Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. மசோதாக்கள் நிறைவேற்றம்.... மகிழ்ச்சி தெரிவித்த மோடி

  3. Duela 12 minutu

    left LEFT,kept TOUCH with ,Enemy's enemy is friend not IDEALOGY, is enemy so Chinese friend.

  4. Duela 29 minutu

    has not tempered but tempered minds of voters like ,they are hypnotised by to press Lotus Button on EVM

  5. Duela 31 minutu

    was the evil mastermind behind all the terrorism in Pak,so..👇👇

  6. Duela 31 minutu
  7. Duela 35 minutu
    (r)i erantzuten

    should be hanged too including all other indian & raw terrorists.

  8. Duela 53 minutu

    is failed state , is behind rumours of tempered EVM to defame

  9. Duela 1 ordu

    . says it helped government in the passage of all important bills in the larger national interest.

  10. Duela 2 ordu

    Ignored by and Amit Shah, will Varun Gandhi join ? | |

  11. Duela 4 ordu

    Why young India has stopped looking up to | |

  12. Duela 5 ordu

    I'm told, Varun Gandhi may join to bring , Amit Shah to their knees | |

  13. api. 10

    As GenSec Aimc incharge#TN met wth the protesting#tn farmers in Del at the jantar mantar in solidarity I stand in support ji meet them

  14. api. 10

    As a human I stand with the of TN. shud meet them and hear them out. Delhi heat can get bad, worried about them.

  15. api. 10

    That’s how Brave Kashmiri bro treating Indian Soldiers when they listened about hanging orders of 😂😁

  16. api. 9

    Wondering! We Little, What Know!! And What Knows About ! Modi Is Born As Natural Leader With 10 Eyes Of Buddhi. A Genious LEADER

  17. api. 8

    This Man Has No Ego, This Man Is Of Simplicity. Who Will Receive PM "Sheikh Hasina" f/ A Poor Country Like ?!

  18. api. 7
  19. api. 5

    Here Captain lunch his team in There only mission transform India

  20. api. 2

    Some misguided engage in stone pelting, but some from J&K dedicated themselves to carve this world class tunnel from rocks: PM

  21. api. 2

    Its amazing to see a prime minister discussing technological developments with young innovators. One of a kind

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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