- published: 07 Apr 2016
- views: 158706
Wilderness or wildland is a natural environment on Earth that has not been significantly modified by civilized human activity. It may also be defined as: "The most intact, undisturbed wild natural areas left on our planet—those last truly wild places that humans do not control and have not developed with roads, pipelines or other industrial infrastructure."
Some governments establish them by law or administrative acts, usually in land tracts that have not been modified by human action in great measure. The main feature of them is that human activity is restricted significantly. These actions seek not only to preserve what already exists, but also to promote and advance a natural expression and development. Wilderness areas can be found in preserves, conservation preserves, National Forests, National Parks and even in urban areas along rivers, gulches or otherwise undeveloped areas. These areas are considered important for the survival of certain species, biodiversity, ecological studies, conservation, solitude, and recreation. Wilderness is deeply valued for cultural, spiritual, moral, and aesthetic reasons. Some nature writers believe wilderness areas are vital for the human spirit and creativity. They may also preserve historic genetic traits and provide habitat for wild flora and fauna that may be difficult to recreate in zoos, arboretums or laboratories.
The Wilderness may refer to:
The coyote (US /kaɪˈoʊtiː/ or /ˈkaɪ.oʊt/, UK /kɔɪˈjoʊteɪ/, or /kɔɪˈjoʊt/;Canis latrans) is a canid native to North America. It is a smaller, more basal animal than its close relative, the gray wolf, being roughly the North American equivalent to the Old World golden jackal, though it is larger and more predatory in nature. It is listed as "least concern" by the IUCN, on account of its wide distribution and abundance throughout North America, even southwards through Mexico and Central America. It is a highly versatile species, whose range has expanded amidst human environmental modification. This expansion is ongoing, and it may one day reach South America, as shown by the animal's presence beyond the Panama Canal in 2013.As of 2005, 19 subspecies are recognized.
The ancestors of the coyote diverged from those of the gray wolf, 1–2 million years ago, with the modern species arising in North America during the Middle Pleistocene. It is highly flexible in social organization, living either in nuclear families or in loosely knit packs of unrelated individuals. It has a varied diet consisting primarily of animal matter, including ungulates, lagomorphs, rodents, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, though it may also eat fruit and vegetable matter on occasion. It is a very vocal animal, whose most iconic sound consists of a howl emitted by solitary individuals.Humans aside, cougars and gray wolves are the coyote's only serious enemies. Nevertheless, coyotes have on occasion mated with the latter species, producing hybrids colloquially called "coywolves".
Pure vs Wild is a series were i start a brand new pure account and make money from the wilderness. This money can come through pking/pvming or skilling, so long as it comes from the wilderness, with the ultimate goal of getting dragon claws. This series is meant as realistic as possible and to be close to how most pures play the game. The idea is to prove that you can make money from the wilderness with your pure account without having to rely on your main for income. Rules: 1) Only make money from the Wilderness 2) No trading (with the exception of giving stuff away) 3) Can use the GE To clarify i CAN train anywhere BUT all the money that i make must come from the wilderness. =================================================== The idea for this series came to me a long time ago (if y...
Today, I take some friends into that scary wilderness place, and we all perfectly execute 3-switch hybridding with high risk, and make bank, and pursue successful YouTube careers off of posting the same generic pking video every other day. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J1mmy Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/J1mmyRS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/J1mmyRS Discord: https://discord.gg/JzSSwH7 “According to J1m” Full Series Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDSJpYkJoHD-DjL-lT80E2tfFOLTK40Cf “Skits” Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDSJpYkJoHD_20ZZURWhvbG7emdYrzxH4 Play Runescape now, a free to play (F2P) online MMORPG: https://www.runescape.com Play Oldschool Runescape now, a free to play (F2P) online MMORPG: http://oldschool.runescape.com/ Music Produ...
Please SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/DTbite **STING AFTERMATH VIDEO COMES OUT FRIDAY! 4/28** On this episode of Beyond the Tide, Coyote gets stung by a Lionfish! The Lionfish has quickly become one the most destructive invasive species to marine life on the East Coast of the United States and if that’s not enough they also have an extremely painful venom they often violently spike into unsuspecting divers and fisherman. Yikes! So how painful is the Lionfish sting and what happens if you are unfortunately stung yourself? Well Coyote Peterson is once again putting himself in the “sting zone” to find out and educate people about this beautiful yet venomous little creature. Get ready to to witness Coyote’s first aquatic animal sting! Huge thanks to Ca...
http://bandzone.cz/thewildernesstt To, čo sa chystáš si vypočuť, je konceptuálne dielo. Ako povedal jeden z našich kamarátov: ,,Je to svojim spôsobom punková opera". Opisuje kritickú životnú fázu človeka, ktorý bojuje s absolútnom a objektívnou skutočnosťou, aby nakoniec tieto dva nespochybniteľné elementy prijal. Za účelom čo najdôveryhodnejšieho (miestami až autobiografického) vyjadrenia emócií a myšlienkových pochodov takéhoto človeka, je na nahrávke použitých viacero hesiel z extrémistického žargónu (aby to špekulanti nechápali po svojom) a aj viacero vyhlásení, ktoré sú platné iba v presne danom koncepte albumu. Mačky (príchod) 00:00 Stoj pri mne 2:26 Uličky 6:20 Lacný pank 10:59 Intermezzo v najkrajšom kúte sveta 11:57 Popletený 14:52 Víno, ženy a spev 19:06 Mačky (odchod) 22:25 Ro...
SUBSCRIBE TO ANDREW: http://bit.ly/12k5FWC New self-titled album out now - download on iTunes http://smarturl.it/AMITWalbum, Amazon http://amzn.to/1tEW4A0, or listen to it on Spotify http://spoti.fi/1sCLg9y Directed by Olivier Agostini Upcoming Shows: http://www.andrewmcmahon.com/tour/ http://www.andrewmcmahon.com https://facebook.com/andrewmcmahonmusic http://instagram.com/amnthewilderness/ http://andrewmcmahonmusic.tumblr.com/ http://youtube.com/andrewmcmahon http://spoti.fi/1Ba1x8c Andrew McMahon proudly supports the Dear Jack Foundation http://www.dearjackfoundation.com/
Please SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTsalmon Officially titled "Phantom of the Wilderness" this special edition of Breaking Trial will chronicle Coyote Peterson's epic adventure to come face-to-face with one of the stealthiness predators on the planet, the Wolverine! Since his youth, Coyote has dreamed of the day that he would meet a real live Wolverine. Admittedly not the typical wish of an 8 year old but it was his pursuit nonetheless. His favorite toy, Gulo the stuffed Wolverine, served as a constant reminder through the years to hold his ambition near and never allow it to escape his imagination. Fast forward 26 years later. Coyote and the Brave Wilderness crew are setting off for not only the adventure of a lifetime but also to meet the creature ...
http://bandzone.cz/thewildernesstt Venované všetkým ľuďom zlej vôle, čo majú potrebu obviňovať za svoje posraté životy niekoho iného. Natočené, zmixované a zmastrované v štúdiu Bunker, 26.12.2015 medzi piatou a siedmou hodinou večernou. TEXT Spojenci-nespojenci, vojna je vojna – neni čo obdivovat. Stačí už len to, že vzhladom na okolnosci to mosím tolerovat. Piče! Mŕtvy Amík – dobrý Amík. Pohrobci Stalina, nie každý zabúda – neni čo oslavovat. Propaganda je okatá, a ja si nechcem históriu zopakovat. Piče! Mŕtvy Rusák – dobrý Rusák. Hej-Slováci, kto vám nakukal, že velkými vás robí gén? Nejaký gén... Ohánate sa kresťanstvom. Máte v piči, že to Boh je Ten? Že to on je Ten? Piče! Mŕtvy Slovák – dobrý Slovák. Tak čo, koho ešte obvinit chceš? Hlásaš pacifizmus a za nejakú vlastizradu vešat i...
Don't worry about the miss haps
Chin straps, headlock
We all go the same rides
We all got the same drives
2011: we all in the same spot
Make a choice, you have a voice
Back then, we was parted by the masters
Gave us religion so we couldn't move past it
In reality it's all about the Earth
People turn their back
Because of money and it's worth
Now I will never work just to work
People dying every day
Just to buy a t-shirt
And why college is so expensive?
People wanna learn, but there's always some fences
I tell you like that
I move with forgiveness
People always wanna cut
But not with precision
I guess that we're gifted
This is one life to live and I'mma live it
Fuck the critics, I'm happy: Lil Boss!
I'm from Waterfront, Bay Area
California man
Lil Boss: party, no party
People still rocking
Young Based God, no way to stop me
Stop with the hate
The cowards watching
Signed a couple checks
I ain't talking deposits
This is?
This is wannabe gangstas
People that get lost
No walks with the strangers
Had no friends
I was looking for an angel
Wanted the floor map
But I ain't have no angles
Now every time I see the flag
I salute to the thugs
The flag salutes back
That's America for us
People die just to speak to the
Freedom before us
Now we pleading for more stuff
We can watch over
There's clones in the hood
Everybody is a soldier
And everybody with this shit
But don't nobody wanna teach nobody
Wanna get sick, but get caught for the crime
That's why I keep it so real
Life after life, we might not talk
But I'm fine...
I'm at peace, one love man, fixed that beef
Can't nobody do it like that boy Lil B
That's real shit