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POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]
Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens
FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)
Campus Horsens (in English)
Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)
Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski
AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)
Vejle vs. Horsens  4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)
AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)

location on Google Map


Horsens is a Danish city in east Jutland. It is the site of the council of Horsens Municipality. The city's population is 55,884 and the municipality's population is 85,662 (1 January 2014).

The municipality is also a part of the East Jutland metropolitan area, which has 1.2 million inhabitants.


Horsens lies at the end of Horsens Fjord in eastern Jutland. The city is surrounded by typical moraine landscape with low hills and valleys created by glaciers during the last ice ages. Horsens is 50 km (31 mi) south of Aarhus and 30 km (19 mi) north of Vejle, and approximately 200 km (120 mi) from Copenhagen.


It is believed the name Horsens derives from the old Danish words hors (horse) and næs (naze, headland). From the 12th century the name Horsenes is known.

The earliest traces of a city are remains of a pagan burial site and houses dating back to the 10th century. In the 12th century, the kings Sweyn III and Valdemar I issued coins in the city. In the 13th century the city got its own legal code.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Radio Stations - Horsens

Radio Alfa Midtjylland Pop Denmark
Radio S-FM Varied Denmark
Retro-Radio 80s,70s,60s Denmark
KURDmix World Middle East Denmark
PartyZone Dance Denmark
MainFM Varied Denmark
Radio Luna Varied Denmark
Radio ABC Pop Denmark
DR P1 Mennesker ol medier Varied Denmark
Odense Studenterradio College Denmark
Tiger FM Varied Denmark
Specific Radio Pop,Dance Denmark
Radio Diablo Adult Contemporary Denmark
Radio Mojn Pop,Dance Denmark
The Voice (DK) Top 40 Denmark
Radio Globus Guld Oldies Denmark
Pop FM Pop,Top 40 Denmark
Radio 2000 Varied Denmark
Radio Soft Easy,Pop Denmark
DR Radioavisen News Denmark
XFM Studenterradio College Denmark
Radio Charlie Pop Denmark
Radio Midtfyn Varied Denmark
Absalon Hotel Pop Denmark
ANR Rock Rock Denmark
Assyrian Babylon Radio World Middle East Denmark
Radio 3 Varied Denmark
Radio24syv Varied Denmark
Radio Odsherred Pop Denmark
Solo FM News,Pop Denmark
Radio Horsens Varied Denmark
Limfjord Plus Oldies,Adult Denmark
Kristen NetRadio Gospel,Religious,Christian Denmark
VibeFM Top 40 Denmark
Radio Limfjord Adult Contemporary,Pop Denmark
NMRadio København Religious,World Middle East Denmark
Radio 1 Silkeborg Adult Contemporary Denmark
Radio Marimanga World Mediterranean Denmark
ANR Varied Denmark
go!FM Pop Denmark
ANR Hits Pop,Top 40 Denmark
Radio Dobre Vibracije World Europe Denmark
Radio Vest Varied Denmark
DR P2 Morgenandagt Christian Denmark
Skala FM Pop Denmark
Skaga FM Varied Denmark
Radio Skive Pop Denmark
Radio SydhavsØerne Varied Denmark
Radio Alfa Pop Denmark
Radio Kilojoule Talk Denmark
USradio Helsingør College Denmark


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    Přináším Vám video z Horsens, kde se v tuto chvíli nacházím na 3 týdny na VIA Summer School. Nezapomeňte prosím video ohodnotit :). FB: Twitter:

    published: 04 Aug 2015
  • POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]

    Så mange ressourcer til at tilkalde en ekstra vogn for at fange en DE MENER har stukket af på en scooter, ja, det hele startede med en scooter også fik de ondt i røven og der er flere betjente udover de 2 som i kan se, griner ;) Den 10/06/13 var jeg, Stefan Thatheswararajah ude at fejre min gode vens fødselsdag, Antony Stefan Charles som fyldte 20 år. Det var en meget hyggelig fødselsdag som bestod af grill mad, dejligt vejr, masser af venner og rigtig god stemning. Lige indtil politiet spontant dukkede op og undersøgte hvad vi havde gang i. I starten fandt vi det ikke provokerende eller noget da vi tænkte de bare var på en normal patrulje. Da de havde stået der i 20 -- 30 minutter og gloet, mens de læner sig op af vores parkerede biler, undersøger nummerpladerne, og koncentrere sig absol...

    published: 14 Jun 2013
  • Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens

    Kloakkerne måtte give op overfor vandmasserne

    published: 15 Jun 2016
  • FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)

    published: 25 Sep 2016
  • Campus Horsens (in English)

    Student Mark Wallis from London, England guides you around the VIA Campus in Horsens.

    published: 27 Mar 2012
  • Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)

    Random videos of the summer spent in Denmark at the VIA University College of Horsens. Feel free to leave a comment, ask question or video response below. Subscribe to discover other video that might be fun to watch !

    published: 19 Aug 2013
  • Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski

    Grand Prix Danii w Horsens 11.06.2016 r. CZERWONY - Chris HOLDER NIEBIESKI - Maciej Janowski BIAŁY - Nicki Pedersen ŻÓŁTY - Tai Woffinden

    published: 11 Jun 2016
  • AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)

    published: 17 Jul 2016
  • Vejle vs. Horsens 4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)

    Goals: 57' T. Mikkelsen 1 - 0 62' C. Sivebæk 2 - 0 78' J. Mehl 2 - 1 83' Aleksandr Stankov 2 - 2 84' T. Mikkelsen 3 - 2 90' B. Sanneh 3 - 3 90'+3 A. Kaagh 4 - 3

    published: 20 Mar 2016
  • AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)

    published: 01 Oct 2016


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2015
  • views: 1147
Přináším Vám video z Horsens, kde se v tuto chvíli nacházím na 3 týdny na VIA Summer School. Nezapomeňte prosím video ohodnotit :). FB: Twitter: Denmark Horsens | Picoolo
POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]

POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:29
  • Updated: 14 Jun 2013
  • views: 324565
Så mange ressourcer til at tilkalde en ekstra vogn for at fange en DE MENER har stukket af på en scooter, ja, det hele startede med en scooter også fik de ondt i røven og der er flere betjente udover de 2 som i kan se, griner ;) Den 10/06/13 var jeg, Stefan Thatheswararajah ude at fejre min gode vens fødselsdag, Antony Stefan Charles som fyldte 20 år. Det var en meget hyggelig fødselsdag som bestod af grill mad, dejligt vejr, masser af venner og rigtig god stemning. Lige indtil politiet spontant dukkede op og undersøgte hvad vi havde gang i. I starten fandt vi det ikke provokerende eller noget da vi tænkte de bare var på en normal patrulje. Da de havde stået der i 20 -- 30 minutter og gloet, mens de læner sig op af vores parkerede biler, undersøger nummerpladerne, og koncentrere sig absolut kun om os af alle de mennesker der var på strandpromenaden, kom der pludselig en vogn mere fra den anden side så de omringede os. Da den anden vogn var ankommet, tog betjentene fra den første vogn straks sorte handsker på og gik derefter imod os. På dette tidspunkt følte vi os truet, omringet, provokeret, og ekstremt krænket da betjentene helt uden grund kom og tog fat i mig. Det var en mandlig og en kvindelig betjent. Den mandlige betjent kom i mod mig og det første han sagde, var "Dig der, kom med mig!!", mens han hårdt griber fat om min skulder og hiver mig med hen til hans vogn. Betjentene fra den anden vogn danner sig et overblik over mine kammerater der sad og spiste grill mad. Fra dette sekund beder jeg min ven Abdul Al-Jabyr om at filme det fra hans mobiltelefon, da jeg føler noget er helt galt! Min følelse var åbenbart rigtig. Den ene betjent siger "sæt dig på stenen, og vent" mens den anden siger "gå over til pælen, derovre" -- da jeg er meget forvirret over denne ubehagelige og pinlige situation står jeg lidt i midten uden at vide hvad jeg skal gøre. Pga. betjentenes dårlige kommunikation med hinanden, og måske også en følelse af magtliderlighed, vælger den mandlige betjent at kaste mig ned mod gulvet da han måske føler jeg ikke gør hvad de siger. De beder mig om at ligge mig på maven, hvilket er svært med to betjente over sig. Dog prøver jeg at samarbejde, selvom jeg er i en ekstrem forvirret situation som jeg ikke rigtig forstår noget af. Betjente vrider mine håndled om, og jeg råber af smerter. De giver mig håndjern på, trækker mig op og går hen mod patruljevognen. På vej derhen spytter jeg sand ud af min mund, da betjenten havde presset mit hoved ned mod sandet med hans knæ. Efter han har visiteret mig mens jeg har håndjern på og er fuldstændig forsvarsløs, tager han rigtig hårdt fat i min højre skulder, vender mig om, og kaster mig utroligt hårdt ind mod bilen, hvor mit hoved bliver smækket mod den øverste kant af bilen, den nederste del af ryggen bliver også smadret mod bilen. En total overdrivelse af en situation hvor jeg står forsvarsløs og lænket mod en betjent, jeg føler han har lyst til at smadre mig hvis han fik muligheden for det. Efter han har smækket mig op af bilen vælger han at presse alt hvad han kan rundt om mine kæber i et godt stykke tid, og til sidst igen at kaste mig ned i asfalten. Hvor han spørger om jeg slapper af. Under hele anholdelsen, har jeg følt mig truet, og råbt pga. smerter en politibetjent har voldt mig uden grund. Jeg svarer ham, at jeg ikke kan være afslappet før han bliver det. De sætter mig ind i bilen og kør. Under køreturen til Horsens station griner betjentene af mit dansk med kommentar som "prøv at lær at formulerer dig på dansk, før du prøver at tale sproget", "det der det lyder ikke helt dansk". De provokere mig også med at sige "skal vi ikke bare køre ham til Vejle arrest, og så lade ham gå hjem derfra?" Den 10/06/13 startede med at være en hyggelig dag, med dejlig mad og godt vejr, desværre vil jeg ikke huske den 10/06/13 som en god dag. Jeg vil huske den som en dag jeg blev krænket som aldrig før, ydmyget foran mine venner og kastet rundt som om jeg var en ligegyldig genstand. Det er noget jeg vil tænke over resten af mit liv. Jeg vil aldrig nogensinde stole på en politibetjent længere. Det eneste jeg fik ud af den dag, var en ødelagt sølv halskæde, som aldrig vil kunne erstattes, mistede mine to sølvøreringe pga. den måde jeg blev kastet rundt på, blevet udsat for racistiske udtalelser og et muligt brud i håndleddet hvor jeg derfor har været nødt til at melde mig syg på arbejdet efter jeg har fået gips på, på Horsens skadestue, og skal tilbage til skadestuen for at have det tjekket igen om 10 dage. Jeg har en video der viser nøjagtig hvad der er sket under anholdelsen og vil med glæde dele den med de folk der kan hjælpe mig med at straffe dette uhyre af en betjent som har voldt mig dette. Har også en skadesrapport over de skader han har været skyld i. MVH Stefan Thatheswararajah. I Horsens Læs Og Forstå Under Videoen
Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens

Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:39
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2016
  • views: 4579
Kloakkerne måtte give op overfor vandmasserneådt Vådt Vådt I Horsens
FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)

FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:33
  • Updated: 25 Sep 2016
  • views: 1319
videos Midtjylland Ac Horsens (25 9 2016)
Campus Horsens (in English)

Campus Horsens (in English)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2012
  • views: 10966
Student Mark Wallis from London, England guides you around the VIA Campus in Horsens. Horsens (In English)
Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)

Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013
  • views: 3789
Random videos of the summer spent in Denmark at the VIA University College of Horsens. Feel free to leave a comment, ask question or video response below. Subscribe to discover other video that might be fun to watch ! Time Via University College Horsens (Denmark)
Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski

Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:51
  • Updated: 11 Jun 2016
  • views: 9046
Grand Prix Danii w Horsens 11.06.2016 r. CZERWONY - Chris HOLDER NIEBIESKI - Maciej Janowski BIAŁY - Nicki Pedersen ŻÓŁTY - Tai Woffindenł Grand Prix Danii W Horsens (11.06.2016) Zwycięża Maciej Janowski
AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)

AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:43
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2016
  • views: 1077
videos Ac Horsens (17 7 2016)
Vejle vs. Horsens  4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)

Vejle vs. Horsens 4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:32
  • Updated: 20 Mar 2016
  • views: 1158
Goals: 57' T. Mikkelsen 1 - 0 62' C. Sivebæk 2 - 0 78' J. Mehl 2 - 1 83' Aleksandr Stankov 2 - 2 84' T. Mikkelsen 3 - 2 90' B. Sanneh 3 - 3 90'+3 A. Kaagh 4 - 3 Vs. Horsens 4 3 All Goals (1St Division 20 March 2016)
AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)

AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:49
  • Updated: 01 Oct 2016
  • views: 1381
videos Horsens Esbjerg Fb (1 10 2016)
  • Scandic Bygholm Park Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel

    Thank you for watching! The LINK ⇦

    published: 19 Aug 2016
  • Hotel Opus Horsens Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel

    Thank you for watching! The LINK ⇦

    published: 19 Aug 2016
  • Chengdu-Horsens

    Simon og Philip fra 3. semester på Multiplatform Storytelling & Production har været i Chengdu i Vestkina og i Horsens for at lave denne film om dagligdagen i Kina og Danmark. Filmen er et fælles projekt mellem VIA, Horsens Kommune og Chengdu Kommune.

    published: 18 Sep 2015
  • Horsens CHP

    This video is about Horsens CHP Plant. The video is produced on 5th term on Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering. The task was to describe Horsens CHP, and to be specific about an optional subject.

    published: 21 Feb 2015
  • camping og fritidscenter horsens - Se vores flotte butik - Cf horsens

    Hos Camping og Fritidscenter Horsens A/S forhandler vi alle de kendte mærker fra Caravan Ringen CR Bürstner, Kabe, Wilk og Sprite. I vores campingcenter har vi desuden altid et godt udvalg af brugte campingvogne på lager i alle prislag. I vores campingudstyrs afdeling handler vi med campingudstyr fra alle de kendte producenter, her kan bl.a. nævnes Isabella, Outwell, Fiamma, Dometic, Truma, Enduro, Triax, Boxer tv og mange andre.

    published: 01 Mar 2011
  • Copenhagen, Denmark Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and is situated on the eastern coast of Zealand and stretches across part of Amager. A number of bridges and tunnels connect the parts of the city together, and the cityscape is characterized by promenades and waterfronts. The most important places to visit in Copenhagen: The Little Mermaid Statue, Tivoli Gardens, Nyhavn Canal, Copenhagen Art Galleries, Christiansborg Palace and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Copenhagen travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time fo...

    published: 12 Apr 2013
  • VIA University (Horsens, Denmark) introduction week - CAHS 11 - 09 feb 2012

    Constructing Architecture Horsens - February 2012 Our first project for today was to make a short video to represent our class and this is what we came up with. Later that same day we had to make a flag, to pick a name for our team and to join diferent games at which we gathered points for our team. It was an awsome day, VIA is the BEST! We also have a vending machine in the Canteen from where you can buy beer but sshhhh, don't tell anyone. :D And making of :

    published: 09 Feb 2012
  • Best Western Jrgensens Hotel - Horsens - Denmark

    Info & Cheap Booking! : Hotels in Horsens : In the Lichtenberg Mansion from 1744 this hotel is on Sndergade pedestrian street in central Horsens. It features free Wi-Fi and parking a summer terrace and stucco interiors. The Horsens NY Theatre is a 1-minute walk away.Rooms at Best Western Jrgensens Hotel feature classic dcor a flat-screen TV and a minibar. The bathrooms have marble floors and modern showers or baths.With its chandeliers and antique dcor Restaurant Lichtenberg is an elegant setting for a meal. It serves both traditional Danish food and international dishes. Restaurant Eydes Klder offers dining in a relaxed atmosphere.Horsens Tra...

    published: 17 Apr 2014
  • Ride my bicycle in Horsens, Denmark

    published: 16 Jul 2014
  • Visit Horsens

    What is there to do in Horsens? This quick tour around the city shows just a few out of a lot of things to do.

    published: 31 May 2013
Scandic Bygholm Park   Horsens, Denmark   Top World Hotel

Scandic Bygholm Park Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:04
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2016
  • views: 0
Thank you for watching! The LINK ⇦ Bygholm Park Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel
Hotel Opus Horsens   Horsens, Denmark   Top World Hotel

Hotel Opus Horsens Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2016
  • views: 0
Thank you for watching! The LINK ⇦ Opus Horsens Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel


  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 18 Sep 2015
  • views: 1746
Simon og Philip fra 3. semester på Multiplatform Storytelling & Production har været i Chengdu i Vestkina og i Horsens for at lave denne film om dagligdagen i Kina og Danmark. Filmen er et fælles projekt mellem VIA, Horsens Kommune og Chengdu Kommune. Horsens
Horsens CHP

Horsens CHP

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:10
  • Updated: 21 Feb 2015
  • views: 129
This video is about Horsens CHP Plant. The video is produced on 5th term on Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering. The task was to describe Horsens CHP, and to be specific about an optional subject. Chp
camping og fritidscenter horsens - Se vores flotte butik - Cf horsens

camping og fritidscenter horsens - Se vores flotte butik - Cf horsens

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Updated: 01 Mar 2011
  • views: 1913
Hos Camping og Fritidscenter Horsens A/S forhandler vi alle de kendte mærker fra Caravan Ringen CR Bürstner, Kabe, Wilk og Sprite. I vores campingcenter har vi desuden altid et godt udvalg af brugte campingvogne på lager i alle prislag. I vores campingudstyrs afdeling handler vi med campingudstyr fra alle de kendte producenter, her kan bl.a. nævnes Isabella, Outwell, Fiamma, Dometic, Truma, Enduro, Triax, Boxer tv og mange andre. Og Fritidscenter Horsens Se Vores Flotte Butik Cf Horsens
Copenhagen, Denmark Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions

Copenhagen, Denmark Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:29
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2013
  • views: 127747
videos Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and is situated on the eastern coast of Zealand and stretches across part of Amager. A number of bridges and tunnels connect the parts of the city together, and the cityscape is characterized by promenades and waterfronts. The most important places to visit in Copenhagen: The Little Mermaid Statue, Tivoli Gardens, Nyhavn Canal, Copenhagen Art Galleries, Christiansborg Palace and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Copenhagen travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available., Denmark Travel Guide Must See Attractions
VIA University (Horsens, Denmark) introduction week - CAHS 11 - 09 feb 2012

VIA University (Horsens, Denmark) introduction week - CAHS 11 - 09 feb 2012

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2012
  • views: 1237
Constructing Architecture Horsens - February 2012 Our first project for today was to make a short video to represent our class and this is what we came up with. Later that same day we had to make a flag, to pick a name for our team and to join diferent games at which we gathered points for our team. It was an awsome day, VIA is the BEST! We also have a vending machine in the Canteen from where you can buy beer but sshhhh, don't tell anyone. :D And making of : University (Horsens, Denmark) Introduction Week Cahs 11 09 Feb 2012
Best Western Jrgensens Hotel - Horsens - Denmark

Best Western Jrgensens Hotel - Horsens - Denmark

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2014
  • views: 62
Info & Cheap Booking! : Hotels in Horsens : In the Lichtenberg Mansion from 1744 this hotel is on Sndergade pedestrian street in central Horsens. It features free Wi-Fi and parking a summer terrace and stucco interiors. The Horsens NY Theatre is a 1-minute walk away.Rooms at Best Western Jrgensens Hotel feature classic dcor a flat-screen TV and a minibar. The bathrooms have marble floors and modern showers or baths.With its chandeliers and antique dcor Restaurant Lichtenberg is an elegant setting for a meal. It serves both traditional Danish food and international dishes. Restaurant Eydes Klder offers dining in a relaxed atmosphere.Horsens Train Station is less than half a mile from Best Western Jrgensens. The Industrial Museum and Fngslet prison museum are within a 20-minute walk of the hotel. ►User Reviews : Western Jrgensens Hotel Horsens Denmark
Ride my bicycle in Horsens, Denmark

Ride my bicycle in Horsens, Denmark

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2014
  • views: 77
videos My Bicycle In Horsens, Denmark
Visit Horsens

Visit Horsens

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
  • views: 98
What is there to do in Horsens? This quick tour around the city shows just a few out of a lot of things to do. Horsens
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    • POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]
      POLITIVOLD i HORSENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]
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    • Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens
      Vådt vådt vådt i Horsens
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    • FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)
      FC Midtjylland - AC Horsens (25-9-2016)
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    • Campus Horsens (in English)
      Campus Horsens (in English)
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    • Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)
      Summer Time VIA University College - Horsens (Denmark)
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    • Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski
      Finał Grand Prix Danii w Horsens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Maciej Janowski
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    • AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)
      AaB - AC Horsens (17-7-2016)
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    • Vejle vs. Horsens  4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)
      Vejle vs. Horsens 4 - 3 All Goals (1st Division - 20 March 2016)
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    • AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)
      AC Horsens - Esbjerg fB (1-10-2016)
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    Přináším Vám video z Hors­ens, kde se v tuto chvíli nacházím na 3 týdny na VIA Sum­mer Schoo...
    pub­lished: 04 Aug 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    POLI­TIVOLD i HORS­ENS [+ Læs og forstå under videoen]
    Så mange ressourcer til at tilka­lde en ek­stra vogn for at fange en DE MENER har stukket af...
    pub­lished: 14 Jun 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Vådt vådt vådt i Hors­ens
    Kloakkerne måtte give op over­for vand­masserne
    pub­lished: 15 Jun 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    FC Midtjyl­land - AC Hors­ens (25-9-2016)
    pub­lished: 25 Sep 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    Cam­pus Hors­ens (in En­glish)
    Stu­dent Mark Wal­lis from Lon­don, Eng­land guides you around the VIA Cam­pus in Hors­ens.
    pub­lished: 27 Mar 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Sum­mer Time VIA Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege - Hors­ens (Den­mark)
    Ran­dom videos of the sum­mer spent in Den­mark at the VIA Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Hors­ens. Fe...
    pub­lished: 19 Aug 2013
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    Finał Grand Prix Danii w Hors­ens (11.06.2016) - zwycięża Ma­ciej Janows­ki
    Grand Prix Danii w Hors­ens 11.06.2016 r. CZ­ER­WONY - Chris HOLD­ER NIEBIES­KI - Ma­ciej Janows...
    pub­lished: 11 Jun 2016
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    AaB - AC Hors­ens (17-7-2016)
    pub­lished: 17 Jul 2016
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    Vejle vs. Hors­ens 4 - 3 All Goals (1st Di­vi­sion - 20 March 2016)
    Goals: 57' T. Mikkelsen 1 - 0 62' C. Sivebæk 2 - 0 78' J. Mehl 2 - 1 83' Alek­san­dr Stan...
    pub­lished: 20 Mar 2016
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    AC Hors­ens - Es­b­jerg fB (1-10-2016)
    pub­lished: 01 Oct 2016
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    Scandic Bygholm Park Horsens, Denmark Top World Hotel

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    Scan­dic Bygholm Park Hors­ens, Den­mark Top World Hotel
    Thank you for watch­ing! The LINK ⇨ http://​bit.​ly/​2b9dBAN ⇦
    pub­lished: 19 Aug 2016
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    Hotel Opus Hors­ens Hors­ens, Den­mark Top World Hotel
    Thank you for watch­ing! The LINK ⇨ http://​bit.​ly/​2b9dBAN ⇦
    pub­lished: 19 Aug 2016
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    Simon og Philip fra 3. semester på Mul­ti­plat­form Sto­ry­telling & Pro­duc­tion har været i Che...
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    Hors­ens CHP
    This video is about Hors­ens CHP Plant. The video is pro­duced on 5th term on Aarhus School ...
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    camp­ing og fritid­s­cen­ter hors­ens - Se vores flotte butik - Cf hors­ens
    Hos Camp­ing og Fritid­s­cen­ter Hors­ens A/S forhan­dler vi alle de kendte mærker fra Car­a­van R...
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    VIA Uni­ver­si­ty (Hors­ens, Den­mark) in­tro­duc­tion week - CAHS 11 - 09 feb 2012
    Con­struct­ing Ar­chi­tec­ture Hors­ens - Febru­ary 2012 Our first pro­ject for today was to make...
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    Ride my bi­cy­cle in Hors­ens, Den­mark
    pub­lished: 16 Jul 2014
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    Visit Hors­ens
    What is there to do in Hors­ens? This quick tour around the city shows just a few out of a ...
    pub­lished: 31 May 2013
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    • Lyrics list:


    A whispered wind, a broken life
    I'm everything you took in stride
    Find a way to sidestep the bullet
    Your time is up and the clock's still ticking
    I am not waiting for anyone
    I am not waiting for you
    You think you're in control
    But you're just rolling with the punches
    And I see right through you
    (I see right through you)
    You think you're in control
    But you're just rolling with the punches
    And I see right through you
    (Right through you)
    So watch your back and understand me 'cause I believe
    ('cause I believe)
    I'll try to make you see
    This is bigger than you and me
    Make you understand
    This was not part of the plan
    I'll try to make you see
    This is bigger than you and me
    Make you understand
    This was not part of the plan
    You think you're in control
    But you're just rolling with the punches
    And I see right through
    (Right through you)
    So watch your back and understand me 'cause I believe
    ('cause I believe)
    So watch your back and understand me
    'Cause I couldn't let it be
    ('cause I couldn't let it be)
    Fight for a chance to have it all
    (to have it all)
    The world is waiting for you

    photo: AP / AP Photo/INA, FILE
    In this Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 file photo, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein meets with his leadership to mark the first day of Eid Al-Adha, the biggest feast of the Muslim calendar in Baghdad, Iraq.

    [VIDEO]: Report: Saddam Hussein Had Secret Torture Chamber In NYC Embassy

    Edit 14 Oct 2016
    Rumors abound former Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein kept a torture chamber in the basement of the Iraqi mission at 14 E. 79th St., New York magazine reported. If true, the report said, the torture chamber was in operation for years in one of New York City’s toniest neighborhoods, near Central Park and directly across the street from the home of former New York City Mayor billionaire Michael Bloomberg....
    photo: AP / Patrick Semansky
    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listens to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016.

    From Trump’s Impeachment To A Demonic Hillary, Americans Love Conspiracies

    Edit 14 Oct 2016
    Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingWho doesn’t love a good conspiracy? The answer is evidently millions of Americans. In fact, since the paranoia-styled politics of 9/11, almost everything our government leaders try to describe, or what is presented on television and in pages of “respectable” newspapers, appears to be inversions of historical reality ... Mike Pence the president. For now, Paul Ryan or Sen....
    photo: AP / Bullit Marquez
    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte addresses the Philippine Coast Guard during its 115th anniversary celebration which was highlighted by the commissioning of its vessel from Japan the BRP Tubbataha Wednesday Oct. 12, 2016 in Manila, Philippines.

    Philippines drug crackdown prompts warning from ICC

    Edit The Guardian 14 Oct 2016
    International court prosecutor says she is deeply concerned in statement apparently aimed at President Rodrigo Duterte. The international criminal court’s chief prosecutor has said she is “deeply concerned” about reports of extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines. Fatou Bensouda also said that statements by “high officials” in the Asian nation “seem to condone such killings” ... ....
    photo: AP / Reed Saxon
    In this Sept. 13, 2016 photo, the container ship Hanjin Boston is unloaded at the Port of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

    'We don't have a future' - Hanjin crews return to uncertain fate

    Edit BBC News 14 Oct 2016
    "Hanjin is like a family," says the first officer, slowly choosing his words. "But now," he hesitates, "it looks like we've lost our family.". We are standing on board one of Hanjin's vessels. It's a huge ship, and the officer is second-in-command. He stares past me, for a moment lost in thought, an empty gaze across the hundreds of metres of containers and steel hull below. He quickly snaps out of it. "Come this way please." ... He is shy ... ....
    photo: AP / Bongiwe Mchunu-The Star
    In this photo taken Oct. 27 2009 South African comedian Trevor Noah is photographed during an interview. Trevor Noah, a 31-year-old comedian from South Africa who has contributed to "The Daily Show" a handful of times during the past year

    Trevor Noah: ‘We’re Going to Spend the Next 4 Years Watching Trump TV’

    Edit Variety 14 Oct 2016
    Donald Trump can’t help but win for losing. That was the sentiment expressed by “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah on Thursday night as he and others from the Comedy Central series gathered at PaleyFest. Made in NY for a yakfest about his first year at the helm of the show. Noah likened the Republican... Read more » ... ....

    Danish anglers urged to catch 80,000 escaped trout

    Edit BBC News 12 Oct 2016
    Up to 80,000 farmed rainbow trout have been accidentally released into the sea in Denmark, prompting a call for anglers to try to catch them. The accident happened when a cargo ship crashed into a fish farm on the Horsens Fjord on the Jutland peninsula ... A local environmentalist urged "anyone with fishing gear to... ....

    Bakken remain the trailblazers of Danish basketball (FIBA - International Basketball Federation)

    Edit Public Technologies 07 Oct 2016
    (Source. FIBA - International Basketball Federation) ... It is familiar ground for the team from Aarhus, although they arrived here through a process of change ... But Bakken are not just any Danish club and when they went on to finish second in the Danish Basketligaen Regular Season and then failed to retrieve the championship crown from Horsens IC, changes had to be made ... (noodl. 35717470) ....

    Dixon and Tissot Called In To CMNT (Ottawa Fury FC)

    Edit Public Technologies 30 Sep 2016
    (Source. Ottawa Fury FC). Pair of local players will feature in a pair of International Friendlies in Morocco. Ottawa native Jamar Dixon and Gatineau native Maxim Tissot have been named to the Canadian Men's National Team squad that will take part in a pair of International Friendlies in Morocco, Canada Soccer announced today ... Dixon made his international debut for Canada against the United States in February 2016 ... DEN / AC Horsens....

    Four 'Caps called up to Canada (Vancouver Whitecaps FC)

    Edit Public Technologies 30 Sep 2016
    (Source. Vancouver Whitecaps FC). VANCOUVER, BC - Vancouver Whitecaps FC confirmed today that defender/midfielder Fraser Aird, midfielder Marco Bustos, and defenders Marcel de Jong and David Edgar have been called up to the Canadian senior men's national team for an upcoming camp and pair of friendlies ... The 'Caps foursome will join the national team following Sunday's Cascadia derby with Seattle Sounders FC (5 p.m ... DEN / AC Horsens....

    Ghanaian players abroad: Wakaso, Barnes, Lloyd Sam and 7 others score while Asamoah gets injured

    Edit Graphic 26 Sep 2016
    Ghanaian internationals Osei Barnes, Alhassan Wakaso, Gilbert Koomson and Bismark Adjei-Boateng all scored for their clubs over the weekend in Europe. Former Inter Milan youngster Said Ahmed Said found the net in Croatia while youngster Emmanuel Gyasi struck in the Italian lower-tier league ... ENGLAND ... Stanley Aborah Jnr ... Joseph Mensah came off the bench in the 71st minute to play for Horsens in their 5-2 loss at Midtjylland on Sunday ... USA....

    Performance of Ghanaian players abroad: Wakaso and Tetteh score

    Edit Graphic 13 Sep 2016
    Black Stars midfielder Wakaso Mubarak marked his Greek Super League debut with a strike for Panathinaikos while Samuel Tetteh perpetuated his scoring form in Austria. Forward Raphael Dwamena claimed his 7th goal of the season while Maxwell Boadu Acosty also scored in the Serie B for Latina ... ENGLAND ... GERMANY ... FRANCE ... SPAIN ... ITALY ... NETHERLANDS ... TURKEY ... RUSSIA ... Joseph Mensah warmed the bench as his Horsens side claimed a 4-2 win over Viborg ... ....

    Ten locals in Scorpions squad for Cameroon 02 September 2016 (Confédération Africaine de Football)

    Edit Public Technologies 02 Sep 2016
    (Source. Confédération Africaine de Football) 02 September 2016 12.26. Gambia coach Sang John Ndong has handed call ups to ten locally-based in his 18-man squad for the Group M Day 6 clash away to leaders Cameroon on Saturday in Limbe ... Full Squad ... Alieu Jatta (Génération Foot, Senegal), Bubacarr Sanneh (AC Horsens, Denmark), Mass Manga (Hawks), Nuha Barrow (Gamtel), Gregory Sambou (Ports Authority), Hamidou Bojang (Brikama United)....

    Quinn plays his part in Keane's last international (Reading Football Club plc)

    Edit Public Technologies 01 Sep 2016
    (Source ... Our midfield man played the first 64 minutes of the fixture at the Aviva Stadium to win his 17th cap, before being replaced by Callum O'Dowda just after the final goal of the game ... But Nicolai Jørgensen netted twice before the break for the world's number-44 country, before Andreas Cornelius, Viktor Fischer and Jens Stryger Larsen added goals in the second half at the Casa Arena Horsens ... (noodl. 35171701) ....

    Premier League summer transfers

    Edit Belfast Telegraph 01 Sep 2016
    ARSENAL. Players In ... Share Go To. Players Out ... BOURNEMOUTH. Players In ... Players Out ... BURNLEY. Players In ... Players Out ... CHELSEA. Players In ... Players Out ... HULL ... James Tomkins (Crystal Palace, £10million), Stephen Hendrie (Blackburn, loan), Joey O'Brien (released), Elliott Lee (Barnsley, undisclosed), Martin Samuelsen (Blackburn, loan), Reece Burke (Wigan, loan), Doneil Henry (AC Horsens, loan), Diego Poyet (released), Enner Valencia (Everton, loan)....

    Preview: Royals on international duty this week... (Reading Football Club plc)

    Edit Public Technologies 31 Aug 2016
    (Source. Reading Football Club plc) Ahead of this week's international break we preview the Royals on duty for their countries over the coming days ... Vs Denmark 7pm Wednesday 31st August 2016, CASA Arena Horsens ... New Royals signing Sandro Wieser is travelling out to Denmark for his native Liechtenstein, for a friendly on Wednesday evening in Horsens before they start their World Cup qualifying campaign in difficult fashion away in Spain....

    Europe's largest trailer pool (DSV A/S)

    Edit Public Technologies 29 Aug 2016
    (Source. DSV A/S). 8,500 trailers are 'floating' around Europe in DSV's trailer pool to ensure the highest level of service at the lowest price. DSV's own workshops and roadside assistance keep the fleet in mint condition - and maintain low costs ... fully equipped mobile workshops covering a distance of 200 km from workshops in Horsens (Denmark), Gothenburg and Landskrona (Sweden), Uusikaupunki (Finland) and Gorinchem (the Netherlands)....

    Højbjerg included in latest Denmark squad (Southampton Football Club Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 22 Aug 2016
    (Source. Southampton Football Club Ltd) ... Denmark will open with a friendly against Liechtenstein, at CASA Arena Horsens, on Wednesday 31st August ... Southampton Football Club Ltd ... (noodl. 35035229) ....