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Logically, there's only one good reason for voting 'No'

As I write, I'm waiting for my Marriage Law Postal Survey to arrive in the mail, knowing that soon it will be my turn to participate in a process created as a cynical exercise in obfuscation by one prime minster, now executed in an act of political and moral cowardice by another. You've probably already guessed how I'm going to fill in my form.

That's not to say I think everyone in the "no" camp is a bigot or a homophobe, but of all the arguments raised, I've heard only one to date that I consider to have any validity, even though I disagree with it. It seems the majority of "no" campaigners have purposefully avoided addressing the one simple question being put to us. The Coalition for Marriage didn't even bother to use the word "marriage" in the first ad of their campaign, choosing instead to present a vox pop of mothers concerned about the teaching of gender studies in schools.

The red herring approach is also favoured by conservative politicians such as Matt Canavan and Kevin Andrews, who (along with others) claim there is evidence to suggest the best environment for raising children requires a mother and father. There is not. Not only has this frequently debunked myth nothing to do with the marriage equality debate, it's highly offensive to many in our community. That includes single parents such as myself, and people raised by single parents, including many of my friends. I can't even begin to imagine how hurtful it must be to children whose parents are in a same-sex relationship to suggest that somehow they are being damaged as a result.

Another argument is the threat to religious freedom, a case Paul Kelly tried to prosecute recently in The Australian. He wants people to say "no" to marriage equality because we haven't yet seen the legislation to be tabled in Parliament should the survey result come back in the affirmative. Kelly claims any version of the bill is likely to impinge current religious freedoms, and if we can't see the legislation first, then we can't make an informed choice.

Ask yourself though, what's really at risk here? Churches are allowed to make rules about what their followers may wear, or the offices they can hold, based on gender. That doesn't give them the right to force these same rules on those who don't share their ideology. In fact, we have anti-discrimination laws to expressly prevent this. Allowing same-sex couples to marry is not the same as allowing same-sex couples to be married by a Catholic priest, Jewish rabbi or Muslim cleric.

Early in this debate I saw television footage of a young male in a country pub who trots out the tired joke: "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". That the Bible makes no mention of Adam and Eve being married is beside the point. This glib comment, which gets a few laughs from his mates, is not about marriage, it's about the legitimacy of LGBTI relationships in general. We were warned how this debate would unleash a torrent of hate speech and abuse, but much of the damage occurs at a more low key and insidious level.


As someone who grew up in country Victoria, I saw first-hand just how difficult life could be for LGBTI people in that environment. Unsurprisingly, rates of depression and suicide are far higher among rural Australians than in our cities, where there is not only greater access to support services, but also a greater level of diversity in all forms, including sexuality, which promulgates a greater tolerance of difference.

When I was growing up, misogynistic and homophobic slurs in the schoolyard and sportsfield were commonplace. So when David Pocock called out an opponent for using a homophobic slur during a rugby game between the Brumbies and the Waratahs two years ago, resulting in a heavy fine for the offending player, it felt as if something small but profound had occurred. Here was a clear and unequivocal demonstration that the dial had moved – even if only ever so slightly – to what society now considered acceptable behaviour.

Perhaps this is what inspired Tony Abbott to suggest that people should respond "no", if for no other reason than because they don't like political correctness. It takes a special kind of zealotry to make such a link, particularly considering the personal significance for his sister, who has publicly expressed her desire to be able to marry her female partner.

Out of all the arguments I've heard for saying "no" to same-sex marriage, only one addresses the actual question at hand. That is, traditionally marriage has been between a man and a woman, and therefore it should remain so. Advocates of this argument often suggest that they have no problem with officially recognising same-sex unions, they just want to use a name other than "marriage".

At face value, it seems reasonable enough. After all, I'm a fan of certain traditions, which can be a positive force in bringing people together, so long as it's not at the exclusion of others. And here lies the problem.

Creating a different category of union, and calling it something other than "marriage", is a form of segregation. And when there is an obvious difference in power and privilege between two segregated groups (as there clearly is when it comes to the LGBTI minority and the rest of the community), then entrenching difference only serves to entrench inequality.

I don't think objecting to same-sex marriage on traditional grounds makes someone a bigot or homophobe, but I do believe it requires a certain ignorance of history. Racial segregation was once a tradition in many countries, too. It was only after the 1967 referendum that Indigenous Australians were finally included in the population census. Traditions such as this have no place in our modern society. I happen to believe denying same-sex couples the right to marry falls into the same category.

So, for the sake of equality, for the sake of my friends and family, for the sake of my daughter and the kind of society I want her to grow up in, I'll be responding "yes" in the Marriage Law Postal Survey.

P. D. Riches is a Melbourne writer.


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