- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 5172
1949 (MCMXLIX) was a common year starting on Saturday (dominical letter B) of the Gregorian calendar, the 1949th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 949th year of the 2nd millennium, the 49th year of the 20th century, and the 10th and last year of the 1940s decade.
Gordon Hill Jenkins (May 12, 1910 – May 1, 1984) was an American arranger, composer and pianist who was an influential figure in popular music in the 1940s and 1950s, renowned for his lush string arrangements. Jenkins worked with the Andrews Sisters, Johnny Cash, The Weavers, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Judy Garland, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Harry Nilsson, and Ella Fitzgerald, among others.
Gordon Jenkins was born in Webster Groves, Missouri. He began his career doing arrangements for a St. Louis radio station. He was then hired by Isham Jones, the director of a dance band known for its ensemble playing, which gave Jenkins the opportunity to develop his skills in melodic scoring. He also conducted The Show Is On on Broadway.
After the Jones band broke up in 1936, Jenkins worked as a freelance arranger and songwriter, contributing to sessions by Isham Jones, Paul Whiteman, Benny Goodman, Andre Kostelanetz, Lennie Hayton, and others. In 1938, Jenkins moved to Hollywood and worked for Paramount Pictures and NBC, and then became Dick Haymes' arranger for four years. In 1944, Jenkins had a hit song with "San Fernando Valley". In the 1940s, he was music director for the radio version of the program Mayor of the Town, and his orchestra provided the music for Ransom Sherman's program on CBS.
Reviewing The Year 1949 (1949)
Top Songs of 1949
NBC News 1949
Madeleine - 1949 - Ann Todd, Ivan Desny, Norman Wooland, Leslie Banks
[文献纪录片 2011-10-20 HQ] 毛泽东 1949
Сказка старого дуба, 1949
1949年中华人民共和国开国阅兵 (1949年中華人民共和國開國閱兵)
1949-Mallory Knox (lyrics)
Звезда (1949) фильм
Full title reads: "Reviewing The Year 1949". Intertitle reads: "As 1950 moves in it brings to the halfway mark the 20th century. The century of the common man. The century of the atom bomb. The century that in half its life span has already brought us two world wars. On the eve of its half century, it found the free thinking nations putting their faith in strength to prevent a third". GV dawn breaking over aerodrome. GV Capitol Building, Washington DC, United States of America (USA). SV Flags of Atlantic Pact nations. Signing of Pact by Count Carlos Forza, Ernest Bevin, Dean Acheson (watched by Alben Barkley and President Harry S Truman). Scenes at the end of the Berlin blockade. Russian soldiers remove barriers and goods flow back to city. Riots are broken up in the West German cit...
●真相部落➯➯http://160928truth.p4.gw.lt/ ●共产党百年真相文本➯➯https://784.co-m.org/epo/nf1156504/ ●两届政治局常委亲人遭迫害内幕 ➯➯ ➯ https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#01 ●共产主义不是出路而是绝路➯➯ ➯ https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#02 ●历尽文革劫难的“七仙女”➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#04 ●国学大师陈寅恪之死➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#05 ●“乒坛三杰”文革自杀悲剧➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#06 ●北大才子王实味和他滴血的野百合花➯➯ https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#07 ●反右运动——浸血的世界纪录➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#08 ●大饥荒纪实➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#09 ●中共的杀人历史➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#10 ●共产主义远比纳粹邪恶➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#11 ●感情代替不了理智➯➯ ➯https://784.co-m.org/zx/bngcd/#12 ●大纪元退党网站➯➯ ➯http://su.ddns.me/zgtcf
1 Vaughn Monroe Riders In The Sky 2 Frankie Laine That Lucky Old Sun 3 Vic Damone You're Breaking My Heart 4 Perry Como Some Enchanted Evening 5 Jimmy Wakely and Margaret Whiting Slipping Around 6 Andrews Sisters and Gordon Jenkins I Can Dream, Can't I 7 Russ Morgan Cruising Down the River 8 Evelyn Knight A Little Bird Told Me 9 Frankie Laine Mule Train 10 Al Morgan Jealous Heart 11 Blue Barron Cruising Down The River 12 Vaughn Monroe Someday 13 Gordon Jenkins Again 14 Russ Morgan Forever and Ever 15 Perry Como Forever and Ever 16 Gordon Jenkins Don't Cry, Joe 17 Sammy Kaye Room Full Of Roses 18 Bing Crosby Far Away Places 19 Dinah Shore Buttons and Bows 20 Bing Crosby Galway Bay 21 Vaughn Monroe Red Rose...
This is an NBC News broadcast from 1949 with Clifton Utley on the anchor desk. The News on March 17, 1949 included: - Willis-Overland Cuts Car Prices By 10%, - New Rent Bill Increase Prices 10%, - Italian Communists Riot To Block The Atlantic Pact, - Truman To Give News Conference, - Pullman Strike Set For March 31st, - Sports News.
This film is generally regarded as one of David Lean's less successful directorial attempts, but not by me. It is a tightly controlled black and white telling of the true story of Madeleine Smith, a young lady living with her family in the house, which still stands, on the corner of Blythswood Square in mid 1850s Glasgow, and although Ann Todd (Mrs Lean at the time) was certainly too old at 40 to be playing a twenty-one year old, her iceberg coolness was perfect for the calculating poisoner that Madeleine was thought to be. Of all styles of murder - strangulation, shooting, stabbing, drowning or any other means, poison is the most cowardly and deceitful, being pre-planned with cunning and much malice-aforethought, and that's exactly what Madeleine Smith appeared the have been guilty of. ...
Рисованный старый добрый фильм о прелести и богатстве окружающего зеленого мира, пользе насекомых и птиц, а еще о том, как легко все это можно потерять и трудно потом восстановить. Старый раскидистый дуб рассказывает своей юной слушательнице давнюю историю об одном мальчике по имени Макарка. Мальчишка был избалованный. Всё, к чему ни прикоснется - ломалось. Вырезал на коре дуба свое имя, гнул молодую березу, выламывая ветви, стрелял из рогатки по птицам. Обиделись деревья и птицы и ушли далеко от дома, где жил злой мальчик. Пусто стало во дворе, сухо, пыльно, неуютно. И пошел Макарка искать свои деревья вместе с верной Жучкой. Трудно им пришлось, но отыскали. Извинился Макарка за все плохое, залечил на коре дуба раны, и простили его деревья и птицы. С тех пор Макар стал другим -- доб...
1949年中華人民共和國開國閱兵 The first military parade in 1949, celebrating the fouding of the People's Republic of China.
Фильм рассказывает о героизме советских разведчиков в период Великой Отечественной войны. Разведывательная группа не вернулась с задания. Командование фронтом направляет вторую группу, которая справилась с заданием, но в момент передачи по рации разведданных в центр была обнаружена и атакована немцами. Разведчики приняли неравный бой, отправив одного бойца с донесением к своим. Получив данные о дислокациях немцев, наши войска перешли в решительное наступление… Мы знаем, как получить от видео максимальный доход. Подключайтесь к партнерской программе RVISION на YouTube https://rvision.tv Вступайте в нашу группу в ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/rvision Подписывайтесь на нашу страницу в Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rvisionchannel/ Подписывайтесь на канал http://www.youtube.com/user/ClassicFi...
Carry me up them stairs,
Put my white socks on,
And my pretty song, you like,
My blue nail polish.
"What is all this?", you said,
"The mess upstairs,
Don't be scared"
Daddy dearest, you know,
How I like to take trips.
Pops first stop at the K-Mart,
Buy me my peach lipgloss,
Cigarettes and lolipops,
Mad magazines, and white socks.
All in your car for,
Our trip across the USA.
We gonna party,
Like it's 1949,
We in the Pontiac,
From July to July.
It's a flower motel nation,
Day and night on our last vacation,
We gonna see it all,
Before we say goodbye.
Daddy likes Blackpool,
Pleasure beach and roadstops,
Baby likes some Swiss Apps,
Souvenir giftshops.
Late night, midnight,
Radio show talks,
Daddy, baby,
Big jail break.
Ponytail and lolipops,
Dinerettes and sodapops.
New blue bathing suite,
Ruched tops and cadillacs.
Blue lake car to dunks,
Hop skotch, shit talk,
Alabama hard knocks,
Motel dresslocks.
We gonna party,
Like it's 1949,
We in the Pontiac,
From July to July.
It's a motel flower nation,
Day and night on our last vacation,
We gonna see it all,