Shabnam Gani Lone


Lawyer ( S.C.I ) Daughter Leader A.G.Lone, assassinated in the quest for peace in J&K. wish to oar the roar of life for peace.

Srinagar| New Delhi
Participa desde janeiro de 2011


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  1. retweetou
    há 13 horas

    I know many people who feel they’re desensitized because of the number of lynchings in the last 5 years. I am not, each video infuriates me & saddens me It’s irrelevant that beef is legal in Assam, lynching an innocent old man is illegal in every part of India

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  2. retweetou
    há 18 horas

    While was expecting question like “आप थकते क्यूँ नहीं हैं” , Anjum asked him about the promises made in 2014 & then came the “Vanakkam” moment. Enjoy his silent acting after that !!

  3. há 13 horas
  4. 8 de abr
  5. retweetou
    6 de abr

    Learn to give more, and expect less. You'll be happier that way.

  6. retweetou
    6 de abr

    SHOCKING - BJP प्रवक्ता ने ग़द्दार कहा तो कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता ने पानी से भरा ग्लास फेंक कर मारा. शुक्र है किसी को चोट नहीं आयी लेकिन LIVE शो में सब पर पानी उछला...!! शर्मनाक

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  7. retweetou
    6 de abr

    They're best friends! 😍

  8. 5 de abr
  9. 5 de abr

    Well i never filed that FIR even after drafting a complaint . Reason i just thought let it go . My time must b focussed on positive narrative . Rancour ,hate , revenge sentiments never impress M Kashmir does so my journey 4 moj kashir continues relentlessly

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  10. 4 de abr

    Women empowerment at its zenith deadliest Russia falling short of men ,resources devised the death strategy 4 the enemy .these ladies won the 4them .785 enemy soldiers ,officers gunned down by them with perfect precision .

  11. retweetou
    31 de mar

    Paper ballots are the smartest, safest way to ensure your vote is secure against attacks by foreign actors. Russia can’t hack a piece of paper like they can a computer. We introduced the Secure Elections Act to ensure our elections are safeguarded. We must be ready.

  12. retweetou
    2 de abr

    उमर अब्दुल्ला तो BJP सरकार में मंत्री थे, वो सिर्फ कांग्रेस के साथ ही नहीं रहे हैं :

  13. 27 de mar

    indomitable super duper achievement , joining the elite club of THESPACE SUPER POWERS . must say 4m a master storyteller to a master political stroke player this is a journey of political aplomb.

  14. 23 de mar

    PM love u salute u for showing solidarity respect for the fallen muslims U r a global ambassador of peace dignity amity . Humanity equality liberty newzealands creed Viva viva

  15. 23 de mar

    EXTREMISIM RADICALISIM TERRORISM VIOLENT ASSAULT ON MUSLIM FAMILY IS SO DISTURBING HAUNTING Voices of women crying tears of muslim man says his 3 yr old son is scared 2 death WHO REPEATS they will beat us # its here this is Rabbid fundamentalists

  16. retweetou
    22 de mar

    Anyone of you among has any shame left ? What the hell is this CM? sahab? What sort of chowkidari is this?

  17. 22 de mar

    single handedly has methinks drilled a gaping sinking hole to the political ship steered by mthinks his atrocious statements means more seats 4 NDA .

  18. 21 de mar

    Humanity blooms with respect and tolerance . tx u show the way as humanity witnesses a sombre moment of unity when the call of faith implores extols GOD is great .

  19. retweetou
    21 de mar
  20. 21 de mar

    Now watch out friends prime time intv of by sum media friends Am deeply disappointed by the lack &loss of Yes if yogi can b cm so many cr cases pending against him wheels of justice churn 4 a secular india not Rabbid fundamentalists


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