Posts Tagged ‘Hungerstrike’

Prigioni Greche: Prigionieri in lotta annunciano lo sciopero della fame di massa

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014


Dal 18 giugno 2014 tutti i prigionieri in Grecia hanno fatto lo sciopero del carrello in segno di protesta contro il disegno di legge fascista sulle carceri di tipo C) e in difesa del diritto al permesso temporaneo e alla concessione di libertà condizionale.

Tuttavia, il ministro di Giustizia e il governo insistono a ignorare la nostra protesta. Non hanno risposto assolutamente alle nostre giuste richieste e in modo provocatorio tendono ad approvare il disegno di legge nella sessione parlamentare estiva, per tentare di impedire la reazione popolare.

Contro questo disegno di legge che ci condanna a rimanere prigionieri per sempre senza diritti o speranza poniamo i nostri corpi e spiriti come scudi. Questo è la sola cosa che ci è rimasta. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Detainees starting hungerstrikes and protests in 3 Immigration Removal Centres (UK)

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

On Friday 2 May over 150 detainees in Harmondsworth migration prison occupied the main courtyard in a sit down protest and began a mass hunger strike. On Monday 5 May supporters held solidarity noise demos outside Harmondsworth detention centre and simultaneously at Dungavel detention centre in Scotland. Yesterday evening, Tuesday 6 May, protests started to spread to Colnbrook and Brook House migration prisons.

At lunchtime on Friday 2 May over 150 people detained in Harmondsworth, the UK’s largest migration prison run by corporation GEO group for the Home Office, staged a sit-down occupation of the main courtyard and began hunger strike. They issued a set of demands (see below) protesting against the ‘Fast Track’ system, under which refugees seeking asylum are immediately imprisoned before their claims are even heard, as well as further mistreatment in detention. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Korydallos Prison: Banner-drop by anarchist prisoners of the 4th wing in solidarity with hungerstrikers in the hospital section (Greece)

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Greek prisons:
“An act dedicated to our neighbours who are living in hell; from inside Koridallos”
Since February 17th, 2014, nearly 180 patient inmates at Aghios Pavlos ‘hospital’ in Koridallos prison are on strike, refusing meals and medications, to protest the horrific conditions.

Anarchists in the fourth wing of Koridallos men’s prison hung a banner out from the windows of ‘their’ cells, which are located directly opposite the prison hospital. The banner reads: “Strength, you guys! Break the sickening status quo you are experiencing (A)”. Hospital patients saw the banner and liked it a lot.

Strength to the prisoners’ struggle in Koridallos prison hospital!

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Letter from eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenish about his hunger strike (Switzerland)

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Here follows Marco’s text, which came to RadioAzione via an e-mail sent by other comrades. The text explains the reasons of the hunger strike. From RadioAzione yet another strong hug and solidarity to the comrade kidnapped in the Swiss concentration camp of Lenzburg:

Hunger strike from 30/12/2013 to at least 26/01/2014 and refusal to doing forced labour from 6/01/2014 to at least 26/01/2014: this is my contribution to the struggle of resistance and to the struggle for total liberation all over the world inside and outside prison, against repression, class justice, prison, torture, isolation, sexism, racism, xenophobia, the imperialist war, the annihilation of life on the planet.

Annihilation in the history of the planet with the death of the species, never so close to catastrophe like that of the extinction of the dinosaurs (meteorite impact?), but today being carried out by the patriarchal and techno-industrial civilization of dominion and by the oppression of the murderous exploitation of global capital and its States. (more…)

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Hunger and thirst strikes in immigration detention centres in the Netherlands

Saturday, May 11th, 2013


About 60 asylum seekers in detention center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, have been in hunger strike for four days now. 18 of them also stopped drinking since Wednesday 6th of May. They are protesting against the asylum policy that criminalizes refugees: they get thrown out on the streets without money or shelter and they get detained in prisons for up to 18 months. The refugees on hunger strike demand not to be treated as criminals anymore. They clearly stated they want freedom and protection. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Larissa: Hunger strike of 585 inmates (Greece)

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

585 inmates at the Larissa penitentiary went on hunger strike in protest of the detention conditions they face, asserting satisfaction of their demands.
They already had stopped accepting common prison meals last week,demanding the food to be redistributed to people in need of it.
As the prisoners themselves have announced with an open letter, their demands and allegations are the following:
– better health care
– no reference or mention of any statute-barred disciplinary offense.
– inadequacy of social workers
– legal detention of immigrant inmates for an excessive period of 2 months in Larissa penitentiary, despite their entitlement for conditional release.

We demand these conditions to be changed and for those who are responsible to be replaced also.
The participation in this movement is massive according to the prisoners themselves, they say that the majority of the inmates in the penitentiary are on a strike. This includes all inmates from section B and C, one hundred inmates from section A and, as of today, 25 more from section E.
Lately, the government has shown it’s lack of tolerance by using special forces operations, that resulted in the beating of several inmates in most prisons in Greece.
But the hunger strikes in Larissa penitentiary that started at 29 of April, are but one of the few but efficient ways to resist, that the inmates can use.
Our support/solidarity with their fight is self-evident.
White Cells imposed by left winger Mr Roupakiotis [“justice minister”] won’t make us give in.
Our thoughts are with those who fight for dignity.

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Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman Ends His Hunger Strike – But Still Needs Your Support (Bulgaria)

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, was on hunger strike from the 13th January 2013. The Director of the Central Sofia Prison had ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association. Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Reawakened investigation to revenge the lack of evidence against hungerstriker Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

From RadioAzione:

I received this piece of writing with an update on the situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, who’s been on hunger strike since January 29 along with another comrade, Sergio Maria Stefani. Yet another search and another investigation against Alfredo. Obviously someone is very pissed off because their “very reliable” evidence is crumbling in the face of the tests carried out during the investigation. Obviously someone wants to strike while the iron is still hot for them… but be aware because some sparks could reach your eyes and the hot iron could burn you and prevent you from sleeping soundly and safely. Unconditional solidarity and complicity with Alfredo and all the other comrades.


This is the text I received:


February 19. From Alfredo Cospito’s solicitor we learn that this morning the ROS of Genoa delivered an investigation warrant to Alfredo Cospito, concerning an attack on the RIS [Technical Investigation Unit], carried out in Parma in… 2005. The comrade’s cell was raided in search of traces of the comrade’s DNA, after he had refused to give it spontaneously. We want to point out how this provocation by cops is being unleashed when Alfredo is at his 22nd day of hunger strike and a few weeks after tests on the motorcycle helmets were made precisely by the RIS of Parma investigating the wounding of the manager of Ansaldo Nucleare, tests which were negative in spite of the triumphant tones of the mass media at the time of the comrades’ arrest.

Having been humiliated, RIS, ROS, etc are having another try… Unconditional solidarity with Alfredo and all the comrades hit by repression.

PS. So far we’ve got no news of other comrades being searched or investigated. Updates will follow.

nidieunimaitres { at } gmail.com

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter to ABC Brighton by Jock Palfreeman – Antifascist on Hungerstrike (UK, Bulgaria)

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

21st January 2013

G-day guys! All at ABC-Brighton,

Well, first of all, the Director stopped me from my Uni degree! See I’ve been helping other prisoners, obviously part of the union and solidarity with fellow convicts. So to punish me, for my solidarity ie legal advice! the Director of the prison cut me off from the computers where I write my essays. It happened several days ago after 10 guards badly beat a prisoner with batons. I helped the prisoner get legal advice and explained to him the procedure for how to instigate a criminal investigation into their attack. For that I’m being punished in that they are stopping me from my studies. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update: Hungerstrike continues for Sergio and Alfredo (Italy)

Monday, February 11th, 2013


Sergio Maria Stefani and Alfredo Cospito are locked up in section AS2 of the prison in Alexandria, are continuing a hunger strike that began on January 29, they are known to be good and are determined to continue. Updates will follow.

To write to the fellows:

Sergio Maria Stefani
Alfredo Cospito

C.C. San Michele
Strada Casale 50 / a
15122 Alexandria

nidieunimaitres [at] gmail.com

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgent: Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman on hungerstrike in Bulgarian prison

Friday, February 8th, 2013

From Anarchist Solidarity:

Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years on Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from racist mob is on hungerstrike from 13th January 2013 because the Director of the Central Sofia Prison has ordered another punishment measures, most probably because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association.

Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important for him.

Jock’s health is rapidly worsening as he continues his hunger strike and he is not even allowed to see a doctor as yet another repressive measure by the prison authorities.

He asks for solidarity from all of you by sending a petition to the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice :

Ministry of Justice
Diana Kovacheva
1 Slavanska Street
Sofia 1040,

Please start putting pressure now before it’s too late. Jock needs our support!

website of Bulgarian Prisoners Association:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgent solidarity with Noelia Cotelo, at risk of coma (Spain)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013



*FROM 08/01/2013 in HUNGER STRIKE***


*February 6-7-8***

*Fax S.G.I.P.: (+ 34) 913354052***

*Fax Ombuds Person: (+ 34) 913081158*

* * (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist comrades Alfredo and Sergio on hunger strike (Italy)

Friday, February 1st, 2013

From RadioAzione via actforfree/B.pd:

From informa-azione.info we learn that two comrades, Alfredo Cospito – arrested following the investigation on the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Roberto Adinolfi, which occurred in May 2012 in Genoa – and Sergio Maria Stefani – arrested in June following operation ‘Ardire’ – have undertaken a hunger strike. From what we learn from the comrades of informa-azione, the reason for this protest is the refusal by the prison authority to allow visits to Alfredo and Sergio from their respective partners.


Since Tuesday January 29 comrades Alfredo Cospito and Sergio M. Stefani, imprisoned in the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria, have undertaken a hunger strike in order to obtain visits with their respective partners. We remind you that Alfredo has been denied visits with his partner since his arrest on September 14, as they were both investigated in the same case.

Sergio could get visits with his partner, but as she was detained following the same investigation he could only see her after she was released on December 21. He got three visits with her before the investigation passed from the prosecution of Perugia to that of Milan, which decided to deny these visits. There follows a short message with which the comrades make their protest known.

“The world of commodities, techno-industrial society and civilization itself are not based on individuals who are unpredictable and different from one another by their nature, but on the mass made homogenized by education, morals and the law.

In this world any sincere and profound relation becomes suspicious, affinity links are synonym of ‘criminal’ relations, solidarity is reduced to mere execution of orders.

But we refuse to reduce our desires to realism and to domesticate our passions. We live our lives without mediation, without being content and this gives us a smile on our face that never abandons us.

For this reason we cannot accept that anybody tries to cut our relations and we undertake hunger strike anticipating the sweetness of our partners’ embrace.”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A communiqué from imprisoned anarchist Elisa, who is undertaking hunger strike in solidarity with Marco Camenisch (Italy)

Sunday, December 30th, 2012

From informa-azione.info – Translation act for freedom now/B.pd

We receive and transmit a communiqué from Elisa, an anarchist comrade imprisoned since June 13 following operation ‘Ardire’.

To all those who don’t stop struggling

6 months after my arrest (‘Operation Ardire’… June 13 2012… Ordinance of the prosecution of Perugia) I announce that I am going to undertake a second round of hunger strike from 22nd December to 29th December. This is a protest for the release of our brother and comrade in the struggle Marco Camenisch. The protest is being carried out by a number of comrades taking turns (besides me and dear comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva I still don’t know which other comrades are taking part in the protest… here I won’t dwell on organizational difficulties or on the ‘bad tricks’ of censorship).
Is this symbolic hunger strike or is it undertaken to make a claim? I no longer know, I’m no longer interested! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoners conduct hunger strike in solidarity with Marco Camenisch, who is still held in the Swiss dungeons (Germany & Italy)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

From Contrainfo:

RadioAzione reports that, as of December 15th, imprisoned comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is on hunger strike in solidarity with anarchist Marco Camenisch, who is facing yet another proceeding starting from scratch regarding his just request for conditional release.

Gabriel will be on strike in the prison of Aachen, Germany, until the 21st of December. Then it will be the turn of comrade Elisa Di Bernardo, who is held in the prison of Rebibbia, Italy. She will conduct hunger strike in the week from the 22nd to the 29th of December. A confirmation of a third round is awaited, which will likely include a strike by comrade Sergio Maria Stefani, incarcerated in the prison of Alessandria, Italy.

As Gabriel already suggested, the solidarity strike can be continued even in January 2013, if fellow prisoners are willing and able to participate in this protest for the immediate liberation of Marco.

Elisa (editor of Culmine, along with prisoner Stefano Gabriele Fosco) as well as Sergio are among the eight comrades who have been remanded in custody in the context of ‘Operation Boldness (Ardire)’. The particular anti-anarchist construct was initiated by the Italian State in June 2012, and implicates Marco and Gabriel, too, among others.

To all the comrades outside the prison walls, who want to feel closeness with Marco and other imprisoned anarchists: you do just that; let solidarity with imprisoned comrades shine.

Strength to prisoners in struggle!

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