Posts Tagged ‘Solidarity’

Athens: Front line view of the riot in solidarity to political prisoners on hunger strike (Greece)

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

On April 7, 2015 following a protest of 1.500 – 2.000 anarchists in the center of Athens, riots erupted in Exarchia to bring attention to a mass hunger strike of political prisoners taking place in Greece since March 2, 2015. At the moment (April 10) 8 anarchists still continue the hunger strike, some of them for the 40th day.

The political prisoners demand from the so-called left government of SYRIZA:

– Withdrawal of the special anti-terrorist legislation for political activists (laws 187A and 187)
– Withdrawal of the special repressive laws (“anti-hoodie” law)
– Abolition of the “C-type” prisons
– Delineation of the use and processing of DNA as legal.
– Immediate release of disabled prisoner “Savvas Xiros” (98% handicapped)

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Posted in Direct Action

Banner drop solidarity for CCF from Od:zysk Squat (Poland)

Saturday, April 4th, 2015

News from Poland:


Residents of the Od:zysk Squat send warm regards and words of support for our comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who carry on the hunger strike. Your struggle against the capitalist state regime is exemplary. It exposes its totalitarian nature. When threatened, the so-called „democratic” state takes off its liberal mask and moves towards methods such as torture and repression against the militants family members who are not directly involved in the struggle.

We believe that the strike will soon end up with success.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

1 Nov: global rally for Kobane, against ISIS (London/World)

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Update October 30, 2014

From rabbleldn:

This is the text of the call-out for an international day of demonstrations in support of Kobanê and against ISIS on 1 November. The London Rally will be at Trafalgar Square on 1 November 2-5pm.

Statement 14 October 2014
Global Rally against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity!
Date for the Global Rally: 1 November 2014, 2pm

ISIS launched a major multi-front military campaign against the Kurdish region of Kobanê in northern Syria. This is the third ISIS onslaught on Kobanê since March 2014. As the ISIS was unsuccessful on the two previous occasions, they are attacking with larger forces and want to take Kobanê. (more…)

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Posted in Uncategorized

Running Down the Walls 2014, who's in? (USA)

Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Running Down The Walls (RDTW) 2014!

See the list of runs going on at http://www.abcf.net/blog/rdtw-2014/
^^If you are not on that list, email info (at) abcf (dot) net to get on it!


This year’s RDTW is coming up fast and we need you to organize a run of your own. If you have sandals or better, than you can, at the very least walk down the walls with us on Sunday September 7th at 10A.M. To organize a Running Down The Walls, you should get as many comrades as you can, find a nice cool area, get people to sponsor you for a couple bucks, hydrate, then run!

We Want To Run With You!
On Sunday, September 7th, 2014 at 10 a.m., the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross Federation and RAC-LA will host the 5K Run/Walk/Bike around MacArthur Park. This Run is designed to raise much-needed funds for the ABCF Warchest program and for RAC. We are attempting to reach the goal of $3,500 with the run. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Updates on the anarchist comrades imprisoned following operation ‘Ardire’ (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2013

This morning, March 6, anarchists Sergio Maria Stefani, Alessandro Settepani and Stefano Fosco were transferred from the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria to the prison of Ferrara. The transfer had been announced yesterday by public prosecutor Maria Grazia Pradella in the context of the Milan proceeding of so called operation ‘Ardire’, and was implemented under the pretext that the comrades were in contact with the investigated comrades of the Adinolfi case (since October 2012 all the comrades had been locked in the same unit and had been sharing the exercise yard). (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Antifascist Solidarity Needed in Liverpool on Saturday 21st July! (UK)

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

At 13:00 on Saturday, 21st July, Liverpool Antifascists will be gathering at Combermere Street in the Toxteth area of the city. We then plan to march to the city centre, for a rally themed around ‘working class unity against racism and fascism’. Liverpool Antifascists would like to ask you to attend, or spread the word about the event if this is not possible. This will be a vital day for Liverpool activism, and even the city in general.

To understand why, it’s important to look at the background to this demonstration. In February, a gang of around two hundred fascists mobilised in the city centre, running amok, and forcing the Irish Republican Flute Band off the streets, before going on to hassle Occupy supporters on an anti-police brutality protest. This was a serious defeat for Liverpool activists, and it is vital that this is acknowledged, so that we can stop it happening again in the future. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Anarchist Call for Support from Mindsetbreaker Press & Distro (Philippines)

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Email: mindsetbreakerpress@riseup.net
Address: 157 Ilaya E.Mendoza St. Buting Pasig City, Philippines 1600


We are an underground anarchist publishing and distribution entity based in the Philippines.

We believe that every issue that affect our lives are interconnected ; be it social or ecological catastrophes we have seen today, small scale or large, society or individual. It does not come from us but manifests through domineering hierarchical structures and centralized order; maintained by the state and religion, morality; the spectre of capitalism aimed towards greed and profit and was organized founded and carried out from the ashes of ruthless terror and bloodshed many centuries had passed by that we blindly inherited today. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Free Jock Palfreeman, jailed Anti-Fascist (Bulgaria)

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

Jock Palfreeman is a 23 year old Australian who had the courage to stand up against 16 Nazis on a night out in Sofia, Bulgaria. He witnessed the fascists chasing and attacking two young Roma boys. Jock ran to the boys’ aid, he did his best to keep the Nazis at bay by waving a knife at them but they attacked him. Jock was left with nowhere to run and had no choice but to defend himself. Andrey Monov, one of the Nazis, was stabbed and killed and another, Antoan Zahariev was injured. The Roma boys ran away. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Moscow anti-fascist needs help for treatment (Russia)

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

Anarchist and anti-fascist from Moscow, who was attacked by nazis on 15th of August 2010 after a football match, needs financial help for treatment. His life isn’t menaced, the harm to the health can be assessed as moderate, but treatment requires significant amounts of money.

You may read here how to donate:

In article on website of Ukrainian Helsinki group in Ukrainian language you may see photos of the damages.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia
abc-msk AA riseup DD net

We are now also in facebook – please like both of our pages if you have an account!

(English facebook)

(Russian facebook)


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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Interview of comrade Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis (Greece)

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

(The hearing for the appeal of anarchist comrade George Voutsis-Vogiatzis, arrested for bank robbery, was set for June 7th, 2010 but was postponed for May 6th, 2011. Here’s a translated interview he gave to the newspaper “Proto Thema” on May 9th 2010)

-The tragic account of the march last Wednesday counts three deaths, among them a pregnant woman, which with other victims were locked inside Marfin bank. Murders attributed to the anarchists Molotov…

The emotional and political gap in the last hours after the death of the three workers in the bank from asphyxiation can not be described in words or replaced by actions, counterbalancing or convictions. The value of human life when its not jointly responsible for the criminal plans of authority is the purest in the world. Of course, the anarchist movement is not accountable towards this event. Anarchists are not representatives of abstract violence. Anarchists express revolutionary violence. A violence expressed by targeting state and capital. The operation of de-politicizing the anarchist movement will not work for them again. Anarchists are proving, especially in recent years, through carrying out attacks with Molotov cocktails, gas canisters and other means of action against targets of authority that they never turned against the life of the workers since in every case, people involved in those actions first make sure to evacuate the buildings or attacking them at night when they are closed. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews, Prison Struggle

Letter by Michal Pawlak from Koridallos Prison (Greece)

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

Update: Michal Pawlak has been released on bail pending trial.

Michal Pawlak is a comrade from Poland that was arrested on December 6th , 2009 during the demonstrations for the one year since Alexis murder and the uprising that followed. He has remained in prison awaiting trial ever since. As is usual he has been accused by the cops based on unsubstantiated and circumstantial evidence, as for example his t-shirt that had some anti-cop slogan written on it. On June 1st Michal stood in front of the board of judges who will decide in the next couple of weeks whether his imprisonment will be continued. At the same time the cops-murderers of Alexis have been set free until the end of their trial as due to a load of legal tricks their 18th month pre-trial detention expired before a court ruling on their case. Even though their imprisonment will in no way give us a sense that “justice has been served” or extinguish our rage against all those who destroy our lives, nonetheless if this example serves as anything it is to remind us who the so-called justice system is here to protect.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Giannis Dimitrakis, anarchist prisoner (Greece)

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

In a society of deceit and hypocrisy, of backstabbing and betrayal; there where human relationships are molded on personal profit and exploitation, within the narrow limits of involuntary/obligatory choices, the scope of creating honest and sincere ties of social or political solidarity becomes constricted, suffocated. And if in many cases personal interest and vanity create a concrete mass in a common course between those in power, economic elites, political groups and other subgroups thus creating the illusion of a solid front, then in as many other cases it has been proven that when these same are confronted with pressuring and extremely negative conditions with the possibility of a total collapse approaching, the seeming powerful gluing element which created these cohesive bonds retreats in an instant, leaving behind a crowd of subhumans, each one looking to save themselves and not hesitating of handing over into the hands of the until lately common enemy their until recently political-social-economic partner. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Address list for Anarchist prisoners (Greece)

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Here is an incomplete list of addresses for the comrades in struggle locked down in Greece. This list is for solidarity and correspondence. If you have never written before to prisoners, check this guide by ABC Leeds, for more information about prisoner solidarity and anti-prison info, contact your local Anarchist Black Cross group. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle