News & Analysis

Another Head on the Far-Right Hydra: Anti-fascist poster circulating in Hamilton

Another Head on the Far-Right Hydra: Anti-fascist poster circulating in Hamilton

From The Hamilton Institute This antifascist poster has been turning up in the streets of Hamilton the past few days. It offers some analysis of the group Storm Alliance that will be holding rallies in various cities ...
In the Trenches: Pipeline Sabotage against Enbridge in Hamilton

In the Trenches: Pipeline Sabotage against Enbridge in Hamilton

From The Hamilton Institute Pipelines are war; one built from the insatiable greed of corporations which have normalized violence against the land and its living. Our resolve within this struggle intensifies with each audacious assault Enbridge launches; ...
Montreal Against Junex: When All Else Fails, Block The Rails

Montreal Against Junex: When All Else Fails, Block The Rails

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info On Sunday September 10, we mobilized in solidarity with the ongoing resistance against the extractive oil industry in Gaspésie, in particular, Junex and its investors. Corporations like Junex (and their investors) collude ...
Ipperwash Crisis in Five Minutes

Ipperwash Crisis in Five Minutes

From On September 6, 1995, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) violently attacked the occupation of the Ipperwash Porvincial Park, by members of the Stoney Point Ojibway band, shooting and killing indigenous land defender Dudley George. But George’s ...
Maxime Morin (aka DMS/DaMcLuv) and His Racist Agenda

Maxime Morin (aka DMS/DaMcLuv) and His Racist Agenda

From Montreal-Antifasciste Recently, a video has been posted on Facebook and YouTube entitled La vérité sur les Antifas, Jaggi Singh et la Corruption de l’Université Concordia #StopQPIRG. It was initially shared on the Facebook page of “DMSQ”, ...
Banner drop: no to oil industry plundering

Banner drop: no to oil industry plundering

From Camp de la riviere Friends in Sherbrooke did a banner drop yesterday morning on the Terrill bridge, close to the Cégep and downtown Sherbrooke, in solidarity with the river camp and against the oil industry plundering ...
Storm Alliance Factsheet

Storm Alliance Factsheet

From Montreal-Antifasciste What is the Storm Alliance? The Storm Alliance is an anti-immigrant organization that has been active in Quebec since 2016, when it broke off from the Soldiers of Odin, a more openly racist group. Storm Alliance ...
Wolves Don’t Like the Rain: Bad Blood Between La Meute and Storm Alliance

Wolves Don’t Like the Rain: Bad Blood Between La Meute and Storm Alliance

From Montreal-Antifasciste La Meute and Storm Alliance are two organizations which claim not to be racist, but which find their raison d’être in expressing (and spreading) fear of immigrants and Muslims, i.e. of “the other”, within Quebec ...
Solidarity with the Anti-Fascist Activists Arrested in Québec City!

Solidarity with the Anti-Fascist Activists Arrested in Québec City!

From Montreal-Antifasciste We would like to extend our unconditional solidarity to individuals in Quebec City who were recently arrested, in relation to allegations surrounding the antifascist mobilization on August 20th. We do not know any details beyond ...
Interview with Montreal anti-fascist organizer: The stakes are high, and we don’t intend to sit idly by as things get worse.

Interview with Montreal anti-fascist organizer: The stakes are high, and we don’t intend to sit idly by as things get wo...

MTL Counter-info sent some questions to some people involved in ongoing anti-fascist activities, in an effort to address common misconceptions about these struggles. This is what they had to say. Can you tell me about antifascist organizing ...

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