Updates on the anarchist comrades imprisoned following operation ‘Ardire’ (Italy)

This morning, March 6, anarchists Sergio Maria Stefani, Alessandro Settepani and Stefano Fosco were transferred from the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria to the prison of Ferrara. The transfer had been announced yesterday by public prosecutor Maria Grazia Pradella in the context of the Milan proceeding of so called operation ‘Ardire’, and was implemented under the pretext that the comrades were in contact with the investigated comrades of the Adinolfi case (since October 2012 all the comrades had been locked in the same unit and had been sharing the exercise yard).

For the moment Alfredo, Nicola and Beppe (who is also investigated following operation ‘Ardire’) are still being held in Alessandria. We remind you that Sergio is continuing the hunger strike he had started on January 29. Alfredo is waiting for disciplinary measures (solitary confinement and/or other sanctions) after he broke down the ‘bocche di lupo’ placed on the bars of his cells, an action he carried out in solidarity with Sergio. Alfredo and Nicola’s mail is still subjected to censorship. We are certain that the recourse to arbitrary and provocative transfers is an active part of the ongoing repressive strategy. We are also certain that these provocations won’t break solidarity bonds both inside and outside prison. Active solidarity with the comrades!


Addresses of the prisons:

Prison of Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

Prison of Alessandria
Strada Casale 50/a
15122 Alessandria

More updates on operation ‘Ardire’:

Sergio, Stefano and Alessandro were transferred to the prison of Ferrara today, March 6, on orders of the Prosecution of Milan (even if the latter has not issued any ordinance of arrest for Alessandro). It seems that the prosecutors want to prevent the ‘Ardire’ comrades from talking to Alfredo and Nicola, who are also imprisoned in the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.

New addresses:

Sergio Maria Stefani
Stefano Gabriele Fosco
Alessandro Settepani

C.C Via Argione 327
44122 Ferrara

The ‘Ardire’ case as for Stefano, Elisa, Sergio and Giuseppe is now in the hands of the prosecution of Milan. The first three comrades have already been refused bail, whereas Giuseppe’s request for bail will be discussed at the end of the month.

As concerns Sergio, the court of Milan acquitted him of carrying out attacks on the Bocconi University and on the manager of the migrants’ detention centre of Gradisca. But he is accused of instigation to crime according to evidence that consists in pieces of writing, communiqués and the letters the comrades wrote while being detained following operation ‘Shadow’.

Yesterday a hearing was held to decide if Sergio will be granted visits with Katia. He’s still on hunger strike because of the prison authority’s denial of such visits.
Stefano and Elisa’s charges related to art. 280 were dropped but they are still charged with instigation to committing crime and in relation to art. 270. The main reason why they were denied bail is due to their involvement with the blog Culmine. The investigators claim that they have individuated Culmine’s ‘ideological contribution’ to the alleged subversive association and an ‘overcoming of the limits of communication and information’. They are also criminalizing solidarity with and support to prisoners.

The investigation carried out in Perugia on Paola, Giulia and Alessandro has been formally concluded as concerns art. 270.
As concerns Alessandro the Court of Cassation has established that the Prosecution of Perugia is to hold competence for the investigation on the comrade’s participation to both subversive associations .

Update will follow.

Cassa di solidarietà Aracnide

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This entry was posted on Friday, March 8th, 2013 at 12:23 am and is filed under Social Control.