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William Rivers Pitt | Colin Kaepernick's Long Victory

Pat Tillman's widow: Don't politicize Pat in effort to divide

Jared Kushner Real Estate Company Sued for Predatory Overcharging Practice

Iraqi Kurds Back Independence in Referendum

Global Food Crops Also Face Earth's Sixth Great Mass Extinction
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump at War With Everyone

Take a Knee for Freedom of Religion
-- David Swanson for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Roy Moore Beats Trump’s Choice To Claim Alabama's GOP Senate Nomination
Mitch McConnell also invested heavily in loser Luther Strange’s campaign.

The Hidden $700 Billion Debt Owed to Public Workers

Fake news writer in 2016 presidential election found dead

Russia Probe: Manafort and Flynn Likely to Face Criminal Charges, Senator Says

Inside the life and death of Graham-Cassidy

Corporate Media Analysts’ Indifference to US Journalists Facing 70 Years in Prison

Exxon Promises to Cut Methane Leaks from U.S. Shale Oil and Gas Operations

Greece and Economic Recovery: Fake News in Action

Senate won't vote on ObamaCare repeal bill

It Shouldn't Take a Hurricane to Gain Health Care Access: Nurses Report Back From Disaster Zones

"From heroes to Villains": Tech Industry Faces Bipartisan Backlash in Washington

Detroit’s unaffordable water hints at a U.S. crisis to come

The most depraved things Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at today’s press briefing

Full GOP Tax Proposal Will Wait Until Later

Climate Change Brings Socialism and Science Together

Graham and Cassidy Were Asked Why They're Defunding Planned Parenthood. Their Answers Were Ridiculous.

As GOP Attacks Health Care, Movement for Single-Payer Grows Across Country

Trump to Visit Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico

Supreme Court May Step Into Fight Over Missouri Abortion Restrictions

Low Wages in Illinois: When Corporations Don’t Pay, the Public Does

People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info

Trump faces difficult 48 hours

The U.S. Government Couldn't Care Less About Helping Puerto Rico Right Now

How Privatization Cuts Us in Two, While Public Institutions Make Us a Better Country
-- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump DOJ Nominee Pushed Scientology-Based Detox Program

Chelsea Manning says she has been barred from entering Canada

Even Fox & Friends Co-Host Thinks Trump's NFL Anthem Protest Comments "Made Everything Worse"

Still Fighting at Standing Rock
The national media has moved on, but the story is not over.

The large parts of America left behind by today's economy

This Weekend's NFL Protests Were Bigger Than Trump, Bigger Than Kaepernick

White House stonewalls Capitol Hill over records in Russia probe

North Korea says Donald Trump has declared war

Navajo Nation Readies Legal Action if Trump Shrinks Bears Ears National Monument
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

There's a humanitarian disaster in Puerto Rico that Trump is ignoring

The US Military Faces Its Collapsing Hegemony

Supreme Court opens its new term with a direct attack on workers' rights

Little Rock Nine: the day young students shattered racial segregation

These Women Are Leading the Resistance in Texas

Voicemails from Florida nursing home where 11 died after Irma were deleted by governor’s office

Rep. Louie Gohmert Says Arizona Should 'Recall' McCain Over Health Care Vote and Cancer Diagnosis

Trump fixates on NFL protests — while ignoring the disaster in Puerto Rico

Trump's NFL Feud Continues Long History of Stoking Racial Rifts

The Republican Establishment And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Trump's Tax Plan: Prioritize Cuts for the Rich, Say He Isn't

Trump’s Generals Fatten the Pentagon

Iceberg that broke off Antarctica was 4 times the size of Manhattan

Our Democratic System Is on the Cusp of Failing Before Our Eyes

Jeff Sessions Has Found a New Target: Free Speech on Campus

Big deficits? No problem, say conservatives, if it means big tax cuts

After Tent City Eviction, Activists Demand Spot For Chicago Homeless To Erect Tents

The Distance Between Donald Trump and Puerto Rico

Trump warned: send help or risk making Puerto Rico crisis 'your Katrina'

Supreme Court Stays Execution Of Man Convicted By Juror Who Wondered If "Black People Even Have Souls"

As Puerto Rico Reels, US Media Focus on Other Issues
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Environmental groups praise cap-and-trade pact on greenhouse gas, but seek wider scope, equity

Government Watchdog: Anti-Choice Group Misused Millions from Taxpayers

France to Vote Against Glyphosate Reauthorization in Europe
-- Lorraine Chow for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Georgetown Law Professors Kneel in Protest of Jeff Sessions’ Speech

UK energy has 'greenest' summer to date, National Grid says

Georgetown Protesters Barred From Jeff Sessions' Free Speech Lecture

France cuts renewable energy grid connection costs

This Bipartisan Senate Bill Could Enable US Offshore Wind to Take Off

Trump Cozies up to Wall Street Donors With $250,000-per-ccouple Dinner

Supreme Court Considers Whether Immigrants Have Fewer Rights Than Sexual Predators

Homeland Security to Monitor Social Media Accounts of Immigrants and Citizens

Trump's Son-in-Law Used Private Email Account for Some White House Business

200 NFL Stars Kneel or Sit During Anthem in Defiance of Trump

Plastic Debris Found on One of World's Most Inaccessible Sites
-- Lorraine Chow for BuzzFlash at Truthout

The Americans with Disabilities Act Is Under Threat

Facebook's underclass: as staffers enjoy lavish perks, contractors barely get by

Equifax CEO Steps Down In The Wake Of Major Hack

Hard As Nails: Battling Toxic Chemicals and Low Wages in California’s Salons

Collins to vote 'no' on Graham-Cassidy bill, appearing to halt Obamacare repeal

While Trump Yells at NFL Players, Rightbloggers Work the Refs

Trump positioned to impose potentially crushing tariffs on solar industry

GOP Senator Cassidy Yawns As Disabled Healthcare Protesters Are Hauled Away By Police

Trump’s NFL tirade shows the nation who he really is: A white supremacist

World War II vet goes viral for taking a knee in solidarity with NFL players

The Racial Demagoguery of Trump’s Assaults on Colin Kaepernick and Steph Curry

Travel Ban 3.0 could derail Supreme Court case

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem

The alt-reich fiasco that cost Berkeley $1 million

The Clock Is Running Out on Health Program for 9 Million Kids

Continued denial leaves Florida in climate change crosshairs

Anthony Weiner sentenced to 21 months

NFL players deliver defiant message to Donald Trump with protests

Revised Obamacare Repeal Bill Keeps Deep Cuts, Further Erodes Protections

Racing star Dale Earnhardt Jr. defies NASCAR owners to show solidarity with NFL protesters

Iraqi Kurds vote in historic independence referendum

Will the Supreme Court strike down extreme partisan Gerrymandering?

McCain Says His Brain Cancer Prognosis Is "Very Poor"