Posts Tagged ‘Spain’

Repression in Spain (PDF)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

PDF: Repression in Spain

Report from ABC Dresden.

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona: Attack in solidarity with anarchists imprisoned in Aachen, Germany (Catalonia)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

On the night of January 28, we burned two vehicles of the company Prosegur near their headquarters in the Bellvitge neighborhood of Hospitalet. We do not think it necessary to justify this attack on these wretched guard dogs.

To carry out this action we have resorted to an old, well known method used by anarchists. The device consists of a small bottle filled with gasoline, a wick with some matches around it.

We want with this little gesture to send all our love and strength to the anarchists accused of having expropriated a bank in Aachen and who have been on trial since January 23rd.

Long live anarchy !!

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Posted in Direct Action

VIII Feria Anarquista del Libro de Sevilla / 23-26 Marzo – 2017 (Espanya)

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017


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Posted in Autonomy

Anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar to be expelled from Spain and released in Chile soon

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

According to corporate media in Spain and Chile, the Audiencia Nacional (National Court) of Spain decided on January 30 to commute the rest of Mónica and Francisco‘s sentence to expulsion. The lawyers of the comrades are thought to have requested for article 89 of the Spanish Penal Code to be invoked which allows for foreign citizens serving more than one year’s imprisonment to have their sentence replaced with expulsion from the Spanish state. The comrades had their original sentence of 12 years reduced on appeal to 4 years and 6 months last December which means they have now served more than a third of their sentence.

It is expected that following police bureaucratic processes that the comrades will be flown by Spanish police to Chile where they will be handed over to Chilean police and then released back onto the street.

More news as it becomes available.

via insurrectionnews

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Convocatoria: ‘Desarma Madrid’ No a la Feria de Armas HOMSEC 2017 – IFEMA del 14 al 16 marzo (Espanya)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

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Posted in Autonomy

Galicia: New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa Di Bernardo (Spain)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Careful who you call comrade!

Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated … aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results … among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones.

While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Supreme Court reduces the sentences of anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

On December 16, the Supreme Court reduced the sentences of comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accused of placing a bomb in the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza in October 2013, repealing the initial sentence of 12 years that was dictated by the National Court to 4 years and 6 months.

This decision was made after partially received an appeal by the defense for the comrade Francisco Solar, who asked that they should not be convicted for the crimes of terrorist damage and separate injuries as if they were the result of two different actions as it was originally in the National Court. In addition the defense noted that the comrades took care when they placed a small homemade device to attack the religious symbol of established power and that they did not intend to cause any injury to any person. To reinforce this defense it noted that at the time of the attack the Basilica was closed to the public and that in addition the device did not contain shrapnel and that they gave a warning before the device was detonated. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

During the almost three years that we have been confined by different prisons of the Spanish State, there is one aspect that particularly calls attention to its determinant importance in prison life; we refer to the dispersion.

The dispersion corresponds to a policy of Penitentiary Institutions implemented by the socialist government in the mid-1980s, which consists of transferring determined prisoners to distant prisons many kilometers from their place of residence. In many cases these transfers are incessant and see the prisoners forced to go through various prisons in a short period of time preventing them from establishing themselves and establishing lasting relationships with others. The purpose of this policy was to curb the riots and protests inside the prisons that had been occurring during those years by drastically removing prisoners considered hostile to the prison system. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Month of Solidarity and Fight for Squatting : 19 Nov-19 Dec

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Month of Solidarity and Fight for Okupation (squatting). From the 19th of November to the 19th of December

Web (Spanish): https://okupamadrid.espivblogs.net/

We understand okupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Okupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic. It brings partnership among comrades, builds affinity networks and solidarity, as well as create meeting points to discuss, share experiences or to make out some self criticism. Okupation is not and end but a mean that allows us to organize ourselves and conspire. It is a tangible expression of the notion of “Do it yourself”.

The power has done everything to erase any self-management projects since they prove our capacity to organize ourselves outside the system.

For that purpose, many strategies have been deployed. From harsh repression; raids, arrests, police farce, to “kinder” strategies based on negotiation. Despite superficial differences, the final end of these strategies is the control and domestication (of our ideas and practices) of social movements. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarity actions in The Hague with comrade imprisoned in Spain on charges of expropriation (Netherlands)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

See for pictures.

Last Thursday night, June 30th 2016, we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in a bank expropriation in Aachen, Germany two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany, which will probably happen this week.

In solidarity we spray-painted ‘Freedom for our Spanish comrade’ on the wall of a department of the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and glued the locks.

That same morning during rush hour a banner was hung above the highway, reading: ‘Burn all prisons! Freedom for our Spanish comrade!’

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’ motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarcho-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the 70s and 80s.

We call out to anybody to take action in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in Madrid! Immediate freedom for the comrade!

Burn all prisons!

In solidarity,
Some anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

Madrid: Desajolo La Dragona Anarquista y plan de lucha (Spain)

Friday, July 1st, 2016


ESOA La Dragona: “Lo que el PP no ha podido hacer en 7 años, lo pretende hacer en 7 meses Ahora Madrid”

Sobre el ESOA La Dragona de Madrid pesa una amenaza de desalojo. El pasado martes convocaron una rueda de prensa para exponer sus posiciones y dar a conocer su plan de lucha.

El ESOA La Dragona comienza a funcionar en el año 2008 tras liberar activistas y jóvenes vecinos del madrileño barrio de La Elipa un edificio abandonado durante más de 25 años perteneciente al cementerio de La Almudena.

El cementerio se encuentra actualmente gestionado por la empresa mixta de servicios funerarios FUNESPAÑA S.A., cuyo principal accionista es la multinacional española Mapfre. El gobierno del Partido Popular otorgó la concesión a esta empresa durante 20 años a cambio de tan solo 100 pesetas, lo que le valió una imputación al entonces alcalde de Madrid, Francisco Álvarez del Manzano, por un delito de prevaricación y malversación de fondos públicos. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Words in solidarity with the comrade arrested in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Every heart is a time bomb

On 13th April 2016 the Mossos d’Esquadra in collaboration with the German police raided three places, two of which were private homes and one was the squat Blokes Fantasma.

The repressive operation concluded with the arrest of our comrade, for whom there was a European arrest warrant after Germany accused her of participating in a bank expropriation in the country in 2014.

The comrade has been held in solitary confinement in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid) since 14th April and has expressed her opposition to being extradited; but judge Angela Murillo of the fourth section of the Audiencia Nacional gave in (as usual) to the request of the German state and on 26th May she ordered our comrade to be extradited within 10 days, after which she’ll be put in a maximum security prison.

The prosecutor in Aachen (Germany) is the same one that issued a European arrest warrant on 24th June 2015 against a Dutch anarchist comrade, who was arrested on the Greek-Bulgarian border and imprisoned for two months.
She was then extradited to Cologne, where she spent 4 months in jail, also charged with expropriating a German bank in 2013. She was released on bail on 16th December 2015 and is awaiting trial. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update and words from the anarchist comrade threatened with extradition for bank robbery (Spain)

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

Some days ago, as we had already taken the extradition of the comrade arrested on 13th April for granted, we got news that extradition to Germany would be postponed for a month, a postponement decided by the Audiencia Nacional in response to our lawyer’s request as preparation of her marriage documents had begun before her arrest. As soon as the tribunal’s decision was made known, the comrade was transferred to the women’s prison of Brieva (Avila), from where we thought they were making arrangements for the flight to Germany.

From the prison we received her words, which we are going to publish immediately. At the moment the comrade is being held once again in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid), in solitary confinement and with the possibility to go to the exercise yard with the other prisoners, at least until 30th June, the day when the delay for the wedding ceremony expires.

In the meantime we are making a callout for solidarity with the comrade in the streets, for support to all imprisoned fighters and for showing deep contempt at the system that keeps them kidnapped in order to defend its miserable order.

Words from the comrade arrested on 13th April:

Comrades, I’m writing from the prison of Brieva, Avila, where I’ve been just taken after a month and a half of imprisonment in Soto del Real, Madrid, always in FIES and solitary confinement. I wanted to write earlier but communications and information are very slow and restricted, so I haven’t done so till now.

I truly appreciate all the gestures and demonstrations of solidarity and support.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, outside the prison walls at last (Spain)

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

“Anarchism concerns the individual, not only with regards to collectivity but also with regards to itself’. Anarchism is not directed at the “citizen” but to people.” Albert Libertad.

Dear comrades,
Finally, after endless games and chicanery by the prison institution and the ministry of the interior they were forced to obey their own laws, which they constantly break, here I am finally free, writing these first words of gratitude and love to all those who over these past 30 years have accompanied me and reaffirmed my own anarchist beliefs, putting into practice the basic values and principles of anarchism like mutual support and solidarity and have finally managed to pluck me from the clutches of the prison beast which I will continue fighting from the street without forgetting, obviously, the combat being waged outside.

I am certain that even in all of this I am very privileged to have had the support of comrades, because there are many who do not have this possibility. In the coming days we will send out statements in more specific terms about what concerns our movement and possible strategies that we must develop so that we can cure the revolutionary anarchism of our elders of all institutionalism and insubstantial chatter. I want to be clear that I will never forget our libertarian comrades imprisoned in the spanish state and around the world, particularly Mónica, Francisco, Claudio, and the latest comrade to be arrested who will soon be extradited to the german state, and many more unnamed. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gabriel Pombo da Silva is free (Spain)

Saturday, June 11th, 2016

We learn that anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is finally free, despite the impasse that had been created around his release after the end of his sentence. Further updates will follow as soon as possible

Gabriel’s letter in Spanish.

via actforfree, cna

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