Integration and Implementation Sciences (I2S): Improving research impact on complex real-world problems

I2S logoI2S enhances: 
- knowledge synthesis 
- dealing with diverse unknowns 
- providing integrated research support for policy and practice change 

I2S provides a growing repository of resources drawing from related approaches, including systems thinking, transdisciplinarity, implementation science, action research and more. I2S books and reports present original concepts, methods and applications.

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Welcome to the March/April I2S News which provides updates on resources added to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (, as well as a list of blog posts published on the...
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What drives the use of evidence within government? - panel

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Systems archetypes are recurring generic systems structures found in many kinds of organisations, under many circumstances, and at many levels and scales. They are distinctive combinations of reinforcing and...

About this site Updated:  20 September 2017/Responsible Officer:    Manager I2S/Page Contact:    Webmaster