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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Native Son (1951)


Based on the novel by Rchard Wright, the story tell of a Black chauffeur, named Bigger Thomas (Richard Wright). He was given the opportunity to drive for a wealthy white family. The family's daughter (Jean Wallace) talks Bigger into driving her to a labor rally so that she can rendezvous with her "radical" boy friend. On the way home, Bigger misinterprets the girl's kindnesses towards him as being sexually motivated. Later on, Bigger drives the girl home after she's been on a drunken binge. Too drunk to walk, Bigger carriers her inside to her room. The girls blind mother shows up and scared that the daughter will cry rape because there is a Black man in her room, Bigger attempts to silence her while the girl's mother is talking to her. After the mother leaves, Bigger has realized the she is dead. From this point, the trouble he is in only begins to get worst as be battles with the morals of society. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Jackie Robinson Story (1950)


Biography of Jackie Robinson, the first black major league baseball player in the 20th century. Traces his career in the negro leagues and the major leagues. 

Visit the Museum of Black Cult Cinema for additional information and digital media.