
Showing posts from October, 2015

Cuckfederate Embarrassment: Have the Virginia Flaggers lost count of how many hate flags they've raised?

Some people associated with the Virginia Flaggers say this newest hate flag, placed along the Danville Expressway is hateflag #6.

While others associated with the Virginia Flaggers say it is actually hate flag #5.

Whatever number this newest hate flagadjacent to Route 58 makes, the Flaggers are back to claiming they are going to raise a thousand hate flags for every one removed. Can you please make your minds up already?  Sheesh.

So add math to the list of things the Virginia Flaggers are bad at. One thing you can be sure of, is that the Flaggers must have a pretty hefty bank account. What, with all of the leasing of property, and purchase of hate flags and poles, these things can't be cheap. Luckily for the Flaggers they occupy a unique position in-between being a for-profit company and a non-profit organization. And while we don't know what the Virginia Flaggers specific situation is, we know that non-profits don't pay taxes, and not paying taxes could certainly help ra…

The Invisible Empire rides again: The International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are claiming that 76 Klansmen are planning on attending a "Confederate Heritage" styled rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia on November 14th

If you thought the days of the Ku Klux Klan assembling at Stone Mountain, Georgia were a thing of the past like Connie Chastain did, think again. The International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are claiming on Facebook that 76 Klansmen areplanning to attend a "Confederate Heritage" styled rally in mid-November. Chuck R. L. Kelley, Chief of Police & Fire at the Stone Mountain Park Department of Public Safety confirmed last week by email that a group calling itself the Southern Rebel Patriotswas planning a gathering at Stone Mountain on November, 14th. Chief Kelley insisted that there was no indication that the group was associated with the Ku Klux Klan.

Although the law states that the Klansmen can open carry in the park, Chief Kelley tells us that he asked them to conceal carry any weapons to "prevent upsetting visitors." Good call.

We have reached out to Chief Kelley tonight, to inquire if the rally will be allowed to go on as planned, and if he planne…

Essay: "Your Heritage Is Hate"

Via NBC News:

"Whenever the wind blows and the Mississippi State flag flies boldly in the center of campus, it lets me know that at one point I was not wanted at this University.The University's Interim Chancellor had openly condemned the use of the state flag so many may wondered why it had not been taken down yet. But I believe it was because the University administration wanted to see students take action.This week 49 student representatives spent two hours debating the removal of the Mississippi state flag from campus in Bryant Hall, a building located just a few feet away from the center of the circle which houses the American flag and Mississippi State flag. Some students solely represented their constituents, while others spoke to what they believed was morally right.These representatives, known as the Associated Student Body Senators, ultimately voted to pass a resolution requesting that the flag be removed.While this is an incredible step, this vote is only a scratch…

End of an Error: The Mississippi State Flag comes down at the University of Mississippi

Via theUniversity of Mississippi News:

"OXFORD, Miss. – University of Mississippi Police Department officers lowered and furled the state flag in a Lyceum Circle ceremony as the campus opened Monday morning. The flag will be preserved in the University Archives along with resolutions from students, faculty and staff calling for its removal.The university’s removal of the flag is the latest development in discussions within the state about whether to change the official state flag, which includes the Confederate battle flag in one corner.Interim Chancellor Morris Stocks first joined other state and university leaders calling for a change in the state flag in a statement last June.“The University of Mississippi community came to the realization years ago that the Confederate battle flag did not represent many of our core values, such as civility and respect for others,” Stocks said. “Since that time, we have become a stronger and better university. We join other leaders in our stat…

End Times: Have the Sons of Confederate Veterans thrown in the towel?

It's no secret that Confederate Heritage movement has been on the ropes recently with embarrassing defeat, after embarrassing defeat. Some people are speculating that it's so bad, that the Sons of Confederate Veterans (the preeminent Confederate Heritage organization) have more or less raised the White Flag of surrender. Not so, says Chief Charles Kelly Barrow.

Looks like they still have some whimper left in them.

Restoring the honor!

Lest We Forget: The hate of Virginia Flagger Hubert Wayne Cash

Susan Hathaway and her Virginia Flaggers certainly have.

Restoring the honor!

Ku Klux Pity Party: Klansmen arrested at University of Mississippi on alleged gun charges

Via The DM Online:

"Two members of the International Keystone Knights were handcuffed and led off campus Thursday night after police found two guns in the members’ vehicle following a pro-flag protest after a faculty senate meeting.The Knights were protesting in front of Fulton Chapel following the faculty senate vote to adopt a resolution encouraging the University to remove the Mississippi flag from campus.University police responded quickly to the protest, using physical barricades to separate the protesters from any bystanders."

"The six members protesting held signs saying “If diversity wins we all lose,” “Black lives don’t matter” and “Keep the flag,” and two Confederate flags.After about 15 minutes, UPD escorted four of the members to their vehicle parked in the Honors College parking lot. UPD searched the members’ vehicle where they found two guns. There were two loaded shotguns in the vehicle and the two members arrested were Kyler Campbell and Virgil Dennison, …

Hoods Off: Ku Klux Klan and Confederate Heritage activists to converge on November 14th at Stone Mountain, Georgia for joint rally

This from theSouthern Poverty Law Center:

"The Ku Klux Klan, with support from members of various pro-Confederate groups, is planning a protest rally in mid-November in Stone Mountain Park, near Atlanta, at the proposed site of a “Freedom Bell” dedicated to the late Martin Luther King Jr.The proposed bell, engraved with King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, would sit atop a granite wall – larger than Mount Rushmore – bearing the images of Confederate heroes Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis.The Stone Mountain landmark is in a 3,200-acre state park that is a dedicated Confederate War memorial – a site that’s also hollowed, historic ground to the KKK which has held cross burnings and membership rituals there in decades past.The protest rally is being promoted on social media by members of the KKK, Sons of Confederate Veterans, the League of the South and assorted Patriot groups, including some which appear to have been created just to promote the Nov. 14 protest rally.…

Cooter's Coalition

TheConfederate Heritage successes have been too numerous to list lately. Even so, some people, like Ben Jones, feel they need rally the troops while Confederate Heritage takes a pause from all of the recent wins. And you thought the SCV was dead. Sheesh!

Restoring the honor!

Confederate melodrama: Tripp Lewis quits the Sons of Confederate Veterans

Who knew he had to quit after this?

The Sons of Confederate Veterans still haven't answered where the $100,000 went. They better be careful!

Oh my.

Squirrel Nut Zippers - It's Over

Restoring the honor!

Confederate Heritage Shenanigans: Unknown suspect trespasses on private property to hang a Confederate Flag where it isn't welcome

The Richmond County Sherriff's Office would like to hear from anyone who can provide information about the identity of the person or persons who entered private property (trespassed) to hang a Confederate Flag on a flagpole unbeknownst to the property owner. Anyone with information, please call (706)-821-1000

It's all fun and games isn't it?

Restoring the honor!

Hate Not Heritage: Odyssey article on failed dual hate group protest at the University of Mississippi

Via Darby Hennessey at Odyssey:

“With shirts emblazoned with the title “International Keystone Knights” and equipped with every variation of the Confederate flag possible, a band of Confederate supporters marched onto the Ole Miss campus the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 16. This organization is part of the Ku Klux Klan, the notorious group of white supremacists who terrorized minority communities, specifically the black communities during the Jim Crowe and Civil Rights eras.”

“One man, holding a sign bearing the message “SECEDE” and a hat reading “White Power,” stood at the forefront of the KKK group and talked to the media and responded to questions from the crowd. “We’ll fly our flags where we want, how we want,” he said. “You’re so afraid of a flag.”Several other Knight members shouted out things to the crowd, such as “Black lives don’t matter,” in response to one of many posters in the crowd bearing the slogan “Black Lives Matter.” Other posters proclaimed, “Fins up, flag down,” and “Y…

What do Billy Bearden, the Ku Klux Klan, and Stone Mountain all have in common?

You'll find out soon...

Restoring the honor!

A Separate and Distinct People: Keeping it classy!

Keep it classy Southrons!

Restoring the honor!

A Separate and Distinct People: Is this how you respect the flag?

The Confederates must be proud. Think they'll speak out against this? Don't hold your breath!

Restoring the honor!