Dark Nights #31 : 'Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists – Kozani case' + 'Soli-days for Felicity Ann Ryder' – Feb 2013 (ACN)

Black February freesheet to download and distribute. Dark Nights is the relentless printed contribution to the internationalist struggle from the Anti-Copyright Network – produced from the updates and reports of the informal and ever-changing International Network of Counter-Information and Translation.

PDF: Download Dark Nights 31

1. Greece: Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists concerning their double robbery in Velvento, Kozani.
2. Call for two weeks of solidarity actions with fugitive anarchist Felicity Ann Ryder.
3. Concerning the 4 arrests in Kozani, Greece by CCF imprisoned members.
4. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested comrades from 325.
5. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested ones from Asimetris & ex-Negasi.
6. Switzerland: An update from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch concerning his failed release.
7. Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is moved to Alicante.
8. Italy: Anarchist comrades Alfredo and Sergio on hunger strike.
9. Italy: Conspiracy charges are dropped at the appeal trial – Operation ‘Brushwood’.
10. Direct Action Chronology.

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