Antifa International
CHELMSFORD REPORTBACK: Pictured: both of the EDL supporters attending the Islamophobic pedophile ring’s Chelmsford protest on Saturday.
Two people. Not really much of a “league” now is it?
This photo with 49 notes was posted 1 year ago on the 26th of September, 2017.
Tags: #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #antiracist #antiracism #edl #islamophobia #english defence duo #paedophiles

CHELMSFORD REPORTBACK:  Pictured: both of the EDL supporters attending the Islamophobic pedophile ring’s Chelmsford protest on Saturday.

Two people.  Not really much of a “league” now is it?  

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  10. coolfayebunny said: I saw this bunch of nazi lovers in the north of England! I called them racist homophobes and a little old lady next to me said ‘yes, my late husband fought people like you in the war. A war for people like you. You’re disgusting ’ she must have been 80. They said nothing back !
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