- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 1870819
Bima (Indonesia: Kota Bima) is a city on the eastern coast of the island of Sumbawa in central Indonesia's province West Nusa Tenggara. It is the largest city on the island of Sumbawa, with a population of 142,443 at the 2010 Census, but the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) is 148,984. It is separate from (but surrounded by) the adjoining Regency of Bima which had a population of 407,636 at the 2010 Census.
The people of Bima and the entire eastern side of Sumbawa speak what is known as Bima language (Indonesia: Bahasa Bima ; Bima: Nggahi Mbojo). From 1620 to 1958 it was the capital of the Bima Sultanate. In modern times, Bima is the largest regional and economic hub of Eastern Sumbawa with transmigrants from other parts of Indonesia, especially Java, Bali, and Lombok. It has a central downtown commercial zone. It is home to the Sultan Salahuddin mosque and the Sultan Salahuddin museum (former Bima Sultanate palace). It is connected by provincial road to Dompu and Sape.
BIMA Satria Garuda (Garuda Knight BIMA) is an Indonesian tokusatsu and comic series, the result of cooperation between MNC Media with Ishimori Productions, creator of the Japanese Kamen Rider Series. Starring Christian Loho, Rayhan Febrian, Stella Cornelia (JKT48), Adhitya Alkatiri, and Sutan Simatupang, BIMA Satria Garuda premiered on RCTI on 30 June 2013.
Following the success of the series, a 50 episodes Second Season series titled Satria Garuda BIMA-X premièred RCTI on Sunday, September 7, 2014, at 08.30 pm, with the title of Satria Garuda BIMA-X: New Beginning.
BIMA Satria Garuda is a superhero series inspired by Kamen Rider Black and Kamen Rider Black RX, collectively known in Indonesia as "Ksatria Baja Hitam" ("Black Steel Knight"). BIMA Satria Garuda features Indonesian values and culture to become a new Indonesian super hero. The series films in Greater Jakarta. According to Reino Barack, Senior Vice President of PT. Global Mediacom as well as Executive Producer of the series, BIMA Satria Garuda is also intended to be a new business model in the world of entertainment in Indonesia that offer services in the form of a new product campaign in licensing, sponsorship, built in advertising and merchandising. MNC Media (which is majority-owned by Global Mediacom) in cooperation with Itochu will be the main licensee for BIMA Satria Garuda in building licensing business in Indonesia. Itochu is one of Japan's largest conglomerates in the licensing business in the world, as well as investing in Ishimori Productions since 2007. MNC Media has also worked with Bandai to produce "BIMA Satria Garuda" merchandise toys which was released in Indonesia since the series premiered on June 30, 2013.
The Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) was a collaboration of the Universities of California, Illinois, and Maryland that built and operated the eponymously named BIMA radio telescope array. Originally (1986) the premier imaging instrument in the world at millimeter wavelengths, the array was located at the UCB Hat Creek Observatory. In early 2005 nine of its ten antennas were moved to the Inyo Mountains and combined with antennas from the Caltech Owens Valley Radio Observatory and eight telescopes operating at a wavelength of 3.5 millimeters from the University of Chicago Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA), to form CARMA, currently the largest millimeter array in the world for radio astronomy.
Lucu & Seru Tingkah Tatjana dan Bima Pagi Pagi
Bima-X Movie : Satria Heroes Revenge of Darkness
Kjo eshte bima e mrekullive! Ndalon menjehere renien e flokut!
Bima Satria Vs Pocong Satu Kampung - GTA Lucu Indonesia Dyom
Perang mulai 24 ~ DURYUDANA dikalahkan BIMA
MESSAGE congolais BIMA na kati ya ba EGLISE otikali na 3 mois ya délivrance Daniel MESSAGER
GTA Bima X melawan penjahat
Bima Satria Garuda (Kematian Rasputin)
Bima Satria Garuda all henshin form season 1 (Bima semua perubahan bentuk)
Pradhan mantri jeevan jyoti bima yojana -pmjjby in hindi
BIMA X Kesiangan dan Boker [Lucu dan Memiliki Pesan Sosial]
Shtogu(rrushi i pules)?!Kjo eshte bima qe lufton semundjen e kancerit!!!
Ost Bima X Movie JMstyle Official - (Kono Tsubasa De)
Ungu - Seperti Bintang [Lirik Indonesia + English Lyrics] - Bima Satria Garuda OST
Cerita #OrangBaik 7: Ayo Bima Pasti Kuat!
El Bima y Yiye Avila "Cristo Viene" (Official Video)
BIMA Satria Garuda Setiap Minggu 08.30 wib Rerun Setiap Sabtu 15.30 wib Hanya di RCTI ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe RCTI Channel Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE9-bV_MCGgLnH7v4HSApDg ----------------------------------------------- [Visit RCTI Official Pages] Homepage : http://rcti.tv Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialRCTI Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/RCTI-Official/174762939206703 Instagram : http://instagram.com/officialrcti Twitter : https://twitter.com/bsatriagaruda Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bsatriagaruda
4 may 2017 in cinemas. Bima-X is an indonesian tokusatsu which is the result of cooperation between MNC Media with Ishimori Productions, maker of the Kamen Rider series.
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BIMA SATRIA GARUDA EPS 18 ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe RCTI Channel Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RCTIOfficialChannel ----------------------------------------------- [Visit RCTI Official Pages] Homepage : http://rcti.tv Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialRCTI Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OfficialRCTI.TV Instagram : http://instagram.com/officialrcti Mobile Apps: mobile.rcti.tv
Dyom lucu kali ini berkisah tentang Bima Satria Garuda di Gta San Andreas Indonesia. Disini dia harus berhadapan dengan banyak pocong yang jumlahnya hampir satu kampung.
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Dunia kembali tentram setelah Satria Heroes ( BIMA & AZAZEL ) berhasil mengalahkan pasukan vudo dan Rasputin Namun Topeng Besi datang kembali dengan kekuatan baru dari Black Priest yang jauh lebih kuat dari Rasputin. Mampukah Satria Heroes ( BIMA & AZAZEL ) menghadapi kekuatan hitam yang jauh lebih hebat. Terima kasih telah menyaksikan BIMA Satria Garuda. Nantikan Satria Heroes Selanjutnya. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe RCTI Channel Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE9-bV_MCGgLnH7v4HSApDg ----------------------------------------------- [Visit RCTI Official Pages] Homepage : http://rcti.tv Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialRCTI https://twitter.com/bsatriagaruda Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/RCTI-Official/1747629392067...
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Ini adalah video Bima X bangun kesiangan dan kena marah Rirafa
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Funvid Gabungan Video trailer Movie Bima X 2017 Mix New mini Album JMstyle Band ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song Original By JMstyle Band Album Kono Tsubasa De Credit Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBfz-kyBvgc&t;=136s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwDuBDVXRr8&t;=10s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwzm84a-zVU&t;=14s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKTu5gX1g4Q&t;=7s Audio: JMstyle - Kono Tsubasa De https://www.facebook.com/japaneseMusicStyleBandJMstyle/?ref=bookmarks
Ungu - Seperti Bintang - Karaoke Version Indonesian + English Lyrics Bima Satria Garuda Opening Song ungu seperti bintang bima satria garuda opening song ost pasha rcti kamen rider tokusatsu ray randy rena english indonesian lyrics lirik lagu pembuka OP song episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 jkt48
Siapa yang menyangka anak lucu ini sedang berjuang melawan penyakit leukimia? Simak video ini untuk cerita selengkapnya --- Cerita #OrangBaik adalah kumpulan kisah inspiratif yang kami rangkum spesial, agar #OrangBaik ngga kalah berisik!
CONOCENOS https://www.elbimapr.com Abimael Malave (El Bima) tiene 24 años de edad y es Pastor de jóvenes en la iglesia "Tabernáculo de Restauración" en Puerto Rico, esta canción forma parte de su tercera producción (Mayordomo Del Reino). La cual contiene un junte con el Evangelista internacional "YIYE ÁVILA" hablando del levantamiento de la iglesia, este álbum fue creado con el propósito de llevar un mensaje e impactar a las naciones de forma espiritual acordándoles que el FIN esta cerca y que Cristo Viene PRONTO por su Iglesia, con esta canción queremos que las personas que aun no han aceptado a JESÚS lo puedan aceptar y reconocer que Jesucristo es el Señor, Salvador y el hijo de Dios. este nuevo proyecto fue creado también para darle toda la gloria a Dios, demostrando que si realmente he...
EPISODE 7 Review Bima Satria Garuda Merchandise DX Bima Changer By AngkkiPS Reka Adegan 6:32 BERUBAH ANGKKI PRASTYO SANTOSO Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AngkkiPrastyoSantoso Twitter : https://twitter.com/AngkkiPS Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/angkki-prastyo-santoso
Not really a tourist's guide - more of a of a quick glance at the Indonesian capital. We see how bad the traffic is, go on a few bike rides, see some storms and see a huge atlas moth. Jakarta is our new home for the next few years....
Between Best Friends and Vacation. All the video footage was shot in #Bandung, #Indonesia. what do you think about this video ? please write it down on comments section, Thank you :) Music by: The Weeknd - Wanderlust (Snakehips Remix) Kindly follow my other social media here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bimaradhitya/ Snapchat: @bmrdty
Live-on-board Komodo Islands Perjalanan backapaking dimulai dari pulau Bali. Dari Pelabuhan padangbay ke Pelabuhan Lembar-Lombok Barat menempuh waktu sekitar 4-5 Jam. Untuk menuju Labuan Bajo dapat diakses dengan jalur darat melalui kendaraan Bus langsung dari Terminal Madalika, Mataram menuju Labuan Bajo dengan waktu tempuh 24 Jam. Dari terminal Mandalika, bus akan menuju Pelabuhan Kayangan dan nyebrang selama 2 jam ke Sumbawa. Dari Sumbawa bus menuju Bima dan sampai di Bima penumpang akan pindah bus yang lebih kecil dari Bima menuju Pelabuan Sape. Dari Sape menuju labuan Bajo memerlukan 5-6 jam waktu penyebrangan. Sailing Trip dimulai dari Labuan Bajo dengan mengunakan kapal boat dengan kapasitas 7 - 8 orang yang dilengkapi dengan kabin tempat tidur penumpang, toilet, dan dapur. P...
Campeonato Radio Control Pista Bima Bogota Segundo Semestre 2016
The annual BIMA ski and snowboard trip invaded Courchevel for the usual on-piste fun and, unsurprisingly, a large amount of jager-bombs. Information on next year's trip will be found on the BIMA website in the events section: http://www.bima.co.uk/events/index.asp
Whatever the journey is, it's not only the destination that matters, but the person with whom you travel. Bima Trip with Wildan, Nanda, Mba Jaz, Bang Ibnu, Firman, Ezhy, Riza, Juhrin and Hida. Special thanks to Wildan's Mother & Father for giving us a nice hospitality in Bima.
Diving at Komodo National Park, Indonesia Vlog 2017 4K, Komodo National Park tourism 2017, Komodo National Park Travel Guide, Komodo National Park Indonesia Facts Komodo National Park, Indonesia Google Map https://goo.gl/mPvS4d LOCATION : Komodo National Park =============================== Komodo National Park lies in the Wallacea Region of Indonesia, identified by WWF and Conservation International as a global conservation priority area. The Park is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores at the border of the Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTP) provinces. It includes three major islands, Komodo, Rinca and Padar, and numerous smaller islands together totaling 603 km2 of land. The total size of Komodo National Park is presently 1,817 km2. Proposed extensi...
iRiders Rex and Leo have once again embarked on a 7 day motorbike mission to explore the remarkable island of Sumbawa, 2 islands east of Bali. Sumbawa proved to have sensational riding terrain and great cultural experiences. From the rugged jungle clad mountains of the west to the dry open central plains, the dry rugged slopes of Tambora through to the vibrant east and Bima, Sumbawa proved to be fantastic island to cruz...
Suar Aksara adalah proyek musik dan puisi yang merangkum sebuah perjalanan. Digagas oleh: Panji Wasis (Pengambil Gambar) https://www.instagram.com/panjiwasis Wira Nagara (Penyunting Kata) https://www.instagram.com/wira_ Fiersa Besari (Pengisi Musik) https://www.instagram.com/fiersabesari Didukung oleh: EIGER Adventure https://www.youtube.com/eigeradventurevideos Terima kasih kepada: Abdharis Agam https://www.instagram.com/abdharisagam/ Nurfisasabililhaq https://www.instagram.com/ezha_hipocryshit/ Muhamad Ikcsan https://www.instagram.com/chaenk_gop/ Yoga Purwonugroho https://www.instagram.com/jinbun_1404/ Eddy Sudrajat https://www.instagram.com/kaka.eddy/ Andry Pradana https://www.instagram.com/kepitingflores/ Andri Sugara https://www.instagram.com/kopi.flores/ Aldy Riyadhi...
Festival Uma Lengge, Desa Wawo Maria, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. for more information / registration / sponsorship just call : +62 813 943 64048 or visit : www.umalengge.com
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below. Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.co...
4 Dec 2015 - 8 Dec 2015 How to travel in Indonesia Surabaya? Don't want to miss an adventure of a lifetime? Here's 4 crazy girls on an adventure. Watch in HD! Camera: Canon Powershot G16 Music: Taylor Swift - Shake It Off Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wanessaurus/
Filing a claim online can be quick and easy. Watch this step-by-step "how to" video to help you file your claim online.
There's a place in my heart where you used to be
There's a pain, deep inside, don't want the world to see
Nothing, but emptiness, once there was your caress
I was touched by your naked flame
Now, it was hard sometimes, those things that we went through
But believe me when I'd say, I would never mean to hurt you
I hold the memory of holding you next to me
In my arms like a naked flame
Think it over before you break my heart
Think it over before the crying starts
Then we can say goodbye to the tears
I should have known that this time was a coming
But if you ever need me, I'll come a running home to you
There's a place in my dreams where we used to meet
But there's no one around now, it's just an empty street
I hold the memory of holding you close to me
In my arms, like a naked flame