Political Animal

Will Obamacare Ever Be Safe?

Republicans are threatening to keep the repeal effort going, but they’re so inept and confused that they’re unlikely to succeed.


Going Negative, Going Positive

Michelle Obama’s mantra ‘when they go low, we go high’ is completely the wrong strategy for Democrats.

Republic 3.0

The Path to Medicare-for-All Starts with Medicare-for-Kids

The mechanics of single-payer are daunting. Could government-run health insurance for all American children be an attainable first step?


The Road to a Stable Job—Without Crippling Student Debt

A novel grant program in Virginia is helping workers earn career-boosting occupational credentials.

Health Care

Nevada to Big Pharma: 'Show Us Your Books!'

Working Nevadans finally scored a victory against big pharma. Will other states follow suit?