Jetpack and the WordPress App: Manage Your Site On the Go

As a business owner, you have an endless to-do list and managing your website probably falls to the bottom of the list. Dealing with clients, working with employees, creating marketing plans, managing inventory, and calling vendors seem more immediate than editing a blog post or updating a plugin.

But managing your website and keeping it updated play a critical role in the success of your business. What happens if you neglect it?

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Enhancing the WordPress Author Page with Jetpack

If multiple contributors write for your blog, your readers might want to know more about whoever wrote the articles they’re reading. Additionally, your writers will want to get the recognition they deserve. To satisfy your readers and writers with a single solution, you might want to create a WordPress author page.

A well-crafted WordPress author page allows site contributors to present their credentials and affirms their professional clout, as they can share personal information about their writing experiences and links to their portfolios or past work.

Today, we’ll learn why author pages are beneficial, and how you can use Jetpack to create WordPress author pages that will make your contributors proud to write for you.

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Create High Quality Content with These Free Tools

How much does the quality of your site’s content matter? As it turns out, it matters quite a lot.

You might be surprised to learn that quality content can impact your search engine rankings. The truth is that as Google’s algorithm becomes more sophisticated, content matters even more than it used to. The sites recommended by Google aren’t stuffed with keywords and links, but feature quality, relevant articles.

High quality content can also contribute to audience growth. It encourages people to stay on your site longer to browse different posts. It might even increase the likelihood that readers interact with your site, share your content to their social media platforms, and come back for repeat visits in the future.

Quality content is certainly important… but it isn’t always easy to create. If you aren’t a professional writer or lack the budget to hire one, you should consider using tools designed for improving the quality of your writing.

Let’s cover four of these tools in more detail, and how they can improve the quality of your site’s content.

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How To Create Content That Keeps Your Readers Coming Back

Publishing content on a regular basis is a great strategy to increase your website’s organic traffic — website visitors who didn’t get to your site by clicking on an ad. But getting those readers is only half the battle.

If you want visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, make a purchase, or engage with your content in any way, you have to keep their attention long enough for a meaningful interaction.

Here are three tips that will help you publish engaging content.

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Collaborative Writing for WordPress with Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the most popular online collaborative writing tools, and we’ve just improved upon it by giving you the ability to publish from Google Docs directly to a WordPress site. Eliminate copying and pasting, re-uploading images, and re-formatting. Stop disrupting your creative flows: just write, collaborate, and publish.

Installation is simple. Visit the official page on the Chrome store and click the blue “Free” button to install the add-on. Then follow the prompts to approve our add-on and you’re all set.

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