Category: Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Supporting Traditional Owners To Reach Agreement

The Andrews Labor Government is helping Victorian Traditional Owners build the state’s heritage protection scheme. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins today urged Traditional Owners to submit an Expression of Interest for the Right People for Country program. The program works with Traditional Owners to strengthen capacity, build relationships and incorporate cultural values in the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Strengthening The Victorian Aboriginal Community

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the oldest Aboriginal organisation in Australia advance reconciliation and self-determination. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins announced $320,000 in funding for the Aborigines Advancement League at the second annual Ministerial Forum on Aboriginal Affairs in Thornbury. Since it was established in 1957, the League has been influential in pursuing […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

New Indigenous Art Initiative To Shine A Light On First Nations Art

A major biennial exhibition, new Indigenous arts fellowships and support for curatorial positions are at the heart of a ground-breaking six-year Indigenous arts initiative announced today. Yalingwa, a Woiwurrung word that means both ‘day’ and ‘light’, is a new Andrews Labor Government program that will be delivered in partnership with the Australian Centre for Contemporary […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Aboriginal Victorians To Design Representative Body

Aboriginal Victorians will shape how their representative body looks and works through a Community Assembly. The Aboriginal Treaty Working Group today called for community members to be a part of the new Community Assembly, which provide recommendations to the working group as it designs the statewide body. The Assembly will be modeled on the successful […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

History Made As Victoria Takes Next Steps Toward Treaty

Taungurung Traditional Owner Mick Harding has become the first Aboriginal person in history to address the Victorian Cabinet. Mr Harding is Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Treaty Interim Working Group and, together with the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins, presented an update to Cabinet on the work towards a Treaty with Victoria’s Traditional Owners. The […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

More Resources To Protect Victoria’s Aboriginal Heritage

The Andrews Labor Government is expanding protection of Victoria’s valuable Aboriginal heritage. To mark 2017 NAIDOC Week, the Labor Government will provide $4.7 million for Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) to employ ten new compliance officers. The compliance officers will be based in local RAP organisations and protect the more than 39,000 registered Aboriginal cultural heritage […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Celebrating Language In NAIDOC Week 2017

NAIDOC Week 2017 has kicked off in Victoria with an official flag raising ceremony at Federation Square. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins joined Victorian Aboriginal Elders, Traditional Owners and members of the Victorian NAIDOC Committee to raise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags today. Over the course of NAIDOC Week, flags will be raised […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll Visits Morwell

The Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll roadshow was launched at the Morwell Gathering Place today by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Natalie Hutchins. The Honour Roll formally recognises Aboriginal Victorians who have made a significant contribution to their community and state. Minister Hutchins also called for nominees for the 2017 Honour Roll. To date 89 outstanding […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

More support for self-determination

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to working with Aboriginal Victorians towards self-determination and helping further Aboriginal Victorians’ management of their culture and heritage. The Victorian Budget 2017/18 includes $68 million to advance self-determination, including establishing a new dedicated community infrastructure fund. To ensure that Aboriginal Victorians are at the heart of the decision making […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

More support for Aboriginal Victorians facing family violence

Aboriginal Victorians facing family violence will have even more support, under new funding from the Andrews Labor Government. Included as part of the Victorian Budget 2017/18, $33.5 million will go to meeting the needs of Aboriginal victim survivors and working to prevent family violence from happening in the first place. $11 million will go towards […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Premier