Reawakened investigation to revenge the lack of evidence against hungerstriker Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

From RadioAzione:

I received this piece of writing with an update on the situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, who’s been on hunger strike since January 29 along with another comrade, Sergio Maria Stefani. Yet another search and another investigation against Alfredo. Obviously someone is very pissed off because their “very reliable” evidence is crumbling in the face of the tests carried out during the investigation. Obviously someone wants to strike while the iron is still hot for them… but be aware because some sparks could reach your eyes and the hot iron could burn you and prevent you from sleeping soundly and safely. Unconditional solidarity and complicity with Alfredo and all the other comrades.


This is the text I received:


February 19. From Alfredo Cospito’s solicitor we learn that this morning the ROS of Genoa delivered an investigation warrant to Alfredo Cospito, concerning an attack on the RIS [Technical Investigation Unit], carried out in Parma in… 2005. The comrade’s cell was raided in search of traces of the comrade’s DNA, after he had refused to give it spontaneously. We want to point out how this provocation by cops is being unleashed when Alfredo is at his 22nd day of hunger strike and a few weeks after tests on the motorcycle helmets were made precisely by the RIS of Parma investigating the wounding of the manager of Ansaldo Nucleare, tests which were negative in spite of the triumphant tones of the mass media at the time of the comrades’ arrest.

Having been humiliated, RIS, ROS, etc are having another try… Unconditional solidarity with Alfredo and all the comrades hit by repression.

PS. So far we’ve got no news of other comrades being searched or investigated. Updates will follow.

nidieunimaitres { at } gmail.com

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This entry was posted on Thursday, February 21st, 2013 at 2:25 am and is filed under Prison Struggle.