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  • Featured News Corbyn backs McDonnell over “war games” for run on the pound

    Corbyn backs McDonnell over “war games” for run on the pound

    Jeremy Corby has swung behind John McDonnell following claims the shadow chancellor was preparing for a run in the pound if Labour took power. Corbyn told the BBC it is “right to look at all these scenarios” after a morning of damaging headlines about the City’s reaction if the Labour leader made it to Downing Street. McDonnell, one of Corbyn’s closest allies, last night told a conference fringe meeting that the party was going “war game-type scenario planing” for a […]

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  • Comment Featured Labour needs a compelling offer for people on low incomes to win again

    Labour needs a compelling offer for people on low incomes to win again

    Labour is enjoying its conference season: on the back of a strong result at the general election, the party feels buoyed that its approach during the campaign – opposing austerity and highlighting inequality – helped them gain seats against the predictions of pollsters and commentators. But how did the party fare among people on low incomes, the party’s traditional electoral base? New analysis by professor Matthew Goodwin and professor Oliver Heath for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has shed fresh light […]

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  • Comment Featured Gordon Marsden: Let’s use education to inaugurate a new era of social mobility

    Gordon Marsden: Let’s use education to inaugurate a new era of social mobility

    Higher education, and particularly tuition fees, have not been off the agenda since Theresa May called her general election back in April. The latest twist came two weeks ago when the Tories fled the field over our motion to revoke the most recent rise and the Commons unanimously voted to support this. What this and the election period showed was how strong a political factor higher education has become. It was groundbreaking because it’s now seen as a key issue – […]

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  • Featured News Conference boost for Corbyn as study puts Labour on course to be largest party

    Conference boost for Corbyn as study puts Labour on course to be largest party

    Labour is on course to be the largest party at the next election but short of an overall majority, according to research carried out for LabourList. Survation said Labour would win 295 seats, ahead of the Tories on 277, if a general election was held immediately. The research also showed Labour could take power if it had the backing of the SNP – although Jeremy Corbyn has distanced himself from the prospect of a deal with the nationalists. Today LabourList […]

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  • Comment Featured Survation: Labour is turning it around as Tories slump on the economy

    Survation: Labour is turning it around as Tories slump on the economy

    Recent polling by Survation on behalf of LabourList ahead of Party Conferences shines a light on whether the Labour Party are on course for an overall majority at the next General Election. Survation’s headline voting intention on behalf of LabourList showed: Labour on 41 per cent, the Tories on 39 per cent, the Liberal Democrats on seven per cent and the SNP on three per cent. Combining these polling numbers with Survation’s other recent polling on behalf of the Mail […]

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