Category: Minister for Corrections

New Authority To Keep Watch Over Serious Offenders

The Andrews Labor Government is establishing a new statutory authority to keep watch over the state’s most serious offenders – a key recommendation of the Harper Review. The Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Amendment (Governance) Bill 2017 will be introduced into Parliament today to create the Post Sentence Authority. The authority will provide independent […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

New Base For Corrections’ Specialist Operations Staff

Corrections Victoria’s specialist emergency response unit have a new home at the Metropolitan Remand Centre. Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney officially opened the operational base for the Security and Emergency Services Group (SESG) today. Thanks to $4.6 million from the Andrews Labor Government, the hub includes a state-of-the-art armoury, a new kennel complex, purpose-built carports […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Ravenhall Correctional Centre On Track To Open This Year

Construction of Victoria’s newest prison is approaching completion, with an extra 1000 beds to be added to the system when it opens at the end of the year. Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney inspected construction today and announced that the prison will be named the Ravenhall Correctional Centre. Located in Ravenhall in Melbourne’s west – […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Boosting Capacity At The Dame Phyllis Frost Centre

The new 132-bed accommodation precinct at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) is complete – with the final 12 beds coming online, boosting capacity at the maximum-security prison to almost 500. Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney visited the prison to open the Torrens Unit, which will house women who are preparing for release, as well […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

More Corrections Staff To Keep The Community Safe

The Andrews Labor Government’s record investment in community corrections is helping to keep Victorians safe with more staff added to the ranks. Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney joined 38 new Advanced Case Managers at their graduation ceremony today – meaning there are now more than 900 Community Correctional Services (CCS) staff in Victoria. Today’s graduates […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Site Works Start On New Secure Facility In Ararat

Site preparation works have begun on a new secure facility that will house serious sex and violent offenders to keep the community safe. Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney visited Ararat today to inspect the site of the 20-bed residential facility that will be built next to Hopkins Correctional Centre. The facility will house offenders subject […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

New Detention Facility To Keep The Community Safe

The Andrews Labor Government will build a post-sentence detention unit at Barwon Prison to keep the community safe. The 10-bed unit will house the state’s most serious violent offenders who are deemed unsuitable to live in the community after their prison sentence has finished. The facility, funded as part of a record $308 million investment […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Prisons Now No Go Zones For Drones

The Andrews Labor Government is banning drones from flying near prisons and youth justice precincts. The changes to the Corrections Act 1986 to be introduced into Parliament today will make it an offence to intentionally or recklessly operate a drone at or near a prison or youth justice precinct. The new restrictions mean it is […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Keeping Victorians safe from serious offenders

The Andrews Labor Government is keeping Victorians safe with a record investment designed to monitor Victoria’s most serious offenders more closely and securely than ever before. The $308 million investment in the Victorian Budget 2017/18 will implement the recommendations of the Harper Review, commissioned after the tragic death of 17-year-old Masa Vukotic. We promised we would […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections

Keeping Victorians Safe From Serious Offenders

The Andrews Labor Government is keeping Victorians safe with a record investment designed to monitor Victoria’s most serious offenders more closely and securely than ever before. The $308 million investment in the Victorian Budget 2017/18 will implement the recommendations of the Harper Review, commissioned after the tragic death of 17-year-old Masa Vukotic. We promised we […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Corrections