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The Australian National University

Welcome to the Centre for Digital Humanities Research

Digital Humanities is a new and dynamic program at the ANU that supports students and researchers working with digital technology in a range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. The ANU is one of only a few universities in the world to offer both undergraduate and graduate programs in Digital Humanities. These programs offer unique opportunities to apply digital methods to cultural objects and analyses, while also allowing students to turn a critical eye upon the rapidly changing digital world in which we live.
The ANU Centre for Digital Humanities Research (CDHR) is a hub of research and teaching activity that includes researchers and developers with expertise in areas ranging from literature and art history to anthropology and web science. The CDHR recently established a Digital Humanities Lab that provides students across with access to cutting-edge technologies and methodological expertise that will enable and enhance the next generation of humanities researchers.

The ANU Centre for Digital Humanities Research links researchers and graduate students across the university working with digital technology in a range of disciplines, including anthropology, visual arts, museums and collections, social and environmental history, literary studies and linguistics.

The centre provides particular expertise in curating, researching and publishing digital collections, in metadata standards and repositories, and in long-term storage and preservation of research data, especially through our creation and management of OCCAMS, the Online Cultural Collections and Management System. Through OCCAMS, the centre is also a conduit to a number of ANU facilities and repositories, as well as national and international eResearch programs, including ANDS (the Australian National Data Service); NeCTAR (National eResearch Collaboration and Tools) and its funded Virtual Laboratory HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure); and Project Bamboo, an international collaboration between research universities for building applications and shared infrastructure for humanities research.

In over 200 years since Ada Lovelace's birth, she has been celebrated, neglected, and taken up as a symbol for any number of causes and ideas. This talk traces some paths the idea of Lovelace and her imagination of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine has taken. In particular, we focus on music and creativity, after Lovelace's idea that 'the engine might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent'.

A study day on Digital Mapping and Digital Humanities research on the landscape around Rome in the Classical, Early Modern and Modern periods will be held at the British School at Rome on 29th September. Organsied by Katrina Grant (CDHR) with colleagues from the University of Melbourne and the British School at Rome. This day of presentations revolves around the project 'Digital Cartographies of the Roman Campagna' a collaboration between the Katrina Grant (CDHR) and Mitchell Whitelaw (SoAD) at the Australian National University, Lisa Beaven at the University of Melbourne, and Valerie Scott at the British School at Rome. The project examines the relationship between artistic depictions of the Roman Campagna (the flat plains of the countryside around Rome more or less coinciding with the modern region of Lazio today) and the place itself, in the context of ecology, climate change, disease and social history from 1600 to 1900.

CDHR lecturers Katrina Grant and Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, along with colleagues Catherine Frieman and Sofia Samper Carro have been awarded a Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG) to work on Skullbook, a collaborative project between the School of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Centre for Digital Humanities Research. at ANU. We will produce digital and 3Dprinted ‘bone libraries’ to support students’ research. This project blends traditional analyses with new technologies.

Updated: 29 September 2017/ Responsible Officer:  Head, CDHR / Page Contact:  CDHR