‘Library’ Archives

Chile: Publicación a la memoria rebelde e insurrecta de Javier Recabarren (PDF)

Monday, May 1st, 2017

PDF: Semana por Javier Recabarren – Marzo 2017

Múltiples pueden ser las formas en las que se puede recordar a un/a compañerx, amigx, hermanx, cada quien con su forma, sus recuerdos, sus palabras o afinidades. Desde pequeños destellos que formaron aportes a la lucha se construye la memoria de aquellxs a quienes no dejamos escapar de nuestrxs caminos, rescatando la fuerza puesta en la construcción de la autonomía, esa misma que nos mueve, experiencia compartida que nos hizo cómplices en algún momento y que continuamos propagando.

Ahora se propaga un pequeño gesto en recuerdo de un compa cuyo recuerdo nos estremece, así como se hizo a través de un panfleto o del reconfortante sonido de una vitrina destrozada por una piedra, devolviendo una porción de nuestra rabia al capital por el compa que nos arrebató en medio de su rutina, de su envolvente sociedad de olvido y esclavitud. Un aporte mínimo, un gesto sencillo, pero reconociendo la afinidad que sentimos al recordar sus pasos.

Javier Recabarren está en nuestra memoria y acompaña nuestro andar por las enmarañadas sendas de la liberación total. En ellas no reconocemos vicios sobre la edad ni de la “madurez”, porque es la afinidad la que nos une, el arrojo el que nos incentiva y las convicciones las que nos construyen cotidianamente.


PD: Agradeciendo profundamente a lxs compas que respondieron la semana de agitación por Javier, dejamos a disposición esta publicación, que recopila palabras y acciones -desde una posición anárquica- enmarcadas en la iniciativa lanzada públicamente en Marzo del presente año, 2017.

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PDF: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power (Untorelli Press)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Untorelli Press presents three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power.

A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell

Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit darkmatter.noblogs.org.

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PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Dark Matter Publications (UK)

Monday, April 10th, 2017

PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse

A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.

This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?

Dark Matter Publications

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‘Towards insurrection’ by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

Every time I start to talk I ask myself, ‘And if I didn’t want to say anything for example?’

The title of this debate is ‘Towards insurrection’. I said to myself, what does this ‘towards insurrection’ mean? That is, towards insurrection can mean writing, or talking anyway, or indicating a direction, something moving towards insurrection. I don’t know what it is that moves towards insurrection.

I know that’s what I’ve lived, and what I’ve seen, events that might seem like an insurrection in act. I later realised that it wasn’t an insurrection, it was a simple riot. Now we are talking about something that can push us towards a riot, something that happens just like that, all of a sudden, for a reason that one can’t foresee, in the street, in the squares, with a hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, is that what we’re talking about tonight?

I don’t think so. For me, that’s not an insurrection. A hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, destroying the town, smashing the shops, dancing their war dance on commodities, — because we are against commodities we anarchists – is that insurrection? No.

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Broszura: Czas, by anarchiści chwycili za broń (PDF)

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

Translated version of “It’s Time for Anarchists to Pick Up A Gun” by Dr. Bones.

Long live Black Praxis


PDF: https://czarnateoria.noblogs.org/files/2017/03/czas-by-anarchi%C5%9Bci-chwycili-za-bro%C5%84.pdf

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Two anarchist flyposters featuring Emma Goldman and Peter Kropotkin

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Ignorance – Emma Goldman Graphic (33MB)

Poverty – Peter Kropotkin Graphic (39MB)

We receive and host two anarchist flyposters A2 in size and in PDF print format ready (300 DPI, CYMK Colour). So anyone wanting to print them could do so on their own computer and areas.

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Semilla de Liberación #5 (PDF)

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Después de un tiempo largo, traemos con nosotrxs un nuevo número de Semilla de Liberación, el 5. Y que siga la guerra contra la dominación desde todos los frentes!

Versión de lectura:



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‘Tame Words from a Wild Heart’ by Jean Weir (Elephant Editions)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017


Words. Mere Words. The pages that follow are in part transcriptions of the spoken word—‘the wonder worker that is no more’, as Emma Goldman wrote wistfully over one hundred years ago when referring to the inadequacy of the spoken word to awaken thought and shake people out of their lethargy. Here in the twenty-first century anarchists no longer talk about spoken propaganda to awaken the masses, bemoaning the absence of orators such as Johann Most or Luigi Galleani. In rare encounters organized by comrades today ‘the masses’ are noticeably absent, they don’t even enter the equation. Organized meetings or ‘talks’ as they are dully referred to are well-attended if there are 50–100 comrades. But there is no need for panic. Now all but the most disconnected fossilized anarchists have moved beyond aims of a quantitative growth in a hypothetical anarchist movement—where discourses addressed ‘to the masses’ have degenerated into an insulting populism—to the elaboration of ideas and methods addressed towards immediate action and attack on power in all its forms. Numbers have ceased to be important for anarchists as a prerequisite for attack. The illusion of ‘Le Grand Soir’ was a wonderful dream, it kept the flame flickering and thousands of militants waiting in the wings.

No, lack of numbers is no cause for alarm. They are there, the exploited, all around us—are also ‘us’—and could take us by surprise again at any moment (as could we ourselves). In the realm of the quantitative our task is to experiment and spread an insurrectional method for the self-organization of the necessary destruction of power and subjugation. Small groups with intermediate destructive aims based on affinity that can multiply, spread horizontally and coordinate, without limit. The apparent rift between anarchist theory and practice thus disappears along with the false conflict between individual and mass, and not least the conviction that the tenets of anarchism must be espoused by the exploited before they can fight for their own freedom along with that of others. An informal practice of attack leads to freedom revealing itself qualitatively, in leaps and bounds, far from the straight line of quantity, education, progress and waiting. (more…)

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New archive for Elephant Editions – A work in progress

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

When words mingle with the passion to deepen our understanding of reality they become indispensable weapons for the self-organisation of the struggle against all that oppresses us. They don’t remain on paper – or the screen – but penetrate rebel hearts and spirits, giving courage and decision – for if many of us don’t act against what offends our dignity it is often not courage that is lacking, but that we simply don’t know where to start.

We need to liberate reality from the fictitious dimension created by the media into one that is tangible and exposed to attack. In order to carry this out we require knowledge of the enemy in all its forms, including those that lie concealed within us, crouching, waiting to pounce to push us back into the fold of consensus or manageable dissent. Reading certain texts becomes an encounter, tensions we feel burning inside us become clearer, making it easier to assimilate them in order to act. (more…)

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Broszura: Alfredo Bonanno – “Od zamieszek do insurekcji” (PDF)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Czarna Teoria, comrades of black anarchy in Poland have translated the important and visionary title From Riot to Insurrection by Alfredo M. Bonanno into Polish.

Check it out here:


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Santiago: Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” (Chile)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

PDF: 19 La Bomba 19

A nuestrxs queridxs lectorxs, afines y anónimxs en el mundo.
A nuestrxs presxs que resisten día a día al Poder.
A aquellxs prófugxs que burlan a las nefastas policías.
Por todxs lxs caídxs, en especial a la memoria combativa del Pelao

Sale para todxs ustedes: ¡El último boletín del año!

En esta nueva edición, la memoria combativa se toma las calles. Esta memoria combativa a la cual nos referimos, es una constante y creemos que es sumamente importante en el desarrollo político de cada individuo rebelde que asume su vida en lucha contra el Estado/Capital.

Es importante porque quien asume esa lucha, tiene que asumir también sus consecuencias; y en el desarrollo práctico, histórico de la misma, son múltiples los episodios de los cuales hay que instruirse para avanzar.
En ese sentido la muerte como consecuencia en la lucha es una situación ni querida ni buscada, pero altamente posible, por ende, la memoria combativa recupera -experiencias- para aprender de ellas y deja claro las consecuencias a asumir. Junto a los altos valores de respeto, hermandad, honor y dignidad del camino rebelde de quien luchó hasta el final.

Así avanzamos, retroalimentándonos, conociendo experiencias duras, como también hermosas, dejando claro que la lucha no es un juego y que más allá de todo, continúa. Así lo demuestra este mínimo aporte propagandístico, pasa y pasa el tiempo y los grupos de acción siguen dando lucha, aquí dejaremos plasmadas sus ideas, para que jamás pasen desapercibidas.

“La Bomba”, Por la expansión del Caos y la Anarquía.
Individualidades Anárquicas.
Diciembre 2016, Chile.

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Sortie de la traduction de “The Sun Still Rises” en Francais (PDF)

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

Received and transmit:


Pour celleux que ca intéresse nous avons traduis le texte des CCF “The sun still rises“. Ne pas hesitez a diffuser!

Tendresse et vandalisme

For those who are interested we translated the CCF text “The sun still rises” (in French). Don’t hesitate to spread it !

Warmth and vandalism

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‘Nietzsche and Anarchy’ by Shahin (Elephant Editions)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social War

How is it possible to live free and joyful in this world of domination? The key idea Nietzsche offers us is this: don’t hide from struggle in fantasy worlds or imaginary futures, but affirm life, say yes to life here and now. With all its violence, cruelty and loneliness; and all its encounters of tenderness, wildness, delight and possibility.

The first part of the book is a reading of Nietzsche’s philosophy of individual self-making. It begins with his radical psychology of “drives”, which understands human beings as always multiple and always open to change. It works through his theories of incorporation, herd instinct, the sovereign individual, and slave morality, to reach the image of the “free spirit” who stands against the norms and creates new values.

The second part builds on these Nietzschean ideas with others from more recent thinkers, to develop an “ontology for social war”, a framework for thinking through relations of conflict and affinity, power and domination. It addresses questions such as: how do we form groups that are not conformist herds? How do we spread anarchic desires, without becoming advertisers or missionaries? How do we fight, without becoming cruel or cold?

While the first part of the book can be read as an accessible introduction to core aspects of Nietzsche’s thought, this is not a work of scholarship but one individual’s use of some Nietzschean ideas as weapons for self-transformation and social struggle.

Published by Elephant Editions & Active Distribution

Hard copies to order from Active Distribution:


Read online at The Anarchist Library:


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Afiche: A 9 años del inicio del Caso Security: Juan, Marcelo y Freddy a la kalle! (Chile)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

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Poster in memory of anarchist compañero Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij / Afiche: Sebastian Oversluij presente en cada accion expropiadora y de ofensiva contra el poder (Chile)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

English translation via Insurrection News:


On the morning of December 11, 2013 compañero Sebastián Oversluij was preparing to expropriate a bank branch in the commune of Pudahuel. The compañero ‘Angry’ was entering the branch and pulling a sub-machine gun from inside his jacket to announce the assault. A miserable security guard lashed out at the compañero and killed him instantly. The uniformed bastard had military training and extensive experience as a mercenary in Haiti and Iraq. (more…)

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