Looking for trouble

These days, there’s no shortage of stuff to watch. We’ve become accustomed to 24/7 access to a dizzying array of digital media, all available at the push of a button, a swipe of a pad, or a click of a mouse. But somehow, the mass proliferation of high-speed internet, social media, smart phones and Netflix has left us feeling even more isolated than before. Millions of us are chained to our screens, consuming a steady stream of information, sharing and receiving it via powerful corporate algorithms designed to monitor our habits and keep us in our respective boxes.

In order to help break out of this trap, subMedia has launched Trouble, a monthly documentary series intended to be screened in groups. We are hoping that infoshops, social centers, student clubs, affinity groups and crews of rabble-rousers can use these videos as tools to help foster critical discussion aimed at sparking local organizing initiatives.

Interested in running screenings in your area? Become a TroubleMaker! For $10 per month, we will hook you up with an advanced copy of Trouble, along with a screening kit that includes additional videos, topical readings and some questions to get a discussion started. These events can also potentially serve as regular fundraisers–just pass the hat, and put whatever extra money you make towards supporting your local projects.

Last but not least, we also wanna from you about topics and struggles that you want us to cover in future episodes. So if you’ve got ideas, or just wanna get in touch, fill out the form below or email us at Trouble@sub.media