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The Deakin Oration 2017
Professor Tony Wong on water sensitive cities and sustainable urban design.

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Behind the Pillars
Ten things you may not know about Victoria's Parliament House.

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Today In Parliament


Inquiry into Electric Vehicles - Have your say

The Economy and Infrastructure Committee has commenced an inquiry into electric vehicles with a call for public submissions. The new inquiry will examine the potential pros and cons,... Read more

Inquiry into the Public Housing Renewal Program - Have your say

Public submissions can now be made for the parliamentary inquiry into the Victorian Government’s Public Housing Renewal Program. Read more

Inquiry into Penalty Rates and Fair Pay - Have your say

The Penalty Rates and Fair Pay Select Committee is investigating the economic and social impact and cost of the Fair Work Commission’s recent decision to cut penalty rates to categories of Victorian workers. The Committee has reopened submissions, and... Read more

School and Booked Tours

The Parliament of Victoria offers a range of activities for students at primary, secondary, tertiary and adult education levels. These activities include tours, role plays and metropolitan school visits.

Large groups or organisations of 6 or more people are also encouraged to book one of our tours. To check the availability for each type of tour please click here.

Parliament House in the 21st Century

Watch as the new addition to Parliament House takes shape


Find out more about our projects to restore and renew Parliament House

Latest News & Events

Pop-up Parliament

Victorian Parliament makes White Ribbon history

White Ribbon WorkplaceThe Victorian Parliament has made White Ribbon history by becoming the first parliament in the world to achieve White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation.

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Historic appointment for Legislative Assembly

Incoming Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Bridget NoonanBridget Noonan has been appointed the new Clerk of the Victorian Legislative Assembly.

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Parliament Prize awarded to Victorian students

Parliament Prize 2017Six Victorian students have won awards in The Parliament Prize for 2017, presented at Parliament House. 

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Deakin thinkers work on youth blueprint

Victorian Parliament and Deakin University sign new partnership agreementThe Victorian Parliament has launched into a more youthful future this week with the help of students from Deakin University.

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Regional links grow

Parcipants in the VRCLP programMore than 100 community leaders have participated in a program of briefings at Parliament House, helping to boost regional connections.

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Call to action at Deakin Oration

Professor Tony WongProfessor Tony Wong has made a call to action on water and sustainability when delivering the 2017 Deakin Oration at Parliament House.

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Engaging more women in politics

CWP Conference 2017Women MPs from across Australia have met at Parliament House in Melbourne and discussed ways to engage more women in politics.

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On This Day

Tuesday, 10 October, 1905

Royal Commission on the coal industry was established.