Rain Taxi champions aesthetically adventurous literature through publications, events, and service to the literary community.
For more about Rain Taxi, see here.

What's New At Rain Taxi Online

festival announcement

Schedule of Events Now Posted!

Plan your day at the Twin Cities Book Festival with this overview of author presentations.

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festival announcement

Book Fair Exhibitors Now Posted!

Plan your day at the Twin Cities Book Festival with this list of the publishers, organizations, authors, and more who will fill the book fair.

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festival announcement

Senator Al Franken

We are pleased to announce that Senator Al Franken will be attending the Twin Cities Book Festival’s Morning Mingle and then speaking about his new book Al Franken, Giant of the Senate. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

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new broadside

Matejka's Gymnopédies No. 3

Beautiful broadside of poem by poet Adrian Matejka printed on the occasion of his appearance in the Rain Taxi Reading Series on September 16, 2017. Now available with a $50 donation!

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Morning Mingle

The Twin Cities Book Festival will once again start the day with two dozen area writers who have published new books within the last year; join us for socializing, swag, and of course, book signings! See the list of this year’s mingling authors HERE.