Joseph Farah, The Right-Wing Zelig

Did the WorldNetDaily editor really march with Martin Luther King, pal around with radicals as a youth and dream up the "Left Behind" books first? That's what he'll tell you. Is it true? Who knows?

Related: Farah's Pack of Lies • Another Year of Joseph Farah's Lies

The Life and Death of A Right-Wing Talking Point loved to suggest global warming doesn't exist by highlighting the amount of time between "major" hurricanes hitting the U.S. -- until Hurricane Harvey put an end to that narrative.

Once More Into The Heart of Whiteness

WorldNetDaily's insistence that whites in South Africa are being subject to a "genocide" is so fictional, a WND columnist used bogus quotes from an anti-genocide activist to try and further it.

CNS' Managing Editor of Gay-Bashing

Michael W. Chapman uses his Media Research Center-provided platform to push the idea that gays and lesbians are literally the spawn of Satan.

Out There, Exhibit 68: Denial of Reality Attack

The Media Research Center's Brad Wilmouth keeps insisting that GOP Rep. Steve Scalise didn't give a speech to a David Duke-led white nationalist group -- despite the fact that Scalise apologized for giving it.

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