
Protests in Egypt met with brutal repression

Protests took to the streets of Egypt in April despite a ban on demonstrations. The coordination and determination of the mobilisations marks a shift in the confidence of the opposition to the regime.

Abbott and the US approve Egypt’s crackdown

Yet last month the US gave the military regime its seal of approval when Secretary of State John Kerry announced the release of $575 million in US military aid to Egypt.

Egypt’s second revolution

A mass uprising in Egypt has forced out President Mohammad Mursi just one year after he took office.

Uprising of protest can stop Israel’s terror

Israel is again unleashing terror and death on the people on Gaza. But this new war comes amid a very different regional backdrop to the last Gaza war in 2009—in the aftermath of the Arab revolutions.

Tweetin’ about a revolution

Revolution 2.0: The power of the people is greater than the people in power By Wael Ghonim Fourth Estate RRP $29.95

Egypt military in new assault on protests

The military regime that rules Egypt has launched a brutal crackdown against protesters in the country. Thugs attacked Islamist protesters in May while soldiers looked on. More than ten were killed.

One year on—Egypt’s deepening revolution

Mass people power brought down Mubarak’s dictatorship one year ago. Amy Thomas and Ernest Price look at where Egypt’s continuing strikes and demonstrations are heading

Egypt fights for the future of the revolution

The Egyptian revolution has reached a new turning point. People in their hundreds of thousands have returned to Tahrir square and the streets across the country, in response to a brutal crackdown

Demands for end of military rule grow in Egypt

Millions of people continue to radicalise as Egypt’s revolution moves left. Activists occupied Tahrir Square in central Cairo in July and similar public squares across Egypt, pledging to stay

Egypt: the revolution continues

 Egypt’s “second day of rage” on May 27 showed that the revolution is far from over. Over a million people across Egypt rallied and Tahrir Square was once again packed.

Egypt’s revolution takes fight to the army

Not content with overthrowing the figurehead of a repressive regime, the Egyptian working class is targeting Mubarak-era officials still running the military and public institutions. Workers at

People power revolutions sweep the Middle East

People power revolutions are shaking the Middle East. Together with the revolution in Tunisia, Egypt’s revolt has shown the power of ordinary people to bring down even the most repressive and