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Most property owners pay an annual levy via their council rates to help fund Victoria’s fire services

What is the levy?

In 2013, the fire services property levy was introduced to replace the insurance-based levy model, as recommended by the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

The levy, which consists of a fixed charge and a variable rate, funds the state's fire services.

Ratepayers will pay the levy through their annual council rates notice.

How is it calculated?

The levy’s fixed charge is based on whether your property is a residential or non-residential property, and it is indexed annually in accordance with movements in the consumer price index.

The variable cost is calculated at a rate depending on the type of property you own, its capital improved value (CIV) and which fire service covers your area.

Calculate your levy

Concession and exemptions

Concessions and exemptions can be claimed for eligible pensioners and single farm enterprises through your relevant local council. Please contact them directly for assistance.

Paying the levy

Your council must allow you to pay the levy amount in four instalments. Councils may also offer a lump sum payment option.

The levy amounts are paid in the same manner and are due on the same date as council rates.


You cannot object to the levy rates as determined by the Victorian Treasurer.

You can, however, object to the valuation and the Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) allocated to your property. Please contact your relevant local council for more information.

Our role with the levy

We monitor council performance in collecting the levy, and we pass these funds on to the Victorian Government.

We do not collect the levy, determine valuations, decide on the AVPCC attached to your property, or send out annual council rates notices. These matters are dealt with by your local council and you should check their website or contact them if you have further questions about the levy.

Additionally, a Victorian Government fire levy website contains a range of information, including FAQs, to help answer your questions.