
Versage: contemporary Nigerian knock-off designer street wear

Versage is an exploration of low-end globalization and global inequality; contemporary Nigerian fashion and the people behind it; the notion of cheapness; the complexity of the concept of "Made in China"; the creolization of taste; and when mimicry becomes its own aesthetic. An ongoing project, a mixed media photo/text/Versage installation in the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art in Leipzig Germany is currently on view through September. see: https://goo.gl/jXouGu

Read more on how Versage trade is working on the streets of Lagos

By Allyn Gaestel

True Cost Of Electricity

How much is a megawatt of electricity? Besides the cost to the investor, there is a cost to the society of every megawatt generated in Nigeria. If external costs are included. the true cost of each energy source emerges, with coal as the most costly energy source followed by solar PV.

Marshall Plan with Nigeria?

In 2017, Africa has gained unusual prominence – within and beyond the framework of the German G20 presidency. Three German initiatives highlight relationships with the African continent: the Ministry of Cooperation and Development’s “Marshall Plan With Africa”, the Ministry of Finance’s “Compact with Africa” and the Ministry for Economic Affair’s initiative “Pro! Africa”.  Through its initiatives, Germany promises to support Africa in the development of its growth and development potential and thus curtail migration. But how many voices from Nigeria are being heard in the debate in Germany? This web dossier wants to highlight arguments for the “Development That Nigeria Wants” and transport these perspectives into the Africa debate currently taking place in Germany.

Public Participation and Struggles for Sustainable Spaces in the Community

Plumes of smoke, splintered wood and twisted pieces of corrugated iron, surrounded by mounds of debris were frequent roadside sightings in 2016 around Eti Osa Local Government in Lagos State. At times these periodic demolitions of roadside shops and markets caused one to stop in ones tracks because they actually resembled bomb sites in a war zone, where destruction takes place without any immediate moves to remove the ugly damage...  

By Kofo Adeleke

The Working Poor in the Informal Sector and Their Contribution to the Urban Economy

Market women and informal traders in Lagos contribute massively to the urban economy of the city; through payment of various taxes and levies but also through sustaining transport, construction, food and other sectors, even in times of deep recession. They contribute their share to the internally generated revenue and therefore should expect in return social services in form of local infrastructure, access to low interest credit etc.

Civic Charter

There is an increase in civil society repression in several countries in the world. More countries are introducing new laws that are shrinking the space for civic participation. The Civic Charter was developed by an international coalition of civil society organizations to protect the freedom of expression, information, assembly and association.

Strategic projects and tactical interventions for urban development in West Africa

The approach of the Makoko Neighborhood Hotspot intends to demonstrate that low-tech, flexible, low-cost and strategic yet precise interventions can increase the share of urban consumers and taxpayers which again increases the city’s overall welfare – opposite to the often implemented top-down, investment intensive and heavily donor or elite-driven big-infrastructure solutions as they have mostly failed in (West-) Africa.

By Fabienne Hoelzel

Bikeable City Lagos

Lagos is a city relying heavily on road use by private cars and public buses.  With the growth of population, inadequate maintenance of the road network, badly maintained cars, insufficient public transport planning, and weak policies on pollution & climate change, roads are congested and pollution is on the rise. It is therefore timely to explore possibilities for introducing cycling as a sustainable non-motorized transportation mode for Lagos which also enhances mobility for the urban poor and increases interaction among nearly all groups. Just like investing in an efficient public transport system, investing in cycling entails social, economic and environmental benefits for cities.

Editorial: Behind the Rio Games

Barbara Unmüßig correlates the Olympics with Brazil’s institutional, political and economic crisis. Did the organizers learn a lesson from the World Cup in 2014?

By Barbara Unmüssig

Young Nigerians Discuss Climate Change

https://ng.boell.org/sites/default/files/styles/150x100/public/uploads/2016/01/climate-change.png?itok=B1paUcIK06. Jan. 2016 by Doreen Nlekwa Daniel Akinjise 
As world leaders are debating global solutions to climate change, ordinary Nigerians await concrete measures that would cushion the effects of climate change on their environment. The Heinrich Böll Foundation asked Nigerians to tell their own, local stories about how climate change affects them. From the 38 entries submitted to the competition in November 2015, two winners emerged: Doreen Nlekwa from Port Harcourt and Daniel Akinjise from Lagos. Read more

New Publications

Urban Planning Processes in Lagos

The publication is the result of a year long research process led by Fabulous Urban, Zurich, with local experts and final year students’ examining the relation between urban policies, urban interventions, the role of governance and the different actors in Lagos. The publication looks at four case studies with  detailed overviews, graphics and analysis demonstrating that strategic adjustments in the overall politics and policies guiding the urban development of Lagos are needed to reach out to   all Lagos residents  who is at the center of the urban and economic development.


Open City Lagos

The publication “Open City Lagos”, a cooperation with Nsibidi Institute Lagos and Fabulous Urban Zurich, intends to initiate a public reflection and discourse on the characteristics of an “open city” where the co-existence of different social groups and the richness of cultural diversity come together to foster growth that is diverse, equitable, creative, sustainable and inclusive.

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Is it possible to conceive, write, edit and publish a book in 5 days? The Heinrich Boll Stiftung Nigeria office brought together some big names in Nigeria to write about the country they know and love so well. They ended up with a book called Nameless. What is Nameless you ask?

“Nameless is a city. A country within borders. Abound less space of ideas. A cosmos with realities, stark and painful, quiet and loud. A space crippled by fears. Nameless is populated. West African. It is in the minds of its people, black and proud. Sometimes Nameless is human. An idea. Sometimes it is in the past. Often times it is the now. Other times, it is the future”.

New Morning - Film Launch

As part of the foundation’s commitment to bringing difficult topics into public attention to start a debate, the Heinrich Böll Foundation had the first public screening of New Morning, a movie about domestic violence.

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Coal Atlas Nigeria: Facts and figures on a fossil fuel

How much coal should Nigeria burn to increase electricity supplies for the country? Is coal economically viable, and what health hazards does it bring to Nigerians? The Nigeria Coal Atlas has relevant facts & figures from domestic and international sources.
Nigeria Coal Atlas


Perspectives #02/2017: Putting People Back Into Infrastructure


This edition of Perspectives contributes to the ongoing debate on infrastructure development in Africa by sharing snapshots of experience from around the continent, exploring questions about democratic participation, the role of human and environmental rights, and economic transformation.

Bitumen in Nigeria

Nigeria has the 6th largest reserves globally of bitumen, also known as oil sands or tar sands. It is used in road construction, but can also be processed into oil. International researcher Christina Milos draws lessons from the Canadian experience, comparing with field findings from Ogun State and adding analysis of Nigerian government policies in order to assess the true cost of extracting bitumen from the ground.

Open City Lagos

The publication “Open City Lagos”, a cooperation with Nsibidi Institute Lagos and Fabulous Urban Zurich, intends to initiate a public reflection and discourse on the characteristics of an “open city” where the co-existence of different social groups and the richness of cultural diversity come together to foster growth that is diverse, equitable, creative, sustainable and inclusive.


Despite the acute lack of electricity and the huge potentials for solar, wind and biomass in Nigeria, the renewable energy market is very small. Is Nigeria addicted to oil and gas? Or is there a policy window of opportunity to increase the amount of renewable energy that would benefit small businesses and households? An assessment by Christine K, with a policy brief on Pay As You Go Solar for Nigeria.

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Electricity for industrialisation, rising living standards and better healthcare in West Africa – where will it come from? Gas, coal, oil and renewable sources of energy are all in abundant supply. But what is the right mix for the energy future? And what are the carbon choices that West African countries need to make? This report by Hans Verolme looks into the social, cost and environmental dimensions of deciding on Africa’s energy for tomorrow.

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Africa Climate Wire seeks to give voice to the groups and communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change through stories that investigate the governance of climate change adaptation, national response strategies and finance for adaptation in Africa.
