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The Beautiful Music

Holding Hands Under a Cloudless Sky
Various Artists – TVP Tribute 4

Beauty 025PRE-Order NOW AVAILABLE!!
$15.00 CDN

“1980s indie would have sounded very different without Treacy. The international indie underground would sound very different today, too, had it not been for Treacy. His bare honesty, direct DIY approach and emotional fragility have made him one of the biggest influences on that scene in the past decade, revered by the latest generation of hip guitar bands as at least a touchtone and in many cases as their founding father.”

The Beautiful Music

Nick Danger & SKYTONE
Sweet Magnolias(CD Version)
Beauty 037 NOW AVAILABLE!!


The Beautiful Music

Dot Dash

$14.00 CDN

“While the quartet’s combination of adroitly poppy melodies with an often visceral instrumental attack (drawing comparisons to The Jam, Big Star, and The Replacements along the way) remains undiminished, Searchlights reaches further – comprising a broader range of musical dynamics than previous Dot Dash albums.”

The Beautiful Music

Fragments And Curiosities
Beauty 033 NOW AVAILABLE!!
$12.00 CDN

“The new album is eagerly anticipated and sought out by a growing number of fans, and is a welcome return. Alex Green wrote about his debut album: “Under Blue Skies is one of the most satisfying and melodic albums in recent memory… the new unheralded prince of pastoral pop. With a voice that lilts and soars like Roddy Frame or The
Pearlfisher’s David Scott, Pitt is truly a splendid find.” – Caught In The

For Electronic Copies visit:

The Beautiful Music

Live @ the Fishfry
Beauty 032b Order this item now and get a complimentary copy of “Beach Ball and the Silver Frog”
$11.00 CDN

It was Some Kind of Beautiful Happening! A cloudburst of lovely harmonic pop! Brilliantly captured live at “Fishfry” in the middle of an unexpected torrential rainfall. A night to remember, beautiful people and beautiful music!

The Beautiful Music

Beach Ball and the Silver Frog
Beauty 032 In Stock
$7.00 CDN

“This is a 5-song EP (love EPs!) that is all about acoustic guitars, harmonies and melodies. Opening cut “The Summer That Never Ends” reminded me a bit of some Allen Clapp solo material, all strummy and breezy while “Jackie O” kicks it up, if just a notch with a little more bounce …gorgeous, “campy piano mix” of the first song, “The Summer That Never Ends” (think of the best Trembling Blue Stars songs). -Dagger Zine.


Students of Life

Students of Life

Students of Life: A Tribute to BMX Bandits (CD)

The Yellow Melodies


$10.00 CDN
Click here for more…










Dot Dash
Earthquakes & Tidal Waves
Beauty 031 Now Available!!!
$11.00 CDN

“Dot Dash’s 4th Album: Earthquakes & Tidal Waves Click here for more.



roy1000-tbmRoy Moller
There’s A Thousand Untold Stories
Beauty 027 Order this item now and receive the bonus disc, limited time offer
$14.00 CDN

In the words of Pennyblackmusic, Roy Moller is “one of Scotland’s most original contemporary songwriters” having already had some of his poetry and writings published. Louder Than War stated that “Moller’s lyrics are intelligent and witty, studded with intriguing cultural references.”
This new album (the second with the Beautiful Music), is the fruits of many years of work and the by-product of a hard working artist who has also moonlighted with The Store Keys, The Company, Jesus Baby, The 185 and probably many others that we’re not even aware of.


Details coming soon on the following:

Beauty 025 TVP Tribute 4 Holding Hands Under A Cloudless Sky
Beauty 028 Various Artists The Many Moods Of Beauty
Beauty 029 The Sound Adrian Borland Tribute There Must Be A Hole In Your Memory
Beauty 030 TVP Tribute 5 Times Edward Ball Tribute



Dot Dash
Half-Remembered Dream
Beauty 024 Now Available!!!
$11.00 CDN

“Dot Dash’s new release is ready to go! Click here for more.





A Brilliant Escape – The Happening Sounds of Beauty
Label Sampler
Beauty 023 Download or Special Request
$Absolutely Free CDN

Escape from what you say? Are you tired of a dull and boring existence and are you looking for some excitement and something extraordinary to spice up your life? Well we may just have the solution to pull you out of those doldrums – A Brilliant Escape from the average and the ordinary; a trip into our wonderfully created, imaginary world where everything can be beautiful – here it is “The Happening Sounds Of Beauty”.(more)







Dot Dash
Winter Garden Light
Beauty 022 In Stock
$11.00 CDN

“One of the best power pop albums of the year” – When You Motor Away Blog

“This is the “feel good” post-punk album of the year” – Willfully Obscure Blog

“Make no mistake, Dot Dash is the real deal. This is a band that you need to know about right now and Winter Garden Light is the album that’s going to blow them up everywhere, Very Highly Recommended” – Rustzine

“It comes close to perfection” – Austin Town Hall

“My new favourite band and it will be yours too, soon” – This Is Indie Blog (more)






The Yellow Melodies
How I Learned to Love Television Personalities
Beauty 021
$7.00 CDN In Stock

“For me, I’m just now discovering The Yellow Melodies, and I’m grateful, as they’ve got slews of albums for you to enjoy. Also, I just got a reminder of how much I love going back to my Television Personalities catalog…(more)








All Those Times We Spent Together
A Tribute to the Television Personalities: Vol 3
Beauty 020 In Stock
$15.00 CDN

“It is an idea that is both bonkers and admirable, as if the label is trying to make up for all the praise and recognition that the band has sadly missed out on over its 30 plus year existence…(more)








Dot Dash
Beauty 019 In Stock
$11.00 CDN

“Dot Dash has delivered a gem onto the music scene. Their seemingly simplistic melodies drench easy to grasp sometimes dark, melancholic lyrics that keep you wanting more…(more)








Shining Over You
Beauty 018 In Stock
$11.00 CDN

“Its almost as if watching Autumn being made into music in front of your own eyes. The heavy tone doesn’t detract instead it creates a strong stone with plenty of potential… (more)








Roy Moller
Playing Songs, No One’s Listening To
Beauty 017 In Stock
$11.00 CDN
In Stock

“Roy Moller is clearly an impressive talent with a keen ear for melody and a mischievous lyric writing approach…(more)








The Social Icons
I’m there…you’re here
Beauty 016 In Stock
$11.00 CDN

“…a little bit Mod, a little bit Urge Overkill circa
that moment when they crystallized easy into the perfect distillation of cocktail-
drinking, lounge-lounging, swaggering Neil Diamond fans – only even more so…
a smidgen David Bowie, and a whole lot awesome…(more)







I Would Write a Thousand Words:
A Tribute to the Television Personalities Vol. 2
Beauty 015 In Stock
$15.00 CDN

“…when the band in question is the ultra-influential Television Personalities — listen up, indie kids — the project suddenly shoots up to must-hear status…(more)








Songs About the Weather
Beauty 014 In Stock
$11.00 CDN

“one of the finest songwriters in the UK at the moment [if not indeed the finest]…(more)








Jeremy Gluck
This Is
Beauty 012

Limited Release-Contact Us

In Stock



Nick Danger & the Danger City Rebels
Escape from Danger City EP
Beauty 011 In Stock
$7.00 CDN


Someone to Share My Life With LP Vinyl
The Alternate Tribute to the Television Personalities

Art LP 001 – Beauty 010

Special Order @ But is it Art?




The Mules
Phantom Father EP*
Beauty 009

Sold Out

*Single available on Into the Jet Stream of Pop



Echoes in All Directions LP
Beauty 008
$11.00 CDN

In Stock


Nick Danger & the Danger City Rebels
Surf Spy Lounge EP*
Beauty 007

In Your Dreams


The Higher Elevations
Lovestruck EP
Beauty 006
$7.00 CDN

In Stock


If I Could Write Poetry
A Tribute to the Television Personalities
Beauty 005
$15.00 CDN

In Stock


Into the Jet Stream of Pop
An International Pop Compilation
Beauty 004
$11.00 CDN

In Stock


The Mules
Live At The Old Town Hall
Beauty 003*D*
$7.00 CDN

Sold Out


Nick Danger & the Danger City Rebels
The Return of Nick Danger EP
Beauty 002
$7.00 CDN

In Stock

All My Friends EP
Beauty 001
$7.00 CDN

Sold Out

Dot Dash releases “Winter Garden Light”!

We are extremely excited here at TBM headquarters as we just released the amazing new album by Dot Dash “Winter Garden Light” (Beauty 022) which is their follow up to last year’s debut “Spark>Flame>Ember>Ash” (Beauty 019) which was released September 2011, making it two albums in one year, and giving them the title of the …

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Into the Jet Stream of Pop

Music that is created for the sheer LOVE of it. Music that celebrates the melody and the harmony, the magnificent and the eccentric. The Beautiful Music is dedicated to distributing Music that soars above the musical landscape in the Jet Stream of POP. Music compiled by collectors and prepared for true music lovers everywhere. On …

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Shining Over You-Skytone

It’s finally here – the album of the summer, that maybe you didn’t know you were waiting for, but the wait was still worth it. Skytone releases their second album, the stunning “Shining Over You”, out now. This is an album of Grand Beauty, Soaring Harmonies and Elegant Melodies, and I’m probably still not doing …

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Free Label Sampler

15 Beauty Tips For Modern Music Lovers Beauty 013 – Absolutely Free Everybody loves you when you are beautiful or at least when you listen to beautiful music. So we will provide you with a few beauty tips so that your life will be happier and more fulfilling and all this, with no strings attached, …

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Janglewaves by Skytone

Skytone is back with this summer’s playlist! Janglewaves is the latest album from Skytone, we think it’s fantastic but here is what the web is saying: Ottawa’s Skytone don’t really fit into a neat little package for consumers, but that’s precisely why I love the group. Sure, their brand new album Jangle Waves has the …

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Holding Hands Under a Cloudless Sky – A Tribute to the Television Personalities: Vol 4

They said it couldn’t happen here, but it did. They said we could never pull it off, but here it is the 4th volume of the Television Personalities tribute series “Holding Hands Under a Cloudless Sky”. Eight years in the making and a long overdue release with all your favourite (and soon to be favourite) …

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