tune in tonight and join in in the comments! 7-10, followed by The Cool Blue Flame with Little Danny.  And tune in next week for the final installment in the series (for now, anyway).

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room – In Search of New Languages: Women in Electronic Music (Astral Traveling, Forces of Nature, Dance & Performance)

Tonight in the Explorers Room we continue our look into some of the great women of electronic music, including the mysterious Pauline Anna Strom, both Laurie Anderson and Laurie Spiegel, and several other artists included on the groundbreaking 1977 compilation, New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media.  Expansive cosmic synths, linguistic play, and experimental performance works.  Same time (7-10), same place, same open invitation to join in the comments and add to the fabric of some pretty fascinating conversations.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: In Search of New Languages – Women in Electronic Music (Extended Vocal Techniques & Dream Revelations)

The Explorers Room is back, comrades!

Tonight in the Explorers Room, we embark on the first in a series of episodes exploring the wide-ranging world of women pioneers in electronic & synthesizer music.  Tonight we'll hear unusual vocal techniques and collaborations; themes of magic, mysticism, dreams, and eroticism; and some massively psychedelic, ego-death inducing legends of the field. Special attention paid to Annette Peacock, with appearances by Delia Derbyshire, Anaïs Nin, Joan La Barbara, and many more.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: A Full Dose of Dub

It's sweltering, the humidity is like hot fog, the sun a radioactive strobe.  The only cure for a heatwave like this is to get your chalice ablaze and have a full dose of dub.  Tonight will be wall-to-wall dub stuff, some of my very favorites. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: Jazz Spirits and Arkestral Mind-Expansion

Tonight in the Explorers Room: an extremely heady selection of exotic, spiritual, and psychedelic jazz. From Phil Cohran and Eddie Gale to Tino Contreras and Gabor Szabo, tonight will be a vortex of consciousness-expansion, righteous fire, and inner peace.  Tune in, listen, jump in the comments, hang out with like-minded heads.