‘Direct Action’ Archives

Sacramento Nazi’s Truck Torched (USA)

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

In the early morning on August 16th Clint Durnay’s truck, which is shrouded in white supremacist and neo-fascist imagery, was torched. this golden state skinhead (gss) member was attacked at his home: 5032 kenneth ave., fair oaks , ca. many hours later it was confirmed that there was extensive damage to his truck.

This attack is in direct response to June 26th and the rising fascist tide in the united states.

At the state capitol in Sacramento, ca on june 26th, 2016 approximately 20 gss and traditionalist workers party (twp) members had their rally shut down by hundreds of brave individuals who showed up to confront and halt white supremacy head on. frustrated at the shut down of their rally, gss and twp advanced upon the anti-fascist protesters and violently attacked them with knives, metal rods, and wooden poles. this vicious attack sent 9 anti-fascist individuals to the hospital many of whom were in critical condition. the entirety of the individuals attacked were either people of color or trans folks. this shines a light upon the exceptionally targeted act of racist and transphobic violence that it was. there are photos that clearly depict Clint Durnay attacking anti-fascists that day.

We understand June 26th wasn’t the beginning, and sadly it won’t be the end. from Sacramento to Charlottesville, it’s clear the fascist movement is growing and will stop at nothing short of murder to quell our resistance to them.

They cannot continue to attack, kill, and stifle us! We will fight back!

For a world free of fascism in all of it’s oppressive manifestations!

Love and solidarity,

Anti-nazis at night (anan)

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Athens: Arson of a SKAI journalist’s car by Action Cell/Metropolis Fallen – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Taking responsibility – The burning of a SKAI journalist’s car

“As long as necessity is socially dreamed, dreaming will remain a social necessity. The spectacle is the bad dream of a modern society in chains and ultimately expresses nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep. “

Guy Debord

We are taking responsibility for placing an incendiary device on G.Papahristos’ car outside his house at agios dimitrios, at dawn on 18/4.

G.Papahristos is a piece of human garbage of the journalist circles. His career is similar to others of his ilk. A political all-rounder who, in each period, is called upon to offer his services to the relevant authoritarian interests, be they political or economic, as his professional ventures, from the ‘green’ DOL to the neo-liberal SKAI, demonstrate. (more…)

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Solidarity to Venezuelan people from Belarusian anarchists

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Belarusian anarchists informed Minsk residents about struggle of the people of Venezuela – the bus stop in the сenter of the city was covered by posters, describing the ongoing protests. Anarchists are sure that that Belarusians should learn from braveness and courage of the Venezuela protesters!


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Nemesis Project: Explosive / Incendiary Attack Against the National Confederation of Truck Owners by FAI-IRF (Chile)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Translation by Insurrection News:


On the night of July 25, we attacked the building belonging to the National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile, located on Almirante Barroso street in the city center of Santiago, with an explosive / incendiary device.

The National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile is a structural link in the chain of domination and exploitation, taking an active part in freight transport and environmental looting in Chilean territory and Wallmapu.

They are one of the main beneficiaries of the IIRSA project, which has as one of its objectives the ‘improvement’ of road infrastructure for the transport of goods in the countries of South / Latin America.

They are also the first line of entrepreneurs working side by side with the Chilean state seeking to intensify the repression and police intelligence gathering in Mapuche territory, trying to stop without success the burning of trucks that is part of the autonomous Mapuche subversion in defence of its ancestral territory. (more…)

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Expropriation of Bazaar supermarket chain in Exarcheia, Athens (Greece)

Monday, July 24th, 2017


We have noticed an increasing hostility towards Bazaar supermarkets in Exarcheia. We have done some research about it. Here are some of the things we discovered.
Bazaar belongs to Veroukas Group, a shady business group with no website and no public contact details or financial info. Veroukas is one of the major business chains in Greece, with a 1,5 billion yearly turnover and 600 stores all over country, and at least 3 in Exarcheia. They claim to have a market capitalization of €35M. A little strange, since Bazaar alone had over €40M in 2014.
So we don’t know how much money they make. But we know HOW they make it:
By exploiting their providers and workers, who make a little over minimum wage in the best cases, while the company is making millionary profits.
By speculating with the prices of food, while thousands of Greek families are malnourished. (more…)

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Bristol: Sabotage of nationalist politician Ben Walker’s car by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Hey Walker, we recently had a nice view of your home from the pedestrian bridge in the small hours of the morning…

… a car and work van belonging to a UKIP candidate and ex-mayor (2012) of Bradley Stoke (Bristol, UK), Ben Walker, was damaged with paint and the tires were slashed on the driveway of his home: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Also done recently…

…cars at Bath Audi and Mercedes car showrooms in Peasedown, Bath (UK) had their bodywork scratched up with broken glass (about 25 vehicles). This option of sabotage was chosen over a noisy one as we didn’t want to wake the sleeping car-transporter guy who was in his cab with the curtains drawn.

With this action a warm firm hand goes out to the street fighters and black bloc who came together to trash the G20 in Hamburg, with bravery against such heavy odds, and to those spreading this fight over other German cities. Some of us are not up to the level of street combat of German cities or to go and engage with your cops, so here in the UK a few of us have been lubricating our rusty joints enough to be able to be active and show our distaste in a style we are more familiar with.

Although we may have different approaches to the same problems, we can pull together on a common thread, learn from each others qualities and mis-givings, and unite the effects of bloc and affinity group.

In the UK, through sabotage, we are trying to show others here that there is a positive path to take anger along while also putting a kick into the ribs of our pigs already low morale.

“All modern war-fighters know that the first step of any conflict is to disrupt the enemy’s communication and control infrastructures” – Adbusters planetary engame (May/June 2017)

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

(Bristol,Reino Unido): Sabotaje a automóvil del político nacionalista
Ben Walker, por Vándalxs Eco-anárquicxs-FAI/FRI

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde 325nostate]

21 de julio de 2017

Hey Walker, recientemente tuvimos una bonita vista de su casa desde el
puente peatonal en las pequeñas horas de la mañana…
… un coche y una furgoneta pertenecientes a un candidato del UKIP y al
ex alcalde de Bradley Stoke (Bristol, Reino Unido), Ben Walker, resultó
dañado con pintura y los neumáticos fueron cortados en el camino de su
casa: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

También hecho recientemente …

… automóviles de Bath Audi y Mercedes en salas de exhibición quedaron
con su carrocería arañada con cristales rotos (unos 25 vehículos). Esta
opción de sabotaje fue escogida sobre alguna otra ruidosa, ya que no
queríamos que se despertara al tipo que transporta los automóviles y que
dormía en su cabina.

Con esta acción, una mano firme y cálida se dirige a lxs luchadorxs
callejerxs y al bloque negro que se reunió para destrozar al G20 en
Hamburgo, con valentía ante tan pesadas probabilidades, y a lxs que
extendieron esta lucha por otras ciudades alemanas. Algunxs de nosotrxs
no estamos a la altura del combate callejero de las ciudades alemanas o
para ir a enganchar con sus policías, así que aquí en el Reino Unido
algunxs de nosotrxs lubricamos nuestras articulaciones oxidadas lo
suficiente como para ser capaces de estar activxs y mostrar nuestro
repudio en un estilo con el que estamos más familiarizados.

Aunque podamos tener enfoques diferentes a los mismos problemas, podemos
unirnos en un hilo común, aprender de las cualidades y desajustes de
cada unx, y unir los efectos del bloque y el grupo de afinidad.

En el Reino Unido, a través del sabotaje, estamos tratando de mostrar a
otrxs aquí que hay un camino positivo para desplegar la rabia, asi como
también dar una patada en las costillas de los ya desmoralizados

“Todxs lxs combatientes de la guerra moderna saben que el primer paso de
cualquier conflicto es interrumpir las infraestructuras de comunicación
y control del enemigo” – Adbusters planetary engame (mayo/junio de 2017)

Vándalxs Eco-anárquicxs – FAI / FRI

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Explosive Attack Against EXXON (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

After midnight…

IN RESPONSE to the call for action in solidarity with the anarchists of the Aachen case, on April 16, 2017, at approximately 01:30AM we placed an explosive device that detonated at the facilities of the oil company EXXON in Mexico City, located at North 59, Vallejo Industrial Colony.

EXXON is an oil and chemical corporation based in Texas, USA which constitutes in itself a complete criminal, murderous, genocidal, ecocidal state. It’s long and devastating history has spared no bloodshed with death, torture and exploitation wherever it’s tentacles reach. And then, when the cries of the massacres they cause are silent, they dig the graves with exactly the same machines they use to suck the sweat of the Earth and human beings.

But now it is their turn. Take our offering of hatred and rage! …Because nobody is untouchable! Because we are not intimidated by the heavy silence that you have imposed on your crimes based on fear and violence, and we are not intimidated by the premiere of your Secretary of State… (more…)

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Bomb attack against a bank in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Germany (Mexico)

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Responding to the international call for actions in solidarity with the compañerxs accused of robbery in Aachen, Germany, we placed an explosive device with a little more than one kilo of black powder at a Citibanamex branch located on Eje 10 [in Mexico City] at 2:30am on April 20.

We repeated the action carried out a couple months ago by compañerxs from the Night Cats and Evil Sorcerers Incendiary Cell. Upon seeing they’d rebuilt the branch after the compas’ attack, we decided to help them redecorate it. (more…)

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Liege: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station (Belgium)

Friday, April 21st, 2017

We are not soldiers.
We are criminals.
We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves.

On the other hand, we are fighting.
To find our lives, explore our freedoms.

We fight the misery of our lives, the oppression of morals, and the grids that imprison us.

On the night of April 18, we set fire to a police station in Liège (Belgium). It was completely destroyed, devastated by the flames.

We dedicate this action to the imprisoned comrades who are accused of bank robbery in Aachen.

Determination and courage!

Our thoughts are also with the Montreuil compa and Damien, still imprisoned in Fleury.
Never give up!

A greeting to all those who conspire.

With violence, love and joy.
Always at war.

“Don’t you have a light?” and friend.

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Informer’s house vandalised along with Police Horse Transporters by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

18th April – we thought it long overdue that ‘Julie’, a police informer in Yatton, near Bristol, received a home visit to remind her that we do not forget nor forgive. Badger stayed at Julie’s house after being invited there by her when he was first on the run. Badger is wanted for the smashing of the Bristol Post newspaper offices in 2011 and the burning of a transmitter. As a minimum gesture of solidarity to wanted anarchist Badger, we painted “snitch” there and sabotaged her vehicle. We hope she crashes and is paralysed. Julie lives at 3 Barberry Farm Road where she resides with her partner and children. An older washed-out queer peace activist type of person, but actually just a disgusting betrayer and one who abused the trust put in her. Julie thought she could save herself from police attention by informing, but found that the pigs wanted more. So she even gave information on other people who came to visit Badger at her place and police were sure to send a forensic team to collect DNA. Snitch, you will be remembered as one more reactionary who deserves to live in misery. We hope the cancer that it is in your body kills you and we hope to make your last days as unhappy as possible. Die knowing you are hated. More activists (who we haven’t forgotten about either) protected this snitch at the time of her informing, preventing those hunted from knowing that Julie had betrayed Badger and his friends. Millions of your pathetic activist lives add up to the sum total of fuck-all compared to the indomitable spirit of Badger.

Not very far away from Julie’s house is Davis Lane, Clevedon, where mounted police are located with a stadium and next to this is a police specialist operations centre. We punctured the tyres on four horse transport vehicles and sprayed “Flat, Ha Ha!” on the sides. So much for security.

Stay free Badger – Fuck the Police

Solidarity to anarchist prisoners and those on the run.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Istanbul: Coordinated actions by anarchists on the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy (Turkey)

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Coordinated actions by anarchists in the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy..

Some anarchist groups in Istanbul, organized coordinated actions against democracy and dictatorship in the context of Turkish constitutional referendum, and to salute ‘Coordination of Anarchist Groups’, which was declared by some anarchist groups last week. Anarchist groups in the neighnourhoods of Kadıkoy, Kucukcekmece, Umraniye, Sefakoy, Kasımpasa dropped banners and made stickers simultaneously.

On banners wrote; ‘Find Yourself, Organize, Fight! Yes to Insurrection, No to State!’ (Kadıköy), ‘Insurrection will not be something you expected!’ (Sefaköy ve Ümraniye), ‘State Manifactures War. Revolution Not Elections, Communes Not State!’ (Küçükçekmece), ‘Don’t be slaves, There is no authority, but yourself!’ (Ümraniye), ‘Neither Dictatorship, Nor Democracy, Insurrection, Revolution, Anarchy’ (Kasımpaşa). (more…)

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Hamburg: Arson attack against a ‘Securitas’ private security company vehicle (Germany)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Because we despise any kind of authority, we set fire to a car belonging to the security company ‘Securitas’ last night. The conditions in which we find ourselves are making it clearer to us day by day that there are politicians, judges and prosecutors, authorities, crappy teachers, conductors, and even cops and their lap dogs of security that stand over us and control our lives. This situation is completely unacceptable. We can take care of ourselves, and we recognize that they are the ones who stand in the way of an emancipated life. For they are there to defend the freedom of the rulers. Not the freedom of being free from domination.

For our form of freedom that consists of solidarity and respect for our environment exists outside of capitalist thinking and would be its downfall. An anarchist world would mean the loss of their power and the death of their world.
In a few months is the climax of the authorities in Hamburg.
There is much to do.
Take care of yourselves. See you on the streets.

Fire to the ruling power, Fire to the G20 and its system.

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Athens: Explosive attack against the bookstore of Adonis Georgiades, Politician of New Democracy by CCF – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore.

On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av.

Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all … picturesque, saturated and at the same time, a ridiculous political figure, who over the years moves within the (far)-right milieu according to his interests. Now an MP of New Democracy (the main right wing party) he does not miss any opportunity to propagate the neoliberal ideas whether in the parliament or in some television broadcast, being addicted to television as a TV persona. When not selling his nationalist noonsense (such as the books of Kostas Plevris – national-socialist figure) he makes “gifts” of 65 million euros to pharmaceutical companies who trade in human life. Specifically, Georgiades, as health minister in 2014, changed the pricing of drugs in favor of the pharmaceutical industries particularly favoring the Novartis company. Combined with the fact that his wife’s name featured in the Lagarde list, it’s proven that the TV booksalesman does not limit himself to book sales. (more…)

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Athens: ‘Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF’ take responsibility for arson attacks in Dafni (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017


Cut your strings puppet

We are taking responsibility for the arson attacks at dawn on March 10 at the Mayor’s house and at the Post office in Dafni.

In that area, that same evening seven years before, anarchist Lambros Foundas fell from cop bullets. Seven years on, we don’t forget our dead comrade who gave his life for freedom and dignity.

In times of repression we slip through the ruptured fence that the state rigs up and fills with the debris of fear and repression against any form of action that lurks the streets. At the targets our devices played the symphony of destruction before exploding few meters from the station patrol, the state police pigs at Dafni metro station that oversee the law-abiding life of the city’s marionettes: job, house, cafe, nightlife. Every day the city routine under full control, divided into small occupations.

However, history is written when the silent crowd is abandoned and the refusers of silence act. There where we turn our rage into fire and feed our fire with gasoline. We are the ones that don’t fit into your world. Let your sweat pour to protect it with a smile until comes its destruction.

We don’t forget, we don’t forgive LONG LIVE LAMBROS FOUNDAS


Solidarity to the evicted squats and occupied spaces and to the comrades arrested during the state’s last repressive operation. 10, 100, 1000s of squats against a world of organized rot.

Attack with all means the regime whether it is left or right


Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF

via actforfree

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How to make Molotovs

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

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