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A Pennsylvania man angered his neighbors by painting a swastika on a Pittsburgh Steelers flag to show his displeasure over the team’s protest during the National Anthem.

Fire chief who called Mike Tomlin a ‘n**ger’ resigns — and blames the media for making him look racist

Washington County fire chief Paul Smith has resigned in wake of his use of a racial slur to refer to Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin.

California teen wears Confederate flag to school — and mom complains after classmates call him racist

A California student wore a Confederate flag sweatshirt to school, and his mother claims he’s the victim of racial bullying after classmates circulated a photo of him on social media with the caption “white power.”

Mosque shooter became ‘Muslim hater’ on Facebook — but learned to love Islam after meeting Muslims

Ted Hakey Jr. pleaded guilty to a hate crime and spent six months in prison for firing 30 gunshots two years ago inside the empty Ahmadiyya Baitul Aman Mosque near his Connecticut home.

Here are 8 nauseating revelations from Trump’s newly uncovered interviews with Howard Stern

It’s fitting that Donald Trump has been interviewed more times by Howard Stern than by any other television or radio personality and they're some of the most sickening things you'll ever listen to.

Trump’s failed Puerto Rico golf course has cost the territory’s taxpayers more than $32 million

President Donald Trump may have blamed his inadequate response to the devastation in Puerto Rico on “this thing called the Atlantic,” but his own failed golf course may have made it worse.

‘N*gger, you’re in the wrong neighborhood’: Oregon man accused of ordering pit bull attack on black man

A white Oregon man is accused of making racist threats and ordering his dog to attack a black man he encountered at a bus stop.

Trump threatens to ‘make a deal with Democrats’ during speech to big-money GOP donors

President Donald Trump seemed to admit defeat on legislative failures during a high-dollar donor event for the Republican Party in New York Tuesday.

Michigan State Police director busted for Facebook post calling kneeling NFL players ‘anti-American degenerates’

A spokesperson for the police director excused the posting, saying it was not about race and was something Etue felt she was only sharing with her friends.

Trump privately admits to waging a ‘white working class culture war’ he thinks ‘was foisted upon him by Obama’: report

Though President Donald Trump and his supporters claim this past weekend’s “anthem tantrum” spectacle has nothing to do with race, in private, the president sings a different tune.

Trump said his then-wife Ivana was ‘out of control’

Remember that scene in First Wives Club when Ivana Trump gives eternal words of wisdom to a fawning Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Bette Midler?

O’Reilly returns to Fox News to gloat Hannity beat ‘that woman’ Rachel Maddow in ratings: ‘He slaughtered her’

During disgraced broadcaster Bill O’Reilly’s triumphant return to Fox News, the former cable TV anchor went of on “that woman” Rachel Maddow.