We recently hired journalist Ken Klippenstein to do open records journalism and curate a document reading room.

His skills have allowed us to publish previously unreported documents on FBI investigations on arms monitoring groups and legendary musicians, as well as how officials handled the white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Shadowproof is excited to bring more of his important work to our readers, but we need your help.

Can you become a member for $3/month to support Ken’s column and our other writers?

The Dissenter

Seattle Police. Photo by Toby Scott (cornucopia2012) on Flickr.
19 Sep 2017

Appeals Court Rejects Absurd Claim Use Of Force Policy Violates Seattle Officers’ Second Amendment Rights

A federal appeals court rejected Seattle police claims that a “use of force” policy violates their Second Amendment rights to use firearms.

18 Sep 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Won’t Let It Go’ By La Neve

Joey La Neve DeFrancesco is a guitarist for Downtown Boys, the Providence group whose recent full-length Cost Of Living received widespread critical acclaim. The group was called “the most exciting punk band in America” and described as “rewriting the rules of punk rock.” Under the radar, earlier this year, DeFrancesco

16 Sep 2017

Interview With Rania Khalek On Her Time With The Yezidi PMF In Iraq

Host Rania Khalek of the “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast spent a week with the Yezidi Popular Mobilization Forces in newly liberated south Sinjar in August. She learned many Yezidis join the PM to protect their families, defend their towns, and save those in their family captured by ISIS. In the first

Mike Pompeo. Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr.
15 Sep 2017

Harvard Kennedy Succumbs To CIA Pressure, Revokes Chelsea Manning’s Fellowship

Harvard revoked an invitation for United States military whistleblower Chelsea Manning to serve as a visiting fellow after intense pressure from the CIA.


Prison Protest

15 Sep 2017

Watchdog Finds Attica’s Mental Health Treatment Unit Is Haven For Abuse And Neglect

A new report from Disability Rights New York, the federal watchdog for people with disabilities in the state, found rampant abuse and neglect within the mental health treatment unit at the Attica Correctional Facility. Under state law, people with diagnosed serious mental illness, who face punitive solitary confinement in excess

Victoria Law. Photo by Jen Cleary.
14 Sep 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 12: Incarcerated Women Resist feat. Victoria Law

Victoria Law joins Beyond Prisons to discuss her work with imprisoned women and her book, “Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles Of Incarcerated Women.”

Krystal Rountree of IAMWE Prison Advocacy Network. Photo by Brian Sonenstein.
05 Sep 2017

America Is Still A Slave Nation: Massive Abolitionist Gathering Held In Washington, D.C.

As white nationalists in Charlottesville and Boston provoked large, and at times, violent demonstrations, what may have been the largest gathering of abolitionists in the nation’s history took place in Washington, D.C. The Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March was the first march on Washington in opposition to prison slavery

Max Parthas of New Abolitionists Radio delivers a speech at the Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March in Washington, D.C. on August 19, 2017.
29 Aug 2017

It’s Not Mass Incarceration, But Slavery: Speech By Max Parthas At The Millions For Prisoners March

Max Parthas of New Abolitionists Radio urges Americans to call slavery what it is at the Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March in Washington, D.C.

10 Aug 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 11: Jailhouse Lawyers Speak

We’re joined by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak: a national collective of incarcerated people who provide legal assistance behind bars.

James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Delaware. Photo by trconrad2001 on Flickr
21 Jul 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 10: Demanding Human Rights At Vaughn feat. Emily Abendroth

On episode 10 of Beyond Prisons, we talk about Thomas Gordon, who is incarcerated at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center, a state prison in Delaware.


Sharp Edges

18 Sep 2017

Book Review: Hillary Clinton’s Revisionist History Of 2016 Campaign Is Bourgeois Indulgence

Hillary Clinton’s book on her presidential campaign is a quintessential piece of bourgeois indulgence. Much like autobiographical works that have come before, this book is inseparable from the larger trajectory of the political class once their time in the media spotlight wanes. Politicians get paid handsomely to publish an insider

Photo by People's Breakfast Oakland
12 Sep 2017

Inspired By Black Panthers, People’s Breakfast Oakland Helps Those Neglected By Government

New movement growing in Oakland follows in the footsteps of Black Panthers to create community in areas where government has failed.

06 Sep 2017

Where Was President Obama’s ‘Decency’ When He Was Deporting DREAMers?

After an official announcement from President Donald Trump’s administration regarding plans to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, in place since 2012, former President Barack Obama released a statement that stands firmly in the middle, an art the Democratic Party has mastered. It had the same

Photo by johnnysilvercloud on Flickr.
28 Aug 2017

Washington Post Justifies Government Prosecution Of Inauguration Protesters As ‘Conspirators’

Despite the aggressive pressure mounted against J20 protesters, the Washington Post attempted to frame concern for state repression as an overreaction.

23 Aug 2017

Leftists Respond To Charlottesville: A Field Guide For Anti-Fascist Organizing

The violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, including an attack by a neo-Nazi that resulted in 19 injuries and the death of Heather Heyer, brought into focus the danger of white supremacy. It reminded Americans of the legacy of slavery and racism in the United States. It also catapulted resistance to white

15 Aug 2017

The Neoliberal Record Of Kamala Harris: Reckon With It Instead Of Attacking Critics

Kamala Harris, a career prosecutor who served as California’s attorney general and is now a United States senator, is seen by liberals as the Democratic Party new “rising star”. Democrats are already touting the possibility of a 2020 presidential run, and any inkling of criticism, regardless of how genuine, faces


The Bullpen

Protestors demand Medicare for all in Bakersfield, California. Photo by ufcw770 on Flickr.
14 Sep 2017

The Surprising Provision Buried In Sanders’ Medicare For All Bill

Senator Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All bill contained one very interesting section that has been mostly overlooked.

Vermont Human Right To Healthcare. Rally at the State House in Montpelier, VT. Photo by NESRI on Flickr.
09 Aug 2017

Interview With Jon Walker: Why MICA Is Good Plan To Transition U.S. To Single-Payer Health Care

Health care policy analyst Jon Walker discusses his proposal for transitioning the United States to a single-payer health care system.

Hospital room. Photo by Sara Star NS on Flickr.
24 Jul 2017

Here’s A National Single-Payer Health Care Plan That Would Work

Shadowproof is proud to contribute to the national health care debate by introducing our plan to transition the U.S. to a single-payer health care system.

"Healthcare Costs." Photo by Images Money on Flickr.
24 Jul 2017

Medical Insurance And Care For All: A National Single-Payer Bill

The Medical Insurance and Care for All (MICA) program is a public health insurance program based on Medicare but open to all individuals.

Photo (cropped) via Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur on Flickr.
24 Jun 2017

Senate Trumpcare Bill Shows GOP Thinks Working Poor Should Struggle More For Health Care

Senate Republicans want to make Obamacare much worse in order to fund a large tax cuts for the rich, drug companies, insurance companies, and device makers.

Photo by Health California on Facebook:
07 Jun 2017

California Plan For Single-Payer System Must Confront Political Obstacles To Succeed

Generating support for single-payer health care is important, but it will never succeed without planning for the trade-offs necessary to make it work.



Trump Tower. Photo by brad_t on Flickr.
18 Sep 2017

FBI Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny Trump Tower Wiretap

In response to a records request, the FBI said it “can neither confirm nor deny the existence of records” regarding a wiretap of Trump Tower.

14 Sep 2017

Salt Lake City Police Chief Applauded Officers Instead Of Reflecting On Nurse Incident

Shadowproof obtained emails from the Salt Lake City police chief after the incident with a University of Utah nurse. Where is reflection on what happened?

Heather Heyer memorial in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. Photo by Bob Mical on Flickr.
04 Sep 2017

UVA Professor Warned Charlottesville Police Of Impending Violence On Night Before Heather Heyer’s Death

After witnessing a “no police intervention” the night before Heath Heyer’s death, a professor warned police “the White supremacists will be violent tomorrow.”

"Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Photo by Rodney Dunning.
01 Sep 2017

Emails Suggest UVA Police Downplayed White Supremacist Groups During Unite The Right Rally

Read the University of Virginia’s police chief’s emails regarding the “Unite the Right” rally, obtained by Shadowproof under the Freedom of Information Act.

Gil Scott-Heron. Photo by Martti Tulenheimo (tulenheimo) on Flickr.
30 Aug 2017

Read The FBI File For Renowned Black Musician And Poet Gil Scott-Heron

Shadowproof obtained 28 pages of FBI records regarding Black musician and poet Gil Scott-Heron under the Freedom of Information Act.

24 Aug 2017

Why Does US Military Have Records On 2013 Egyptian Military Coup?

Egyptian army chief, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, led a coup against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in 2013. The Egyptian constitution was subsequently suspended. When it happened, President Barack Obama avoided the use of the word “coup” to describe what unfolded. This was to ensure U.S. military aid continued to flow



17 Aug 2017

Here Is The NDA That George Soros Forced Professional Anarchist To Sign

It was nearly six months ago that I came forward and revealed my role as a professional anarchist paid to protest President Donald Trump by George Soros. Upon revealing the truth, I immediately had to go into hiding and I sought out privacy tools that weren’t infiltrated by Soros and

27 May 2017

Tips For Politicians Looking To Swiftly Dispatch Pesky Reporters

These days a politician cannot seem to go anywhere without encountering a journalist, who thinks he or she has the right to thrust a recorder in your face and ask a question about the day’s latest developments that are making the news. Here are some tips for handling reporters, who

25 Feb 2017

I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down

Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an uprising led by

Screenshot of CSPAN broadcast of Trump news conference.
16 Feb 2017

We Obtained Leaked Copy Of Trump’s Plans For First 100 Days And It’s Just Wow!

We got a glimpse at copy of what Trump plans to do by his 100th day and, whoa! It’s simply incredible!

01 Feb 2017

Donald Trump Remembered Some Black People For Black History Month

Read President Donald Trump’s remarks at a Black History Month event with African Americans.

30 Jan 2017

Creators Of ‘Paul Ryan: The Magazine’ Discuss Their Satirical Project

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is both a media darling, who positions himself as a leader that can temper President Donald Trump’s extremism, and an embodiment of much of Ayn Rand’s most destructive ideology, who is eager to carry out the agenda of the Koch Brothers. He is


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