Video Ninjas

These Women Sabotaged DAPL

On July 24, 2017, Jessica Reznicek and Ruby Montoya publicly admitted to multiple acts of sabotage on the Dakota Access Pipeline. subMedia connected with them via Skype to find out their motivations and how they did it. LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW (MP3 9mb) READ THEIR STATEMENT Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration:… Read more »

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN

Welcome to Hell Strikes Back!

After a brutal start, the Welcome to Hell actions continued. People fought the cops, barricaded roads, and torched dozens of luxury cars.

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN

Rent Strike in Toronto

On Wednesday June 7th, tenants from the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale occupied the Landlord & Tenant Board to shut down a hearing for an above guideline rent increase at an apartment building at 87 Jameson Ave.

Year 2017 Length 1.5 MINS

How one woman stopped clear cut logging

Christine Jack of the St’at’imc Nation maintains a checkpoint 50 kilometres into the Yalakom Valley near Lilloet BC, effectively shutting down logging operations from that point and patrols the kilometers before the camp as well as nearby valleys.

Year 2017 Length 37 MINS

Montreal: Week of Occupations

Montreal community groups came together with autonomous radicals last week to demand access to housing, squatting buildings and holding free barbecues in the park.

Year 2017 Length 2 MINS