Program administration

When you study at ANU, one of your new responsibilities will be to manage your study program. But don't worry - there are plenty of people to help guide you. Here you'll find information about managing your study program at ANU.

Program management
Program management

Program management »

As an ANU student, you are responsible for the management of your program and there are various aspects of your program...
Costs & fees
Costs & fees

Costs & fees »

Costs associated with your study at ANU will depend on a number of things, including your study program and whether you...

Enrolment »

If you've received and accepted an offer to study at ANU, there's just one more box to tick. Before joining our...
Assessments & exams
Assessments & exams

Assessments & exams »

Assessments and exams are a typical part of university life and are used to measure your study progress and overall...

Prizes »

A prize is an award given in recognition of outstanding performance, academic achievement or service. Most prizes are...

Timetabling »

Timetabling is where you can find course timetable information as well as information on room availability.  There is...