
The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people and promote self-determination in our community. We understand that the collective institutions of white-supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism have been at the root of our people’s oppression. We understand that without community control and without the power to determine our own lives, we will continue to fall victim to genocide. Therefore, we seek to heighten our consciousness about self-determination as a human right and a solution to our colonization. While organizing around our principles of unity, we are building a network of Black/New Afrikan activists and organizers committed to the protracted struggle for the liberation of the New Afrikan Nation – By Any Means Necessary!



The New Afrikan People’s Organization & The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement’s Statement on the Terrorism in Charlottesville, VA

Self-Defense is Our Culture    

Survival is Our Duty

Self Defense Against White Supremacists is a Human Right!

The White Nationalist “Unite the Right” convergence in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017, has left 3 people dead and 34 injured and is the latest attack in a wave of mass violence from organized White-Nationalist forces.  In the days to come we can expect many more of these types of operations and the mobilization of even greater levels of violence against New Afrikans and other colonized people inside the United States.

These forces represent the foot soldiers of the right-wing Neo-Confederacy that has seized control over the Federal government as well as control over more than half of the State governments. They are organized to socially enforce the political programs of the corporate elite. They are part of a movement to institute outright fascism in the United States and they must be stopped by any means necessary! Just as national oppression has always been enforced through violence; national liberation has also been attained through resistance to violence and self-defense. Our major problems aren’t police killings, poverty, and mass incarceration; those are symptoms. The major problem our people are faced with is a fundamental lack of sovereignty and our only solution is a complete break with the criminal enterprise known as the United States of America so that our people can govern themselves.  Self-determination is the key to our survival.