- published: 13 Aug 2017
- views: 1063
Louis Vogel (born 1954) is a French jurist and professor. He was President of Panthéon-Assas University from 2006 to 2012 and president of the Conférence des Présidents d'Université. He is the director of the Paris Institute of Comparative Law.
He has studied at Paris Institute of Political Studies, Yale Law School, and Panthéon-Assas.
Louis may refer to:
• Support I, Us, & We: Soundcloid - https://soundcloud.com/iusandwe Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/iusandwe Photo by Louis Dazy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/louis.dazy I could not find the respective owner of this image. If you are the owner and want this image to be removed or atleast get the credits for it, contact me and we will find a solution. • If any producer/label or photographer has an issue with this upload, please contact us and we will delete it immediately.
Découvrez la suite de l'interview vidéo sur : http://essec.mediagong.tv/Vogel/ Louis Vogel - Président de l'Université Panthéon Assas, du PRES Sorbonne Université et de la Conférence des Présidents d'Université Chapitre 1 - Un avocat d'affaires engagé pour l'Université française Chapitre 2 - La problématique actuelle en regard de l'Histoire Chapitre 3 - Les PRES ou la fin des découpages facultaires Chapitre 4 - Un plaidoyer pour le Droit Chapitre 5 - La fin de la dichotomie entreprises -- universités Chapitre 6 - Parcours diversifiés et pédagogie interactive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bien qu'il soit devenu un avocat d'affaires connu, Louis Vogel a fait, tout au long de sa trajectoire, l'e...
Arnaud Dumourier Directeur de la Rédaction du Monde du Droit a interrogé Louis Vogel et Joseph Vogel, Associés fondateurs du cabinet Vogel & Vogel sur la réforme de la négociation commerciale.
John Engels, Jaques Schols, Louis van Dijk en Tineke Postma in Lantaren/Venster op 14 mei 2015... ''Body And Soul''
Johann Sebastian Bach (21 March 1685 — 28 July 1750) Harald Vogel (1941~) Biography here: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Vogel-Harald.htm From "Rund um Bach, 'The Bach Circle', Volume 1" Published by Organeum in 1997 "Little" Preludes and Fugues, Orgelbuchlein BWV 553 Prelude and Fugue in C major 5:23 BWV 554 Prelude and Fugue in D minor 9:28 BWV 555 Prelude and Fugue in E minor 13:21 BWV 556 Prelude and Fugue in F major 16:51 BWV 557 Prelude and Fugue in G major 20:42 BWV 558 Prelude and Fugue in G minor 25:20 BWV 559 Prelude and Fugue in A minor 28:28 BWV 560 Prelude and Fugue in B-flat major 32:59 BWV 599 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland , 34:12 BWV 604, Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ 35:46 BWV 535 Praeludium in g-moll 39:11 BWV 614 Das alte Jahr vergangen ist 41:43 BWV 626 Jesus ...
Louis VOGEL, Georges MOLINIÉ et Jean-Charles POMEROL, présidents respectifs des universités Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) et Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), fondatrices du PRES La Sorbonne, ont accepté de présenter les premières actions qu'ils ont entrepris de mener en commun et reviennent sur le mode de fonctionnement et le nom adoptés. (2009)
Sculptures require a lot of detailed art work. Learn how to chisel the details on the head of a plaster sculpture in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Poster project georganiseerd door Coffin Boys deelnemers: Kim David Bots Astrid Florentinus Gino Hoiting Lennard Kok Leila Merkofer Floor van het Nederend Niek Pronk Louis Reith the Garlic Myth Aart-Jan Venema (muziek: King Tuff - Freak When I'm Dead)
There are many ways to file and remove plaster from a sculpture. Get tips on removing the excess plaster in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Alexander Rothaug, in spite of having been quite popular back in his heyday, is one of those artists one only gets to know by doing some research. I suppose this must be due to the fact that these kinds of painters are remembered today only by connoisseurs as in this ‘post-modern age’ true art has been (for the most part) relegated to certain ‘academicist’ corner, regardless of its high visual value. Whatever the case Rothaug’s paintings echoed those of his then contemporary Franz Von Stuck to a large extent, both in style and imagery but also, in my personal opinion, they served as a prelude to what future American artists of the fantastic such as Frank Frazetta and Richard Corben were going to create in subsequent decades. To support this statement I would only mention paintings such as ...
Making a wire sculpture? Learn tips for adding scales in this free video clip about making a lizard wire sculpture. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Two graphical Clocks. One is zooming in, and the other is zooming out on every minute. The design is inspired by a short movie: 'The power of ten' made by Ray and Charles Eames in 1977. The clock starts at 4:28.
What can be better?... a little jazz... a little art...
Sculpt wire like a professional! Learn how to make a forked tongue in this free video clip about making a lizard wire sculpture. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Are you interested in sculpting and art work? Learn how to construct plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpting the face on a sculpture can be difficult. Learn how to chisel the facial details for a plaster sculpture in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpture requires a variety of art tools. Learn how to use the chisel tool for plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpture requires a variety of art tools. Learn how to use the chisel tip tool for plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Bad Rappenau Kurpark mit ET 425 Stadtbahn Heilbronn BÜ und Krankenwagen 3.3.2015
Sculpt wire like a professional! Learn how to make a forked tongue in this free video clip about making a lizard wire sculpture. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
http://www.tedxlausanne.org. Patricia Zazzali-Brentini, licenciée en Histoire de l'Art, en Littérature française, en Histoire et en Histoire du cinéma, partage sa passion de l'art depuis plus de 20 ans comme conférencière à la Fondation de l'Hermitage de Lausanne (http://www.fondation-hermitage.ch), ainsi que lors de voyages et de conférences dans le cadre de son école l'Art de Voir. Saviez-vous que nous avons tous été synesthésiques un jour ? Certains gardent cette particularité de perception simultanée et multiple, comme de nombreux artistes. Quand ils peignent des couleurs, des formes, ils entendent de la musique, ils voient des textures ou sentent des parfums. Leurs créations sont des feux d'artifices flamboyants et envoûtants. Patricia Zazzali, elle-même synesthésique, nous emmène d...
Situé au Cœur de la Bourgogne, Art du tonneau vous propose de découvrir la tonnellerie de manière vivante et conviviale. Un concept unique en France. idéal pour animer de façon originale vos séminaires, portes ouvertes, manifestations locales ou même vos sorties en famille. Atelier Mobile, déplacement dans toute la France. www.art-du-tonneau.fr
Egyptian artist Ibrahim Antar uses wire and small pieces of wood to create and capture miniature replicas of historical ships inside glass bottles. While the art has been around for decades, Ibrahim began working on his hobby nine years ago. A tourist approached Ibrahim at his sand art stand wanting to buy a replica of ancient Egyptian King Khufu's solar boat. Intrigued by the idea, Antar spent the next two years looking for someone to help teach him the skill of making replica ships, but couldn't find anyone. So he decided to teach himself and, after several attempts and many broken bottles, Antar finally mastered the unique trade. "From the start with something like this, we start to mark it with a pen and a cutter and these tools. I draw the ship on a this piece of cardboard using ...
Louis Vogel. Preident of La Conférence des Présidents d'Université (CPU)
Op 18 februari 2012 zendt Opium tv een special uit over Ellen Vogel. Bekijk hier het hele interview met de actrice.
Intervention de Louis Vogel, Avocat et Ancien Président de la Conférence des présidents d'université, lors de la Convention sur l'évaluation de notre action dans la majorité et sur les priorités à défendre pour l'alternance (16 octobre 2013). Plus d'informations sur http://www.u-m-p.org et sur http://www.etats-generaux-ump.fr/
Près de 2000 rendez-vous ont été organisés entre 53 entreprises et cabinets et plus de 700 étudiants venus de 32 universités françaises. Organisée par le BAIP de l'Université Panthéon-Assas en partenariat avec Le Monde, et avec le soutien de la Conférence des doyens des facultés de droit, Equiteam, ETS Global, le Club des juristes et l'Association française des juristes d'entreprise, la Job Fair d'Assas 2010 a ainsi permis aux représentants de 53 entreprises et cabinets de rencontrer, à travers près de 2000 rendez-vous personnalisés d'un quart d'heure, plus de 700 diplômés et futurs diplômés de Master 2 et de Doctorat en droit et science politique, sciences économiques, sciences de gestion et médias, venus non seulement d'Assas mais aussi de 32 autres universités françaises. Au palais ...
Louis vogel, Président de l'Université Panthéon-Assas répond aux questions des étudiants journalistes de l'IFP. Interview et reportage réalisés par les étudiants du Master Professionnel de Journalisme de l'Institut français de presse d'Assas (IFP) Retrouvez toute l'actualité de l'Université Panthéon-Assas sur www.u-paris2.fr
!!! SCHAUE HIER DEN GANZEN FILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJH_5x39kX0 !!! mit freundlicher Genehmigung von SKY und Laura Wontorra Mehr Infos zu €RSTE LIGA gibt es hier: http://www.facebook.com/1steLiga €RSTE LIGA - die erste Serie über die Absurdität des Fußballgeschäfts
Présentation du MBA de l'université Panthéon-Assas
Entretien avec M. Louis Vogel, Professeur de droit, ancien Président de l'Université Paris II et de la Conférence des Universités. Janvier 2017
Focus sur Jacques Nyemb, major 2010 du master professionnel droit bancaire et financier. Interview et reportage réalisés par les étudiants du Master Professionnel de Journalisme de l'Institut français de presse d'Assas (IFP)
Petite vidéo promotionnelle pour valoriser les jeunes melunais, et montrer que le concept de la citoyenneté existe encore dans les quartiers nord de Melun. Créer du lien social et sensibiliser, c'est ce que nous souhaitons développer avec le Programme de la Réussite Éducative de Melun, par une action originale axée sur le développement durable. www.melunta.fr
Vidéo réalisée à l'occasion de la fin du mandat de Louis Vogel, président de l'université Panthéon-Assas de 2007 à 2012 et diffusée lors de l'inauguration du nouveau centre Assas le 18 juin 2012.
Découvrez la suite de l'interview vidéo sur : http://essec.mediagong.tv/Vogel/ Louis Vogel - Président de l'Université Panthéon Assas, du PRES Sorbonne Université et de la Conférence des Présidents d'Université Chapitre 1 - Un avocat d'affaires engagé pour l'Université française Chapitre 2 - La problématique actuelle en regard de l'Histoire Chapitre 3 - Les PRES ou la fin des découpages facultaires Chapitre 4 - Un plaidoyer pour le Droit Chapitre 5 - La fin de la dichotomie entreprises -- universités Chapitre 6 - Parcours diversifiés et pédagogie interactive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bien qu'il soit devenu un avocat d'affaires connu, Louis Vogel a fait, tout au long de sa trajectoire, l'e...
Louis Vogel a été élu dans le fauteuil de maire de Melun, ce jeudi 7 avril lors du conseil municipal
Me Louis Vogel, professeur de droit et avocat, président de la Communauté d’agglomération Melun Val-de-Seine, ancien Président de l’université Paris II et de la Conférence des Présidents d’université Justice des mineurs : que faut-il faire ? Colloque de l’Institut pour la Justice Mardi 15 décembre 2015 Petit amphithéâtre Maison de la Chimie 28 Rue Saint-Dominique 75007 Paris
• Support I, Us, & We: Soundcloid - https://soundcloud.com/iusandwe Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/iusandwe Photo by Louis Dazy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/louis.dazy I could not find the respective owner of this image. If you are the owner and want this image to be removed or atleast get the credits for it, contact me and we will find a solution. • If any producer/label or photographer has an issue with this upload, please contact us and we will delete it immediately.
Découvrez la suite de l'interview vidéo sur : http://essec.mediagong.tv/Vogel/ Louis Vogel - Président de l'Université Panthéon Assas, du PRES Sorbonne Université et de la Conférence des Présidents d'Université Chapitre 1 - Un avocat d'affaires engagé pour l'Université française Chapitre 2 - La problématique actuelle en regard de l'Histoire Chapitre 3 - Les PRES ou la fin des découpages facultaires Chapitre 4 - Un plaidoyer pour le Droit Chapitre 5 - La fin de la dichotomie entreprises -- universités Chapitre 6 - Parcours diversifiés et pédagogie interactive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bien qu'il soit devenu un avocat d'affaires connu, Louis Vogel a fait, tout au long de sa trajectoire, l'e...
Arnaud Dumourier Directeur de la Rédaction du Monde du Droit a interrogé Louis Vogel et Joseph Vogel, Associés fondateurs du cabinet Vogel & Vogel sur la réforme de la négociation commerciale.
John Engels, Jaques Schols, Louis van Dijk en Tineke Postma in Lantaren/Venster op 14 mei 2015... ''Body And Soul''
Johann Sebastian Bach (21 March 1685 — 28 July 1750) Harald Vogel (1941~) Biography here: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Vogel-Harald.htm From "Rund um Bach, 'The Bach Circle', Volume 1" Published by Organeum in 1997 "Little" Preludes and Fugues, Orgelbuchlein BWV 553 Prelude and Fugue in C major 5:23 BWV 554 Prelude and Fugue in D minor 9:28 BWV 555 Prelude and Fugue in E minor 13:21 BWV 556 Prelude and Fugue in F major 16:51 BWV 557 Prelude and Fugue in G major 20:42 BWV 558 Prelude and Fugue in G minor 25:20 BWV 559 Prelude and Fugue in A minor 28:28 BWV 560 Prelude and Fugue in B-flat major 32:59 BWV 599 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland , 34:12 BWV 604, Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ 35:46 BWV 535 Praeludium in g-moll 39:11 BWV 614 Das alte Jahr vergangen ist 41:43 BWV 626 Jesus ...
Louis VOGEL, Georges MOLINIÉ et Jean-Charles POMEROL, présidents respectifs des universités Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) et Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), fondatrices du PRES La Sorbonne, ont accepté de présenter les premières actions qu'ils ont entrepris de mener en commun et reviennent sur le mode de fonctionnement et le nom adoptés. (2009)
Sculptures require a lot of detailed art work. Learn how to chisel the details on the head of a plaster sculpture in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Poster project georganiseerd door Coffin Boys deelnemers: Kim David Bots Astrid Florentinus Gino Hoiting Lennard Kok Leila Merkofer Floor van het Nederend Niek Pronk Louis Reith the Garlic Myth Aart-Jan Venema (muziek: King Tuff - Freak When I'm Dead)
There are many ways to file and remove plaster from a sculpture. Get tips on removing the excess plaster in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Alexander Rothaug, in spite of having been quite popular back in his heyday, is one of those artists one only gets to know by doing some research. I suppose this must be due to the fact that these kinds of painters are remembered today only by connoisseurs as in this ‘post-modern age’ true art has been (for the most part) relegated to certain ‘academicist’ corner, regardless of its high visual value. Whatever the case Rothaug’s paintings echoed those of his then contemporary Franz Von Stuck to a large extent, both in style and imagery but also, in my personal opinion, they served as a prelude to what future American artists of the fantastic such as Frank Frazetta and Richard Corben were going to create in subsequent decades. To support this statement I would only mention paintings such as ...
Making a wire sculpture? Learn tips for adding scales in this free video clip about making a lizard wire sculpture. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Two graphical Clocks. One is zooming in, and the other is zooming out on every minute. The design is inspired by a short movie: 'The power of ten' made by Ray and Charles Eames in 1977. The clock starts at 4:28.
What can be better?... a little jazz... a little art...
Sculpt wire like a professional! Learn how to make a forked tongue in this free video clip about making a lizard wire sculpture. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Are you interested in sculpting and art work? Learn how to construct plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpting the face on a sculpture can be difficult. Learn how to chisel the facial details for a plaster sculpture in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpture requires a variety of art tools. Learn how to use the chisel tool for plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Sculpture requires a variety of art tools. Learn how to use the chisel tip tool for plaster sculptures in this free art lesson video. Expert: Deb Huglin Vogel Bio: Deb Huglin Vogel is a professional sculptor in Iowa. She has been sculpting since she was a little girl. She was taught by Sandy Caldwell. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan
Bad Rappenau Kurpark mit ET 425 Stadtbahn Heilbronn BÜ und Krankenwagen 3.3.2015
Johann Sebastian Bach (21 March 1685 — 28 July 1750) Harald Vogel (1941~) Biography here: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Vogel-Harald.htm From "Rund um Bach, 'The Bach Circle', Volume 1" Published by Organeum in 1997 "Little" Preludes and Fugues, Orgelbuchlein BWV 553 Prelude and Fugue in C major 5:23 BWV 554 Prelude and Fugue in D minor 9:28 BWV 555 Prelude and Fugue in E minor 13:21 BWV 556 Prelude and Fugue in F major 16:51 BWV 557 Prelude and Fugue in G major 20:42 BWV 558 Prelude and Fugue in G minor 25:20 BWV 559 Prelude and Fugue in A minor 28:28 BWV 560 Prelude and Fugue in B-flat major 32:59 BWV 599 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland , 34:12 BWV 604, Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ 35:46 BWV 535 Praeludium in g-moll 39:11 BWV 614 Das alte Jahr vergangen ist 41:43 BWV 626 Jesus ...
http://www.tedxlausanne.org. Patricia Zazzali-Brentini, licenciée en Histoire de l'Art, en Littérature française, en Histoire et en Histoire du cinéma, partage sa passion de l'art depuis plus de 20 ans comme conférencière à la Fondation de l'Hermitage de Lausanne (http://www.fondation-hermitage.ch), ainsi que lors de voyages et de conférences dans le cadre de son école l'Art de Voir. Saviez-vous que nous avons tous été synesthésiques un jour ? Certains gardent cette particularité de perception simultanée et multiple, comme de nombreux artistes. Quand ils peignent des couleurs, des formes, ils entendent de la musique, ils voient des textures ou sentent des parfums. Leurs créations sont des feux d'artifices flamboyants et envoûtants. Patricia Zazzali, elle-même synesthésique, nous emmène d...
Weitere Infos unter: http://www.der-laute-ruf.de
Jeden Tag ein Set Live mit Ron Flatter aus der Rakete in Nürnberg! Donnerstag 22.06. ab 21 Uhr
Walter Kraft, Organ VOLUME II SIDE 1 - PERFORMED ON THE SILBERMANN ORGAN IN MARMOUTIER 2:30:22 Canzona in D minor, S. 588 THREE CHORALE PRELUDES FROM THE “ORGELBUCHILEIN' 8:30 Christ ist erstanden, S. 627 Erstanden ist der heil’ge Christ, S. 628 Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, S. 629 VOLUME II (contd) SIDE 2 PERFORMED ON THE SILBERMANN ORGAN IN MARMOUTIER 28:01 Prelude in A minor, S. 569 SEVEN CHORALE PRELUDES FROM THE “ORGELBUCHILEIN' 33:48 Nun komm” der Heiden Heiland, S. 599 34:50 Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott, S. 602 35:48 Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, S. 614 38:10 Mit Friedo und Freud' fahr' ich dahin, S. 616 40:07 Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, S. 639 42:28 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, S. 638 43:38 In dich hab’ ich gehoffet, Herr, S. 640 44:48 Prelude in G major, S. ...
Philippe Bilger soumet à la question Yasmina Reza
A Living Artistic Legend, a little starlet since her tenderly early age with outreaching slender hands she grew up, unstoppable, creating and pioneering thousands of timelessly and incredibly unique salt crystal artworks...her precious Art heritage for generations to come to experience. There is no one like her, never has been, never will be. She is a woman of History beyond compare. FOR INQUIRIES: thesaltqueenfoundation@gmail.com www.bettina-werner.com Join Bettina Werner on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BETTINA-WERNER-THE-SALT-QUEEN-61567350599/ Bettina Werner's artwork are exhibited in Museums, galleries and public places extensively throughout Europe, Russia and the United States, including: the Whitney Museum, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, the Detroit Institute of Art, Portofi...
Mein erstes Tutorial wie man in Photoshop Bilder verschmelzen kann. Es ist einfach an Tieren anzuwenden, aber auch übertragbar auf andere Situationen. Composing für Einsteiger sozusagen. Es um das Freistellen von Objekten, Farbangleichungen, Masken und Farbkorrekturen. Fragen dürft Ihr mir gerne in den Kommentaren stellen. Oder schreibt mir ne Nachricht auf Facebook oder Instagram. 🔥 Social Media 🔥 Facebook: https://goo.gl/OsdU2C Instagram: https://goo.gl/1klsR1 📷 Stock Fotos 📷 https://unsplash.com/search/rabbit?photo=KvHT4dltPEQ https://unsplash.com/search/bird?photo=AzN0hTp7VFA
25-10-13 Institute of Philosophy http://www.sas.ac.uk/ http://philosophy.sas.ac.uk/about/news/registration-open-artful-brain-conference-25-oct-2013 The Artful Brain Conference: Bower birds, hominids and the art world - Greg Currie (York) Art being a much disputed notion, I take as my starting point a simpler idea but one with—I hope—interesting relations to art: the idea of an aesthetic artifact. What does the history of aesthetic artifacts look like? I suggest it is a very long history, beginning much earlier than the supposed "dawn of art" 40,000 years ago. This much more ancient habit involved shaping stones, and raise two problems I want to confront. The first is whether these early hominid activities are different, in principled ways, from the activities of such creatures as bowerbi...
Au cours d'une Master Class en Août 1986, Michel Chapuis explique et improvise sur les divers mélanges de jeux préconisés par François Dom Bédos de Celles dans son fameux traité "L'art du facteur d'orgues", à l'orgue historique JB Micot de l'ancienne cathédrale de Saint-Poins-de-Thomières (Hérault-France). Enregistrement Frédéric Muñoz (08 1986) depuis la tribune de l'orgue , nécessaire pour bien capter le cours, mais qui explique aussi un bruit de mécanique des claviers assez présent.
bond pianofortes ~ meine Flügel, der Gesellschaft, Vogel About the misuse of power: THE CORPORATION POLICY ACQUISITION BY ATTAINMENT Attainment that by its implication should be exactly what it is. ESCENA Showing what it is not, such assertion may for that which might be more interpreted to be accolade in for instance by reputation. BRAND The scene explains that art is never truly BRAND. Thus, needs no instoduccion to the indeed neither any view more truthfully claiming else where is claimed only to be art. BUILT IN OBSOLESCENCE Yet, the ethos of any writer who needs to invent, never allow for true greatness sake the truer exact formula to be given. This is why:- PARLIAMENT Freedom can never be represented in paint, or from a thousand prisons. But, it can more truly be by one prism. ...
Thurston Dart (clavichord) 'Clavichord Music' J.J. Froberger Recorded mono (despite the indication stereo at the exposed cover) 1961 for Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre Mono OL 50207 Clavichord built by Thomas Goff Side one Tombeau de M. Blancheroché Suite X (A minor) Lamentation t'or Ferdinand IV Capriccio Suite XIV (G minor) Allemande from Suite XX Side two Ricercar Lamentation for Ferdinand III Suite XIX (C minor) Fantasia- Suite III (G major) Allemande from Suite XXX Suite VII (E minor) Bom at Stuttgart on 19 May 1616, Froberger was appointed court organist at Vienna in his twentyfirst year, Shortly afterwards his patron; the music loving emperor Ferdinand IlI, sent him to study with Frescobaldl in Rome, where he stayed for about three years, Upon his retum to Vienna in 1641 he r...
N. K. Jemisin writes fiction that reads like history in the best way. But could it also be romance? We ask N. K. Jemisin that and how she's able to keep a day job and still write amazing fiction. We also find out what trope she'd like to give a rest. It's our season finale and we couldn't think of a better person to help us wrap things up in style! Hosts Veronica Belmont Tom Merritt Guest N.K. Jemisin Executive Producers Louis Srygley Veronica Belmont Tom Merritt Producers Royal Hinshaw Gerry Tolbert Marc Zicari Director Geoffrey Orthwein Supervising Producer John Ashley Production Coordinator Suzanne Llewellyn Editor Doug Luberts Camera Operators Matthew Wright Keith Eggel Amanda Giarla Grip Matthew Wright Camera Assistant Zach Smith Live Switch John Ashley Audio Malcolm Gib...
"Das intensivste und emotionalste Projekt seines Lebens", so beschreibt Marteria seinen Film. ANTIMARTERIA ist ein modernes Märchen und eng mit Marterias aktuellem Album ROSWELL (https://marteria.lnk.to/Roswell) verknüpft. Ein Film voller Metaphern und Gleichnisse, voller Referenzen auf Popkultur und griechische Mythologie. Aber auch Marterias persönliche Geschichte und Science Fiction spielen eine Rolle. Gedreht wurde mehrere Wochen in Südafrika, mit dabei waren Schauspieler wie Frederick Lau ("Victoria"), Trystan Pütter ("Toni Erdmann") Emilia Schüle ("Charité") u.v.m. Konzipiert und umgesetzt wurde ANTIMARTERIA von Autor und Regisseur Specter Berlin, einst Mitgründer des HipHop-Labels Aggro Berlin. Das neuen Marteria-Album ROSWELL hier bestellen & streamen: https://marteria.lnk.to/Rosw...
Canadian-born artist David Hartt speaks about his installation "Interval," comprising essayistic films and photographs shot in Sakhalin Island, Russia, and Whitehorse, Canada. Recorded at the Art Institute on Chicago on 10/8/2015. For more, visit http://www.artic.edu/exhibition/david-hartt-interval
Bach on the Clavichord played by Michael Thomas Released by Brentford, Middlesex, England: Oryx, 1231 [197-?], Series title: Bach collector's series Recorded by Oryx Recordings Limited, Text set in Perpetua by West Surrey Printing Co., Cover design : Bill James Cover printed by West Brother. Ltd Michael Thomas plays a clavichord built by himself Thanks to Daniël, who let me browse the famous Daniël Beuman harpsichord collection Side A Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Suite in f minor BWV 823 00:00 Prelude 02:22 Sarabande 04:40 Gigue 05:52 Air & 10 variations in the Italian Manner BWV 989 Side B 16:20 Fantasy in c minor BWV 921 20:18 Fantasy in g minor BWV 917 23:13 Chromatic fantasy & fugue in d minor BWV 903 The Clavichord cannot be heard at any considerable distance; hence some c...
You are invited to participate online (or in person) in ... BASIC (Beginning Apologetic Studies in Catholicism) The Visual Gospel: Christian Sacred Art http://sites.google.com/site/basicvisualgospel/ We live in a culture where a superabundance of visual and audio experiences flood everyday life, many of which are neither beautiful nor Christian. In such a visual culture it is time to rediscover the power sacred art has to speak truth through beauty. Sacred art is not a consumer product of visual entertainment, but serves to awaken, to teach, and to nourish faith. Learn how to read this Visual Gospel. Major topics include: principles of beauty and sacred art, study of the sacred art tradition (Iconography, Gothic, Baroque, Stained Glass, etc.), and the theology of church architectu...
Join Dora, Swiper, Boots, Map, and Backpack in Atari's DORA THE EXPLORER: DANCE TO RESCUE. Aimed for young children, the game presents a number of puzzles and educational games designed for both fun and education. DANCE TO RESCUE is based on the special double-length episode of the popular DORA THE EXPLORER cartoon series. Dora may not always get along with Swiper, but when he's kidnapped and trapped in a bottle by a mean dancing elf, she decides she has to rescue him. The only way to save him is to dance her way through an enchanted castle to win a wish. Dora's dance routines take the form of a number of different puzzles, including matching, math puzzles, and language quizzes. Gamers will learn new math and language-related skills, including some Spanish words and phrases. A number of pr...
Abonne toi l'ami : http://bit.ly/MrAntoineDaniel Épisode #37 de WHAT THE CUT ?! par Antoine Daniel. Review de vidéos du net. Aujourd'hui : une nouvelle façon de se défendre, la vidéo qui vous dégoutera du Nutella, et l'homme le plus important de l'histoire. Rejoignez ma page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WhatTheCut Suivez-moi sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/MrAntoineDaniel Instagram : https://instagram.com/mr.antoinedaniel/ Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/113637023... Veuillez ne pas les insulter ou menacer les auteurs des vidéos dans les commentaires ou en message privé, merci beaucoup ! Wuhsu - balls of steel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1gMW... Nutellapriesterin : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6Mg5... Toutes les vidéos de Sylvain Durif. Introduction: ...