Posts Tagged ‘Ansaldo Nucleare’

‘At the Source of Victimization’ by anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, Olga Cell FAI-IRF (Italy)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

PDF: At the Source of Victimization by Alfredo Cospito.

The English version of the brochure “At the Source of Victimization” that was translated by the C.C.F member Olga Economidou, originally written by Alfredo Cospito. Cospito is jailed in Italy for the FAI armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.


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Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project 'Phoenix' (Black International)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.

Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

“We are here, where everything starts now.”

The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.

The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.

The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign Let’s destroy repression. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…




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Intervista CCF & Alfredo Cospito / Nucleo Olga FAI-FRI (Greece, Italy)

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014


via radioazione:

L’aggiornamento continuo di un sito fa si che le pagine scorrono veloci, e questo fa che i testi, come questo che reputo interessante, finiscono negli archivi informatici. Questa intervista era apparsa già quasi due mesi fa su questo sito ed oggi, nonostante si possa andarla a ritrovare e rileggere, preferisco ripubblicarla visto che erano avvenute lamentele, per un “mancato dibattito”, da parte di chi aveva visioni diverse su alcune tematiche affrontate ora anche da Alfredo. Un altro motivo è perché la stessa intervista non è stata pubblicata da nessun’altra parte se non su questo sito e quello di CroceNeraAnarchica.

Sarà…ma a me mi torna in mente una canzone…la citazione con cui apre il testo di rivendicazione di Nicola…

Di seguito la lunga e approfondita intervista fatta dai compagni greci delle CCF al compagno Alfredo Cospito:


Dalle carceri greche all’ AS2 di Ferrara: Quattro parole in “ libertà”.

Intervista delle Ccf a me medesimo.

Prima di rispondere alle vostre domande voglio sottolineare che quel che dirò è la mia verità. Uno tra i tanti punti di vista, sensibilità e sfumature individuali all’interno di quel crogiolo di pensiero ed azione che va sotto il nome di Fai-Fri.

Federazione informale che, rifiutando qualsiasi tentazione egemonica, rappresenta uno strumento, un metodo di una delle componenti dell’anarchismo d’azione. Anarchismo d’azione che solo quando si fa informale, non costringendosi in strutture organizzative (specifiche, formali, di sintesi) quando non è all’ assillante ricerca di consenso (quindi rifiuta la politica) si può riconoscere in un più largo caotico universo che va sotto il nome di ’’internazionale nera’’.

Per capirci meglio la Fai-Fri è una metodologia d’azione che solo una parte delle sorelle e fratelli dell’internazionale nera praticano, non un’organizzazione né tanto meno una semplice firma collettiva, ma uno strumento che tende all’efficienza, che ha come obiettivo quello di rafforzare i nuclei e i singoli compagni/e d’azione attraverso un patto di mutuo appoggio su tre punti: solidarietà rivoluzionaria, campagne rivoluzionarie, comunicazione tra gruppi /singoli: (more…)

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'A Vision of the Future: Where All the Roberto Adinolfis Walk With a Limp' by Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner (USA)

Friday, January 10th, 2014

By Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner

Back in May 2012, Roberto Adinolfi managed Ansaldo Nucleare, constructing nuclear power plants all over Europe, including the one in Kroko, Slovenia, and Cernadova, Romania. Adinolfi had power, money, prestige, and influence. To him, the suffering and death in Fukushima, Japan wasn’t nearly as real as his spacious, air-conditioned office or his luxurious Genoa home or his expensive suits.

Sometimes, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet. And besides, none of his death-traps had melted down yet.

Yet. Key word. Yet.

Roberto Adinolfi with his power, money, prestige, and influence never noticed that vehicle following him home. He suspected arrogantly that he would spend an entire career raking in money hand over fist by rolling the radioactive dice and betting millions of other people’s lives, and he would never have to answer to anyone at any time, anywhere. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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'The figures don’t add up?' – Leaflet in solidarity with anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola (Italy)

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Two years have passed since the latest incident in a nuclear power plant, that of Fukushima: a never before established and incalculable number of deaths, wounded and people contaminated by radioactivity; damages of huge proportions that the Japanese techno-scientific community, government and press awkwardly try to conceal, and last but not least the tragic farce of the Olympic Games in Japan, with which propaganda is glorifying a devastated, deadly and broken territory.

In Italy, an unknown number of radioactive waste sites oozing death are scattered in the countryside of Saluggia and Trino Vercellese close to the Po basin, the heritage of the last nuclear power plant that operated in the Piedmont region.

A regular passage of trains loaded with nuclear waste destined to re-processing (i.e. re-use) goes on between North Europe, Italy, the Susa Valley and France.

An industrial giant, Finmeccanica, specializes in various sectors including nuclear power for civil use (maintenance of existing nuclear plants and construction of new ones), arms production and trade, and control systems (mainly concentrated on the new borders of expansion such as nuclear plants in Romania, arms trafficking with India, etc), also represents a typical example of racketeering, corruption and exploitation ingrained in all expressions of dominion and capital.

A planner of nuclear plants, a champion of the dramatically false and faulty sustainability of the civil use of nuclear power, who is a manager belonging to Ansaldo Nucleare of Finmeccanica- Roberto Adinolfi- was wounded by a gunshot outside his house on May 7 2012, in an action claimed by the Olga nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation.

Two comrades, anarchists Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito will go on trial on October 30 2013, after having been charged with attack with purposes of terrorism following Adinolfi’s wounding.

We greet with joy and anger anyone who opposes the devastation perpetrated by dominion, and with their heads held high they continue to claim the validity and force of real practices of struggle and critique.

For anarchy.

From RadioAzione translated by actforfree/B.pd

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Riottosa Squat, Firenze, 2pm Sept 15 2013 : Meeting about the struggle and revolutionary solidarity – For a presence in solidarity for Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito’s trial on 30 Oct in Genoa (Italy)

Friday, August 30th, 2013

Sunday 15 September at 14.00 there will be at Riottosa Squat in Firenze the 3° Meeting about the struggle and revolutionary solidarity, and about a presence in solidarity for Nicola and Alfredo’s trial on 30 Oct in Genoa.

Below is a translated text previously written by some Italian anarchist comrades for this meeting, and the poster produced in the last meeting also:

With our heads held high – A call for debate and solidarity in anticipation of the trial against Nicola and Alfredo

On July 5 the preliminary hearing of the trial against anarchists Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, arrested on September 14 2012 and accused of being the perpetrators of the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Roberto Adinolfi – designer and builder of nuclear power plants – will take place [postponed until October 30th]. The action was claimed by the Olga Nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front.

On that day the dates of the trial will be set, most likely starting in autumn. (more…)

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Updates on anarchist prisoners Nicola and Alfredo (Italy)

Friday, April 26th, 2013

From RadioAzione via Actforfree/B.pd

24th April 2013 – As preliminary investigations (415bis) came to an end on March 11 2013, Nicola and Alfredo will go on trial for 280bis (attack with purposes of terrorism), a proceeding also linked to the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Adinolfi, whose case (270bis) remains open for the two comrades plus another one.

No date has been fixed for the preliminary hearing for 280bis, as the prosecution has not yet submitted the transcripts of the missing environment bugging. After two delays requested by the court, these transcripts should be ready by June 5 (it seems that the experts can’t understand or transcribe Neapolitan dialect, which had sounded so clear to the judges from Genoa when it was used to corroborate the charges, according to the arrogant methods always employed to interpret environment bugging.) (more…)

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Reawakened investigation to revenge the lack of evidence against hungerstriker Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

From RadioAzione:

I received this piece of writing with an update on the situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, who’s been on hunger strike since January 29 along with another comrade, Sergio Maria Stefani. Yet another search and another investigation against Alfredo. Obviously someone is very pissed off because their “very reliable” evidence is crumbling in the face of the tests carried out during the investigation. Obviously someone wants to strike while the iron is still hot for them… but be aware because some sparks could reach your eyes and the hot iron could burn you and prevent you from sleeping soundly and safely. Unconditional solidarity and complicity with Alfredo and all the other comrades.


This is the text I received:


February 19. From Alfredo Cospito’s solicitor we learn that this morning the ROS of Genoa delivered an investigation warrant to Alfredo Cospito, concerning an attack on the RIS [Technical Investigation Unit], carried out in Parma in… 2005. The comrade’s cell was raided in search of traces of the comrade’s DNA, after he had refused to give it spontaneously. We want to point out how this provocation by cops is being unleashed when Alfredo is at his 22nd day of hunger strike and a few weeks after tests on the motorcycle helmets were made precisely by the RIS of Parma investigating the wounding of the manager of Ansaldo Nucleare, tests which were negative in spite of the triumphant tones of the mass media at the time of the comrades’ arrest.

Having been humiliated, RIS, ROS, etc are having another try… Unconditional solidarity with Alfredo and all the comrades hit by repression.

PS. So far we’ve got no news of other comrades being searched or investigated. Updates will follow.

nidieunimaitres { at } gmail.com

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist comrades Alfredo and Sergio on hunger strike (Italy)

Friday, February 1st, 2013

From RadioAzione via actforfree/B.pd:

From informa-azione.info we learn that two comrades, Alfredo Cospito – arrested following the investigation on the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Roberto Adinolfi, which occurred in May 2012 in Genoa – and Sergio Maria Stefani – arrested in June following operation ‘Ardire’ – have undertaken a hunger strike. From what we learn from the comrades of informa-azione, the reason for this protest is the refusal by the prison authority to allow visits to Alfredo and Sergio from their respective partners.


Since Tuesday January 29 comrades Alfredo Cospito and Sergio M. Stefani, imprisoned in the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria, have undertaken a hunger strike in order to obtain visits with their respective partners. We remind you that Alfredo has been denied visits with his partner since his arrest on September 14, as they were both investigated in the same case.

Sergio could get visits with his partner, but as she was detained following the same investigation he could only see her after she was released on December 21. He got three visits with her before the investigation passed from the prosecution of Perugia to that of Milan, which decided to deny these visits. There follows a short message with which the comrades make their protest known.

“The world of commodities, techno-industrial society and civilization itself are not based on individuals who are unpredictable and different from one another by their nature, but on the mass made homogenized by education, morals and the law.

In this world any sincere and profound relation becomes suspicious, affinity links are synonym of ‘criminal’ relations, solidarity is reduced to mere execution of orders.

But we refuse to reduce our desires to realism and to domesticate our passions. We live our lives without mediation, without being content and this gives us a smile on our face that never abandons us.

For this reason we cannot accept that anybody tries to cut our relations and we undertake hunger strike anticipating the sweetness of our partners’ embrace.”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on Nicola and Alfredo (Italy)

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

via informa-azione:

Yesterday, 10th January, a hearing was held in Genoa, presided by judge Cusatti, concerning the result of the text carried out by the RIS [carabinieri special unit, TN] on the motorcycle helmets found in Nicola’s house. Needless to say, the result was negative, in other words no trace of gunpowder compatible with that of the bullet that hit Ansaldo Nucleare manger Roberto Adinolfi was found. As usual the press of the regime (Secolo XIX, for example) took good care to make things confused and stated that traces of chemical substances compatible with ‘evidence of shooting’ (!) were found in Nicola’s house, a fact which the RIS investigation excluded. As for the next judicial appointment, the date for a preliminary hearing will be decided after the completion of examination of the hard disks seized in the comrades’ houses and as soon as the transcription of phone tapping is made available.

For info and updates: nidieunimaitres@gmail.com

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Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy – Dec 2012 (ACN)

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Download and distribute – December 2012 version of the international anti-prison anarchist freesheet to copy on the fly.

PDF: Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy

Frontpage article from Italy considers the laming of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi, the zine also includes letters from imprisoned anarchist comrades, news and a direct action/sabotage round-up. Gabriel Pombo da Silva penned a letter in solidarity with Marco Camenisch this month, Marco is a persecuted eco-anarchist standing firm against the inquisition of nun Manuela Comodi in Italy and the prison authorities of Switzerland. Lastly, but not least, the call for an International Direct Action Week in solidarity with the always unyielding Mario Antonio López ‘Tripa’ from the 15th to the 22nd of December by the Anticivilization Fraction of the Earth Liberation Front in Mexico.

Not forgetting the yearly call for international anti-prison demonstrations and actions on New Years Eve – the time when people are encouraged by the system to spend even more money in consumerist temples and forget their problems through illusions.

Merry Crisis & Happy New Fear – For a Black Xmas!

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Updates and considerations on Nicola and Alfredo’s arrest by Anna Beniamino (Italy)

Friday, December 7th, 2012

From RadioAzione – Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito were arrested on September 14 2012 and accused of being the perpetrators of Ansaldo [Nucleare] manager Roberto Adinolfi’s wounding, an action which occurred on May 7 2012 in Genoa and claimed by the Olga FAI/FRI nucleus in the following days. Genoa prosecutors Silvio Franz and Nicola Piacente ordered the arrest with the charge of ‘attack with purposes of murder ‘(art. 280 of the penal code), and justified the demand for remand in custody of the two comrades following investigation results which ‘indicate’ risk of escape and reiteration of the crime (the mere awareness of being investigated becomes here instrumental evidence of guilt, coherence with one’s anarchist principles becomes a sign of dangerousness). (more…)

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Dark Nights #26 : ‘Crackdown in Italy' – anti-repression anarchist dialogue – Sept 2012 (ACN)

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Click to Download: Dark Nights #26

1. Open letter of Stefano Gabriele Fosco to the anarchist movement
2. The Key-Code of Order #3 (Edizioni Cerbero)
3. Germany: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
4. Letter from Tomo, Parole Armate
5. Massimo Passamani in prison and Daniella Battisti under house arrest
6. Operation Thor: Searches in Ravenna
7. Letter from Sara Parole Armate: Waking up one morning… Thor!
8. Letter from Elisa Di Bernardo
9. Letter from Sergio Maria Stefani
10. Communiqués from the prisons of Alessandria and Rebibbia about the publication of an ‘Ardire’ legal PDF on movement websites
11. Letter from Giuseppe Lo Turco
12. Communiqué about operation ‘Thor’ from Federico Buono
13. Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco
14. Bologna: Operation Mangiafuoco’
15. Two comrades arrested and charged with attacking CEO Roberto Adinolfi

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

International Network of Counter-Information & Translation

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Armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare by Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI (Italy)

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

7 May 2012

Roberto Adinolfi, chief executive of Ansaldo Nucleare, a company linked to Italian defence conglomerate Finmeccanica, was shot in the street outside his house in Genoa in northern Italy. The bullet fractured his right knee but he is not in a serious condition. Finmeccanica controls Ansaldo Energia, the parent of Ansaldo Nucleare.

From the press via culmine, transl waronsociety:


“The government of science and of men of science cannot fail to be impotent, ridiculous, inhuman, cruel, oppressive, exploiting, maleficent. We may say of men of science, as such, what I have said of theologians and metaphysicians: they have neither sense nor heart for individual and living beings. In so far as they are men of science, they have to deal with and can take interest in nothing except generalities; that do the laws” Michael Bakunin

“In Japan we had over ten thousand dead, but not a single one to date due to nuclear accidents.” Roberto Adinolfi

“The environmental impact of nuclear energy is limited, considering that it does not produce CO2.”Roberto Adinolfi

Toward an imaginative way to destroy the existent

Ideas born from the fates, words accompanied by action carrying the mark of life. We have crippled Roberto Adinolfi, one of so many sorcerers of the atom with a candid spirit and a clean conscience. Roberto Adinolfi, nuclear engineer, administrator in charge of Ansaldo Nuclear; he has steered the Ansaldo-FIAT Consortium as its technical director, the consortium was created for the design of the Italian plants of Montalto di Castro and Trino Vercellese; in the past he has collaborated in the renovation of the Superphenix and has constructed the plants at Cernavoda in Romania. Before nuclear fell into disgrace, he was one of the most responsible together with Scajola for the return of nuclear energy to Italy. Member of the Unicen Commission for nuclear regulation and Vice President of the Italian Nuclear Society, part of the Governing Board of the European technology platform Sustainable Nuclear Energy.

Despite not liking violent-style rhetoric, it has been with a certain pleasantness that we armed ourselves, with pleasure that we loaded the magazine. Grasping the pistol, choosing and following the target, coordinating mind and hand were necessary steps, the logical consequence of an idea of justice, the risk of a choice and at the same time a confluence of enjoyable sensations. A little bit of justice, some lead in the leg to leave a lasting memory of what was to him a grey assassin. The target is a colorless scientist, a technician, a word sadly in fashion these days which behind a fictitious neutrality hides the long arm of capital, a director little inclined to appear in the spotlight, at this time a villainous responsible who has not only designed and renovated nuclear plants that have caused and are causing deaths around the world. Not only has he designed and collaborated in the creation of deadly plants, but he has also promoted nuclear plants and their exploitation with Ansaldo scheming with various governments; science, politics and economics in perfect union.

In past centuries science had promised a golden era, today it is being carried out toward self-destruction and more total slavery. The science-technology pairing has never been at the service of humanity, in its deepest essence it shows the imperative need to eliminate everything that is irrational, to dehumanize, to annihilate, to effectively destroy humanity. Capitalism with the help of science tends to annul conflicts, individuals today are free to realize their subjective selves only through the consumption and production of goods. The machine orders, the human performs. Capital orders, the consumer consumes. Science orders, technology kills. State and science, capitalism and technology are only one thing, one single Moloch.

Increasingly close accords between states, diffuse capitalism, scrupulous science, criminal technology are inexorably killing the planet. A few kilometers to the north in France, Switzerland, Romania the nuclear plants can no longer be counted. In the European Union alone there are one hundred ninety-seven, twelve within the Italian borders. Adinolfi knows well that it is only a matter of time before a European Fukushima reaps death on our continent. We are certain, engineer, that if even for just a second you felt jointly responsible for Damocles’ sword hanging over our heads. We have bad news for you: for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and your body shows it.

With this action of ours we return to you a tiny part of the suffering that you, man of science, are pouring into the world. Roberto Adinolfi, lead man of Ansaldo Nuclear, tentacle of Finmeccanica, monstrous artificial octopus. It is its tentacles that everywhere strangle, murder and oppress. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Energy with its nuclear tombs. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Breda with its high-speed trains that devastate the land. Finmeccanica means Selex Sistemi Integrati, Dirstechnical Service, Inc. Elsac Datamat with its equipping of the racist US police for the control of the Mexican border, with its delirious design of electronic walls at the Libyan border against migrants, and its sophisticated electronic supplies to the Chilean police. Finmeccanica means Avio Alenia, Galileo and Selex with their deadly F35 fighter bombers, and the terrible aerial drones without pilots. Finmeccanica means interforce range from Salto to Quirra in Sardegna. Finmeccanica means bio- and nano-technology. Finmeccanica means death and suffering, new frontiers of Italian capitalism.

Human beings are made of flesh and dreams. Our dream is that of a humanity free from every form of slavery, that grows in harmony with nature. A dream that we make live in the moment in which we fight to realize it. Our dream has for us a name, “anarchy,” and we are ready to gamble everything in order to realize it. We are not alone in this adventure, in the whole world a new anarchy is blossoming opposite of an ideological and cynical anarch-ism, an anarch-ism empty of any breath of life, which only finds its realization in theory and attendance at assemblies and manifestations, the whole cowardice of a citizenism that stinks of death. A new anarchy is rising from the ruins of this anarch-ism, thousands and thousands of cells that speak among each other through thousands and thousands of actions.

Damiano Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Olga Ikonomidou, Christos Tsakalos, Haris Hatzimichelakis, the imprisoned members cell of the CCF/FAI are the brothers and sisters who gave their determination and courage to fight, their consistency and projectuality have made us strong. Camenish, Pombo da Silva, Eat and Billy, Tortuga, Silvia, Costa, Billy and so many other prisoners in the prisons around the world, Russia, Mexico, Chile, Indonesia, Switzerland, the United States, were the ones who taught us not to fear prison. De Blasi, Pinones, Di Napoli, Cinieri, Morales, Sole, Baleno and so many killed by state repression, were the ones who taught us not to fear death. It was the brothers and sisters and those who we do not know of the Italian FAI/IRF who have proceeded to give a concrete informal organizational perspective. With their determination, constancy and persistence, in spite of the general pessimism, against a critique — a critique always full of envy, against a realism without hope, against everyone and everything,  they have succeeded in keeping the flame of the new anarchism alive. A flame becoming bright like the sun when the sisters and brothers of the CCF have brought their contribution of courage-action-organization.

If we were realists we would not have armed our hands. If we were realists we would not take on such risks, we would live our existence producing and consuming, maybe being indignant. We are the crazy lovers of freedom and we will never renounce the revolution and the complete destruction of the state and its violence. In our anarchist and nihilist revolt, the hope of a future without borders, wars, social classes, economy, exploited and exploiter. The possibility of realizing this dream is for us like a gleam of light in the darkness. However dim this gleam may be, it is always worth reaching for, cost what it may, the quality of our life will be enriched.

To you anarchists who accuse us of being unrealistic, adventurist, suicidal, provocative, martyrs, we say that with your “social” struggle, with your citizenism you work for the reinforcement of democracy. Always in search of consensus, without ever crossing over the limit of the “possible” and the “rational,” the only compass guiding your action is the penal code. Willing to risk only up to a point, always ready to find infinite ideological justifications so as not admit to your own fears. We are sure one day you will have the last word on us, as in the past you have had with your last experience of armed struggle. In a few years you will write a good book on our story, criticizing our errors and our shortcomings; from the heights of your “coherency” nothing is revolutionary enough, but no one, not even you, will be able to take away the pleasure that today we have fully realized and lived, here and now, our revolution.

If we consider the lives of the vast majority of us anarchists we realize that we are not so distant from the alienation of those who produce, consume and die. We produce and consume radical culture and alternative music and slowly, ever so slowly, die without ever having taken arms against and shot an oppressor. All our revolutionary tension is unleashed in fiery articles for our journals and websites, in fiery words to our songs and the sporadic clash in the plaza, enough to silence one’s own conscience. It is clear that what we are making is a self-critique, we do not feel that we are something different from other anarchists. By holding a stupid pistol, we have only taken one step in many for escaping from the alienation of “Now is not the moment…” “The times are not ripe…”

Vanquishing fear was simpler than what we had imagined it. Doing today what only yesterday we thought impossible is the only solution that we have found for breaking down the wall of daily oppression, of the impotency and resignation that we have seen up to now as pawns in an insurrectionalist anarchism of mere facade that with its lack of courage legitimates power. We could strike while looking for “consensus” on where the tooth hurts, for example some functionary of Equitalia [tax collection agency in Italy, which is very unpopular these days – transl.], but with this action we are not looking for “consensus.” What we are looking for now is complicity. In the recent past, a cell of the FAI/IRF severely wounded a functionary of Equitalia, which has received a wide approval, something that the self-named “social” anarchists in recent years have tried countless times to achieve without much success. The brothers and sisters of the “Free Eat and Billy Cell” have shown with that action that in the end consistency pays, and that it is not necessary to limit oneself to action in order to get “consensus.” These comrades have shaken from our backs a malediction that has for too long been weighing on anarchists’ backs, the malediction of this badly interpreted search for social consensus that binds the hands of those who are aware of the urgency to act, here and now.

In these times in which so much certainty of the state-capital is sinking, the idea of freedom cannot be derogated: the idea of social struggle in which we recognize ourselves and we want to move ourselves is that of a people in arms against any form of state, political, or economic oppression. We do not consider ourselves representative of citizens indignant over some malfunctioning of a system that they want to continue to be part of. Exchanging rage and indignation in the place of a process of revolt against the status quo is a sign of a dangerous revolutionary myopia. With the entangling of comrades, even generous ones, into the cultivation of a field of dissenting democracy, with its own little cliques and consortia and its miniature politicians, generosity transforms into assistance, the spectacularization of the clash with relative manipulation by the media. Only the radicalization of the conflict can lead to paths of social and individual freedom.

Identify the target, “hit where it hurts most,” know to recognize the enemy even when it is playing the lamb. Make the arms of critique and the critique of arms work hand in hand. There is neither rhetoric nor spectacle in an action carried out with the appropriate selection of means and objective.

With this action we give rise to the “Olga Cell.” We enthusiastically adhere to the FAI/IRF, uniting with so many groups of the new anarchist international around the world, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Indonesia, Russia, England, Italy, Spain, Greece… Projecting and carrying out this action were anarchists without any “military” experience, without any specialization, only the anarchists who with this our first action want to definitively mark a line between ourselves and that anarch-ism that burns only when chatting and is soaked in gregariousness. We have taken the name of a sister of ours from the CCF, Olga Ikonomidou because in her consistency and strength as part of the “Imprisoned Members’ Cell of the CCF”, she resides at the heart of the FAI/IRF. In our next action, the name of another Greek brother, an action for each of them. With Adinolfi’s wounding we propose a campaign of struggle against Finmeccanica, murderous octopus.  Today Ansaldo Nuclear, tomorrow another of its tentacles — we invite all the groups and individuals of the FAI to strike this monstrosity with all necessary means.


Olga Cell FAI/IRF

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