A replicated animated scene from one of my top favorite mud dreams.

What dreams do you recall?

This document - last updated on Mar 16, 2006 at 10:03 AM
This document - level 5 update on Aug 10, 2007 (FAQ updated and proofreaded some, several updates of moderate to minor degrees)
This document - level 4 update on Oct 18, 2007 (section 5.3 added, FAQ question 5.3 added, other minor adjustments)
This document - level 2 update on Feb 11, 2008 (question 2.7 added)
This document - level 2 update on Jul 27, 2009 (question 2.2 updated - 3 dreams recalled in one night for the fifth time; other minor updates; final update to this document's version posted)
New dreams last added on Apr 27, 2011 at 6:31 PM

Important notice: The dream journal is undergoing a major redesign, mostly a format change. The current document (the one you're reading) will still be accessible, but once the conversion is done, you'll be redirected to the new location. This document will no longer be updated after this, except for the addition of new dreams. As of Jul 26, 2009, roughly 120 of 740 dreams have been processed and this front page has been done (about 17% done).

1 Introduction

1.1 General

With a collection of over 800 dreams, my dream journal is very extensive, almost book-length. Since about 2001 or so, about when I started my dream journal, I've been documenting the dreams I have. These are the dreams that occur while you sleep. Today, the dream journal contains over 800 entries and continuously grows as I can recall past dreams and get new ones. I predict that I'll have 1000 dreams around January of 2011. It's complete with detailed statistics for each dream including how much it is liked, how fun it was, how weird it was, and more. The ratings are based on the half-step technique** (or the easier-to-understand times-better-than-neutral system for the newest dreams). This is one of the most frequently updated parts of my website as each month brings about 6 to 15 new dreams, given my average recall rate.

1.2 Organization

My dream journal is organized into 11 main categories: mud dreams, video game dreams, water dreams, nightmares, travel dreams, dreams with indeterminate categories, weird dreams, fun dreams, computer dreams, school dreams, and exploration dreams. Each page in each category holds up to ten dreams. At the bottom of each page is the same list of links found in section 5 below. At the top is a banner containing the dream index and title with the ratings below that. What happens and what the dream is about followed with any recalled scenes afterward.

1.3 Getting the details

When typing the details of the dreams, I try to be as accurate as I can. In almost every case, I can recall an image from within the dream. If I had a machine that could read the images from within my brain, I'd upload them to my website in a hurry. Sometimes, I have dreams that are animated. In some cases, I do have an image available, usually maps and basic ideas for the scenes, most common in the video game dreams category.

1.4 The future

Sometime in the future, I may make movies based on the best of my dreams that you can play on your computer. Much further into the future, you'll be able to even explore the area in the style of my mind game* or maybe my 3D game, George Game 13.

2 Special notes

2.1 Special abilities mentioned often

Many of my dreams feature my well-known special abilities to my stories and my mind game*. In depth details about them can be found here. The game I made, The Supernatural Olympics, shows higher quality images on what many of the special abilities look like when in use. By downloading the game (the free edition - you don't have to buy it), you can experience many of these special abilities. In the next release, you can experience them in a far better manner. Here's a quick rundown of the most common special abilities:

Gliding - Like flying, but with a unique form of control and somewhat limited. In a normal position, you accelerate forward at 5 mph per second while descending at 2 feet per second. The limitation is that you can only move like a fixed-wing airplane and is powered by gravity allowing for an unlimited height. There's a good chance that, if gliding is involved, the fun rating of the dream will be high.
Fall-gliding - Like gliding, only the acceleration is downward and reduced to 5 mph per second. If initiated just before ground impact, a bounce occurs.
90-foot jumps - Officially called "jump 50", this ability lets you jump 91 2/3 feet. You jump at an initial velocity of 50 mph. My dreams often have variations of this with 8-foot jumps (jump 15) and 15-foot jumps (jump 20) being the most common.
Flash attack - Gives a quick boost of 100 mph of speed in a given direction. The denser the substance it is used in, the greater the effect becomes (water gives about 280 mph).
Float run - Allows for high-speed movement while using very little energy. On a flat surface, top speed is 200 mph, but when going downhill, you speed up. There is a good chance that if the float run is used in a dream, the fun rating will be high.
Speed blast - Focuses energy behind you to get a very sudden burst of speed to up to the speed of sound. It takes 2 seconds to charge up then a blast wave forms behind.
Mind radar map - Like radar, this ability tells you where things are. You can zoom in and out to distances as fine as atoms to spanning the entire universe. As an added feature, it tells you how good or evil someone or something is and also functions as a map. Black is pure evil and strong, red is average evil, yellow is neutral, green is good, and white is pure strong good.
Stomp - Has two forms. Both allow for high-acceleration rates. The bounce stomp and can be used to bounce up very high and the pound stomp is used to pound the ground to create a big shockwave.
Insta-teleport - Instantly teleport somewhere. It is used by jerking your right arm down, when the angle at the tip of the elbow is greatest and done with the tip of the elbow facing downward. Often used to get out of tight situations or get somewhere very quickly.
Leviburst - This ability allows for extreme acceleration and speed (300 mph) and be able to almost "fly" in the air, but with a rather slow top speed going up (about 3 mph). An upgraded version of leviburst is superleviburst which has enhanced speed (800 mph with 5 going up). Interestingly enough, this ability was first suggested in one of my dreams in 2007.

2.2 Other notes

Since the breakup nearly 2 years ago with the mud dreams and other dreams, the footnotes marked are incorrect and useless. The exception is this page and this page only.

3 Dream stat descriptions

3.1 Introduction

The dream status bar, located just below the dream title, gives a sense of the feelings I had as well as the date of occurrance, how well-recalled it is, and my overall compatibility toward it. Before the Feb 26, 2007 update, the dream status bar uses the half-step method. How it works is that, from neutral, each time a half step is taken toward the outer limit, the aspect is 4 times better. A rating of 7.5, halfway to 10 from 5, is 4 times better than 5, the neutral point. 9 is 25 times better than 5 and 6 1/4 times better than 7.5. This was confusing to work with and since the Feb 26, 2007 update, I've used the much-easier-to-understand "times better than neutral" system. 7.5 in the old ratings system is 4 in the newer system and 9 in the old system is the same as 25 in the newer system. A rating of -2 in the newer system is the same as a positive 0.5 mathematically, but -180 is easier to understand than 0.0055555.... Note that the reciprocal of 180 yields this decimal value.

3.2 Descriptions

Occurred in mid Sep 2004; general - 7; nature - 8!; story - 5?; scenery - 7; fun - 7.5; scary - 1; weird - 8.8!; imagery - 25% in tact; dream - 15% in tact

Occurred in mid Sep 2004; general - 3.5; nature - 7!; story - -1.2?; scenery - 2.5; fun - 4; scary - 1.2; weird - 20!; imagery - 25% in tact; dream - 15% in tact

This is what a typical dream header looks like. The top one is what the old status bars look like. The bottom one is the newer one. They are otherwise equivelent, but the bottom one is more precise. That's a lot of information! Here's what the items mean:

Occurred - This is when the dream occurred or an estimate on when it occurred. The dates are mostly from 2001 and on, although there are some, but not many, earlier than that. If a date is highly uncertain, you'll see a question mark following it. There are a few terms involved. "On" means an exact date. "Near" means close to that date, usually within 1 to 3 days. "Around" also means close to that date, but more uncertain than "Near", within 3 to 5 days (or a week or two outside ranges spanning at least one month). "In" indicates within a certain month or year. "Between" indicates the likely range and is inclusive. "Early" means the first 1/3 of the month or year, "mid" means the middle 1/3 of the month or year, and "late" means the last 1/3 of the month or year***.

General (5 is neutral) - The general rating of the dream as a whole. This is often the most certain. It is based on a scale from 0 to 10 (using the old half-step method) with a base at 5. A rating of 10 in the old system, impossible to have, means a perfect dream and it's the best that it can get. Zero, the opposite, also impossible to have, means a perfect dream and it's the worst that it can get. In the newer system, positive values indicate that it is liked and negative values indicate that it is disliked. 1 means neutral and that it's neither liked nor disliked.

Nature (5 is neutral) - This tells how much I like the nature of the dream or, most commonly, just how much I like the dream. The more I like the nature of the dream, the higher the rating. It, too, is based on a scale from 0 to 10 with 5 as the neutral point. Very weird dreams (it takes a weird rating above 9 for any considerable impact) have a small positive influence on this rating.

Story (5 is neutral) - This tells how much I liked the story. A good story makes the dream liked. This is the most uncertain of everything. You'll often see "X" for the rating. More details on the X rating follow. The story, like the other two above, is based on the same scale from 0 to 10.

Scenery (5 is neutral) - This tells how much I like the scenery. Scenery is one of the most remembered aspects of my dreams and almost all of my recalled dreams have at least one recalled scene from it. A high rating for the scenery makes the dream more worthy. Pretty scenery gets high ratings. This, like the others, are based on the 0 to 10 scale with the base from 5.

Fun (5 is neutral) - This tells how fun the dream was. This has the biggest impact on the rating of the dream, twice that of the scenery, story, and nature ratings. A very high rating makes the dream extremely enjoyable. It, like the others above, is based on the same 0 to 10 scale with 5 being neutral (neither fun nor boring). Dreams with a high fun rating are in the fun category. Chances are, if the fun rating is high, gliding, using the float run, and/or high-speed movement is involved, but is not always the case. Dreams with a high fun rating are in the fun category.

Scary (0 base) - This tells how scary the dream was. Like the fun value, it has a very strong impact (twice that of the scenery, story, and nature ratings) on the rating only negative instead of positive. However, unlike having 5 as the neutral as with the others, though still using the 0 to 10 scale, the scary rating starts on 0 where the dream isn't one bit scary. 10, being impossible, is the scariest possible dream. Dreams with a high scary rating are in the nightmares category. Ratings of 0, 1, and 2 are quite common (2, though high to some, only has 50% more of an impact over 0 whereas 9 has 100 times the impact). The scary rating in the newer system never goes below 1 (or goes into negative territory) and is always positive (but it has a negative impact). Dreams with a high scary rating are in the nightmares category.

Weird (0 base) - This tells how weird the dream was. It has very little impact on the ratings. Normally, everything except the nature rating (and indirectly the general rating) aren't affected. It has less than 1% (about 0.8%) of an impact on the nature rating, but positive. It'd take a weird rating of 9 (100 times more extreme than normal in the newer system) before it has any considerable effect or 9.7 (over 1100 times more extreme than normal in the newer system) for any significant impact and much above even 7 (11 1/9 times more extreme than normal) is hard to come by. A weird rating of 9 would turn a 5 rating for nature to about 6.2 (or a 1 into a 1.8). That's not all that considerable, but noticable. The weirder the dream, the higher the rating. Like the scary rating, they start with 0 as the base (not weird at all) and go up to 10 (impossible) and in the newer system, can never go below 1 (or go negative). Dreams with a high weird rating are in the weird category.

Imagery % in tact (known as "scenery % in tact" since May 2007) - How much of the scenery has been recalled as a percentage. General scenes (such as what the scenes generally are of) have large impacts on this and small details (like the color of something, size of something, and positions of objects) have low impacts on this. A high rating means that the scenery recalled is very strongly remembered and almost photo quality. Scenery is the most well-remembered aspect of my dreams with feelings, the story, and the sounds following.

Story % in tact (new for dreams added since May 2007) - How much of the story has been recalled as a percentage. Major events (such as visiting a play or that someone raced with me) have large impacts and minor events (such as the position at which I jump onto a platform or the precise angle I used to view something) have a small impact. A high rating means that I recall the story very well and when at least 75% (about), there's a chance the dream would be posted in the "stories" category on my website (category 6 on the main index). It is not unusual for the story to be 0% in tact where I have no idea what happened at all in the story as I've had a few of these.

Dream % in tact - How much of the dream as a whole has been recalled as a percentage. Dreams are almost never 100% in tact where all of the details, even the highly unimportant, most minute detail is recalled. The highest on record is 98% (4 instances of this so far with a few others close to it) and dreams are rarely above even 80% in tact. The story has the biggest impact on this, twice that of the scenery recalled. A strongly-forgotten dream will have a low rating. The values are just an estimate though based on the amount of detail I have, how much is left out, and how much I feel has been left out that I feel may have been in existance and the amount of time spent dreaming (usually about 45 minutes on the last time I enter REM sleep). Dreams much above 80% in tact are often summarized on my dream journal's pages with a link provided to read the full story.

3.3 Extremes and uncertainty

Often, you'll see other marks in addition to numbers or even replacing numbers as in the case of the X. You'll see one, two, or three exaclamations and/or question marks. Exclamations indicate an extreme. Question marks indicate uncertainty. The more exclamation points, the bigger the extreme and the more question marks, the more uncertainty. Here's a table that sums it up in an organized manner:

5 neutral8 and above
2 and below
9 and above
1 and below
9.5 and above
0.5 and below
2x variation
(1.5 to 3x)
4x variation
(3 to 6x)
8x variation
(6 to 12x)
0 base6 and above
8 and above
9 and above
imagery % in tact80% and above
8% and below
90% and above
4% and below
95% and above
2% and below
doesn't apply
story % in tact80% and above
8% and below
90% and above
4% and below
95% and above
2% and below
dreams % in tact80% and above
8% and below*
90% and above
4% and below
95% and above
2% and below

Table footnotes:
* Why not 80 and 20 or 95 and 5? The reason is rather simple. If you were to count up how many dreams are 80% in tact and above and compare that to how many are 8% in tact and below, the ratios for these to the total dream count are nearly the same. You very rarely see dreams above 95% in tact, yet, there are quite a few that are below 5% in tact and about an equal number that are less than 2% in tact. Plus, dreams will almost always have some details forgotten anyway as, when you wake up, you may have already forgotten 10% of the dream quite well. This is why it leans on 80 and 8 instead of being equidistant from the limits of the range. 20% in tact is about the average. Through enhanced techniques developed over time, I've boosted the amount of major and moderate details recalled which offsets it further ahead. Beforehand, 5% for the dream in tact rating was the upper limit for exclamation marks on the low end but now its up to 8.

3.4 Detailed examples of interpreting the status bar

3.4.1 The previous status bars Examples

Occurred in early May of 2005; general - 7; nature - 8.5!; story - 6?; scenery - 6.5; fun - 5?; scary - 0?; weird - 1?; imagery - 50% in tact; dream - 20% in tact
Occurred on Sep 28, 2005; general - 6; nature - 5.5; story - 7; scenery - 7; fun - 5.5; scary - 1; weird - 0; imagery - 70% in tact; dream - 65% in tact
Occurred around mid 2004; general - 5?; nature - 6?; story - 5???; scenery - 6?; fun - 6??; scary - 0??; weird - 2??; imagery - 30% in tact; dream - 12% in tact
Occurred in 2002; general - 5???; nature - 5???; story - X; scenery - 6.5??; fun - X; scary - X; weird - X; imagery - 15% in tact; dream - 4% in tact!
Occurred on Feb 16, 2005; general - 8.6!; nature - 8!; story - 7.5; scenery - 9!!; fun - 9.2!!; scary - 0; weird - 4; imagery - 92% in tact!!; dream - 82% in tact!
Occurred near Aug 14, 2005 (±2); general - 1.8!; nature - 1.5!; story - 3; scenery - 2!; fun - 0.8!!; scary - 8!!; weird - 2; imagery - 65% in tact; dream - 40% in tact
Occurred around 2000 or early 2001; general - X; nature - X; story - X; scenery - X; fun - X; scary - X; weird - X; imagery - 4% in tact!!!; dream - 1.2% in tact!!! Interpreting the examples

The examples here tell a lot about the dream. Here's what each one of them means:

The top one occured somewhere from May 1 to May 11 of 2005. It's somewhat liked in general with a well-liked nature. The story is okay and slightly uncertain. The scenery isn't bad. The dream is neither fun nor boring with slight uncertainty. It isn't scary and barely anything weird with some slight uncertainty on those. About half of the imagery detail is recalled and in general, the dream is 20% in tact having about an average about of detail. This is a typical case.

The second dream occurred on September 28, 2005. It is slightly liked with a decent story and decent scenery. It was very little fun, though not boring. The dream was very slightly scary and not weird. The imagery and the dream are well-remembered. This is also a typical case.

The third dream occurred somewhere from May 2, 2004 to before September 1, 2004. The dream is neither liked nor disliked with slight uncertainty on that. The nature of the dream isn't all that bad with slight uncertainty. The story, highly uncertain, is around neutral and could be anywhere from about 1.6 to 8.4 for the rating. The scenery is somewhat okay with slight uncertainty. The dream was slightly fun with the rating somewhere around 3 and 8. It wasn't scary as far as I know, but it could be up to as high as 5 for the rating. The dream was slightly weird with a range from 0 to up to 6. The scenery is moderately recalled and the dream isn't remembered that well.

The fourth dream occurred sometime in 2002 with great uncertainty on many factors due to a forgotten story. The scenery from what I know isn't that bad but with moderate uncertainty. The scenery is recalled fairly well with the dream hardly remembered due to the forgotten story. If too strongly forgotten, this dream would go in the other category.

The fifth dream occurred on February 16, 2005. The dream is very well-liked with a well-liked nature. The story wasn't all that decent, though still good. The scenery was spectacular and the dream was a lot of fun. It wasn't scary though it was quite weird. The imagery is very well-recalled and the dream, as a whole, is well-remembered, even to some of the finest details but may have a scene forgotten. You'd find such dreams in the fun category. This dream may be summarized and a link used pointing to a story with the full details.

The sixth dream occurred on August 14 with two days inaccuracy (from August 12 to August 16). Is was not liked at all with a disliked nature. The story wasn't that bad though. The scenery was bad and disliked. The dream was no where near fun. The dream was extremely scary but somewhat weird. The scenery is recalled moderately well and the dream, as a whole, is about average. You'd find this dream in the nightmares category.

The seventh dream occurred anywhere from January 1, 2000 to before May 3, 2001. The dream is so well-forgotten that ratings are not possible. This is what I often refer to as "X's across the board". If the category cannot be determined, this dream would, with moderate certainty, go in the other category. It is rare, being well-forgotten, that the dream will not be in the other category.

3.4.2 The new status bars Examples

Occurred on Jul 18, 2006; general - 2; nature - 4; story - 1.8?; scenery - 2.5; fun - 2; scary - 1.2; weird - 1.5; imagery - 35% in tact; dream - 25% in tact
Occurred in late Feb of 2004; general - 1.5; nature - 1; story - 1; scenery - 1.2; fun - 1.8; scary - 1; weird - 1.2; imagery - 50% in tact; dream - 60% in tact
Occurred around early 2003; general - 1???; nature - 1.2??; story - 1???; scenery - 1.2???; fun - 1???; scary - 1.5??; weird - 1??; imagery - 8% in tact!; dream - 5% in tact!
Occurred in 1999; general - -1.2???; nature - X; story - X; scenery - 2??; fun - 1.2???; scary - X; weird - X; imagery - 12% in tact; dream - 4% in tact!
Occurred on Apr 29, 2006; general - 25!!; nature - 8!; story - 6!; scenery - 30!!; fun - 35!!; scary - 1; weird - 2.5; imagery - 90% in tact!!; dream - 85% in tact!
Occurred near Dec 8, 2005 (±2); general - -20!; nature - -12!; story - -1.5; scenery - -8!; fun - -60!!; scary - 40!!; weird - 3; imagery - 60% in tact; dream - 50% in tact
Occurred around late 1997 or 1998; general - X; nature - X; story - X; scenery - X; fun - X; scary - X; weird - X; imagery - 0% in tact!!!; dream - 0.8% in tact!!!
Occurred in mid Sep 2004; general - 3.5; nature - 7!; story - -1.2?; scenery - 2.5; fun - 4; scary - 1.2; weird - 20!; imagery - 25% in tact; dream - 15% in tact
Occurred on Apr 18, 2007; general - 2; nature - 1.8; story - 1; scenery - 3; fun - 1.5; scary - 1.2; weird - 1.2; imagery - 60% in tact; story - 40% in tact; dream - 50% in tact Interpreting the updated status bar examples

The first dream occurred on July 18, 2006. It is somewhat liked, mainly because of it's nature. The story is okay but since it's not recalled that well, it likely ranges from -1.2 to 3.5. The scenery is good and the dream was a little fun. It was only slightly scary and a little weird. It's is recalled somewhat well and may have been 1/2 page of details (written as stated in my blog). This is a typical case.

The second dream occurred from Feb 20 to Feb 29 of 2004. Is is generally neutral in most aspects though a bit fun. It's recalled quite well but the story is better recalled then the scenery. This is also fairly typical.

The third dream occurred from Jan 1 to May 2 of 2003. Because of high uncertainty, accurate ratings aren't entirely possible. The overall rating could be from -8 to 8. The dream's nature rating is anywhere from -3.5 to 5. The scary rating is from 1 (since it doesn't go below 1) to 6. It's weird rating ranges from -4 to 4. The scenery nor the story are well recalled but roughly equally recalled.

The fourth dream occurred some time in 1999. It's general rating is from -10 to 7. The range is too extreme for the nature and story ratings. The scenery rating could be from -2 to 8 and a -7 to 10 for the fun rating. The range for the scary and weird ratings is too large. The scenery is far more recalled than the dream itself suggesting that the story has been forgotten or nearly forgotten and only have scenes recalled from this dream. It is tricky for me to determine the category for such dreams so you may find them in the "other" category.

The fifth dream occurred on April 29, 2006. It is well-liked and the scenery is excellent. The dream was a lot of fun as well. It wasn't scary at all but was a bit weird. The dream is very well recalled. The story and scenery are about equally recalled. Dreams like this would very likely be summarized on the main dream journal and a link pointing to the full story in the stories category on my website (category 6 on the main index).

The sixth dream occurred from December 6 to December 10 of 2005. It is strongly disliked well-liked but the story is somewhat okay. The scenery is dull or bad (as from small bits of adult content). The dream is extremely boring and very scary. It is quite weird though. It is recalled quite well. Such a dream would go in the nightmares category.

The seventh dream occurred from Sep 1, 1997 to Dec 31, 1998. I'm not able to rate any aspect of the dream since it is extremely vaguely recalled. I don't have a single scene at any quality recalled from this dream and only a tiny bit from the story (either a single moderate detail or 2 to 4 minor details). Such a dream would very likely end up in the "other" category.

The eighth dream occurred from September 11 to 20 of 2004. The dream is somewhat liked but it's nature is quite well-liked. The story is a bit uncertain and slightly disliked. The scenery was good and the dream was quite a bit of fun. It was slightly scary but quite weird. The amount of the dream recalled is about average with a bit more of the scenery recalled than the story. Such a dream would be in the "weird" category.

The last dream, using the new story % in-tact rating, is fairly typical for the ratings. The story is neutral-rated since I neither like nor dislike it (the definition of neutral in the compatibility system). The scenery was pleasent and was slightly fun, scary, and weird. It's quite well-recalled with the scenery being the most recalled.

4 Dream statistics

4.1 Current dream counts

This will tell how many total dreams I have and how many of those are in each category.

Dream count statistics:
921 total dreams
51 mud dreams
144 video game dreams
74 water dreams
19 nightmares
187 travel dreams
95 uncategorized dreams
117 weird dreams
59 fun dreams
17 computer dreams
60 school dreams
98 exploration dreams

4.2 Latest updates

This area will tell you what the newest dreams are and what other add-ons I made during updates.

Apr 28, 2005: added dreams 5-21, 7-15, 9-4, 11-24, and 11-31; broke up the travel dreams category into travel and exploration; created two new categories featuring computer and school-related dreams;
May 3, 2005: added dreams 2-24, 5-22 through 5-24, 6-11, 9-5, and 11-32 through 11-34;
May 8, 2005: added dreams 2-25, 10-10, and 10-11;
May 13, 2005: added dreams 3-20, 5-25, 8-13, 11-35, and 11-36;
May 21, 2005: added dreams 2-26 and 11-37;
May 27, 2005: added dreams 2-27, 5-26, 7-23, 8-14;
Jun 9, 2005: added dreams 2-28, 5-27, 6-12, 7-24, 10-12, and 11-38;
Jun 24, 2005: added dreams 3-21, 4-6, 5-28, 8-15, 8-16, 10-13;
Jun 30, 2005: added dream 3-22;
Jul 7, 2005: added dreams 2-29, 4-7, 4-8, 5-29, 5-30, 10-14;
Jul 11, 2005: added dream 5-31;
Jul 16, 2005: added dreams 6-13, 10-15, and 11-39;
Jul 27, 2005: added dreams 8-17, 9-6;
Aug 11, 2005: added dream 10-16; fixed bug with dates on page 2 on school dreams page - had 2004 instead of 2005;
Aug 21, 2005: added dreams 5-32 and 10-17; created a high-detail scene of the secret basement dream (11-30);
Sep 2, 2005: added dreams 6-14 and 11-40;
Sep 15, 2005: added dreams 5-33, 5-34, 6-15, 8-18, and 10-18;
Sep 26, 2005: added dreams 4-9, 5-35, 6-16, 6-17, 7-25, 9-7, 10-19 through 10-21, 11-41, and 11-42;
Oct 9, 2005: added dreams 1-30, 2-30 through 2-33, 3-23 through 3-25, 5-36 through 5-38, 6-18, 10-22, 10-23, 11-43;
Nov 12, 2005: added dreams 1-31, 1-32, 2-34 through 2-38, 3-26 through 3-28, 5-39 through 5-45, 6-19, 6-20, 7-26 through 7-29, 8-19, 8-20, 10-24 through 10-27, 11-44 through 11-48;
Nov 25, 2005: added dreams 1-33, 2-39, 2-40, 3-29, 5-46, 6-21, 7-30;
Dec 17, 2005: added dreams 2-41, 2-42, 6-22, 7-31, 8-21, 10-28, 11-49, 11-50;
Dec 29, 2005: added dreams 2-43, 6-23, 7-32, 11-51;
Jan 9, 2006: added dreams 2-44, 2-45, 5-47, 8-22, 11-52;
Jan 20, 2006: added dreams 1-34, 3-30, 6-24, 7-33, 8-23;
Jan 31, 2006: added dreams 7-34, 8-24 (98% in tact!), 10-29, 11-53; Note: Dream 11-53 was on my site in the stories section, but not in my dream journal;
Feb 9, 2006: added dreams 6-25, 8-25, 9-8;
Feb 22, 2006: added dreams 2-46, 7-35, 7-36, 10-30;
Mar 2, 2006: added dreams 2-47, 4-10, 5-48, 5-49, 6-26, 7-37;
Mar 16, 2006: added dreams 2-48, 2-49, 3-31, 6-27, 7-38, 10-31;
Mar 25, 2006: added dreams 2-50, 5-50, 5-51, 6-28, 7-39, 7-40;
Apr 5, 2006: added dreams 5-52, 6-29, 7-41, 11-54;
Apr 22, 2006: added dreams 2-51, 3-32, 5-53, 5-54, 6-30, 7-42, 8-26, 9-9, 11-55;
May 5, 2006: added dreams 2-52, 3-33, 5-55, 5-56, 6-31, 7-43, 10-32, 11-56;
May 21, 2006: added dreams 2-53 through 2-55, 3-34, 3-35, 5-57, 5-58, 6-32, 7-44, 10-33, 10-34, 11-57;
Jun 23, 2006: added dreams 2-56 through 2-59, 4-11, 5-59, 6-33 through 6-35, 7-45, 7-46, 8-27 through 8-30, 10-35, 11-58, 11-59;
Jul 9, 2006: added dreams 2-60, 3-36, 5-60, 5-61, 10-36;
Jul 22, 2006: added dreams 3-37, 5-62 through 5-64, 7-47, 8-31;
Aug 2, 2006: added dreams 5-65 and 7-48;
Aug 18, 2006: added dreams 2-61, 2-62, 5-66, 6-36, 6-37, 8-32, 8-33;
Sep 30, 2006: added dreams 2-63 through 2-68, 3-38, 3-39, 4-12, 5-67 through 5-70, 6-38, 6-39, 7-49, 8-34, 9-10, 11-60, 11-61;
Oct 17, 2006: added dreams 1-35, 2-69, 2-70, 5-71 through 5-73, 6-40 through 6-42, 7-50, 8-35, 9-11, 10-37, 11-62, 11-63;
Oct 31, 2006: added dreams 2-71, 3-40, 5-74 through 5-77, 7-51, 8-36, 8-37, 11-64;
Nov 30, 2006: added dreams 2-72 through 2-75, 3-41, 5-78 through 5-83, 6-43 through 6-46, 7-52 through 7-54, 8-38, 8-39, 10-38, 11-65 through 11-69;
Jan 24, 2007: added dreams 2-76 through 2-78, 3-42, 3-43, 5-84 through 5-90, 6-47 through 6-50, 7-55 through 7-58, 8-40, 8-41, 9-12, 9-13, 10-39, 10-40, 11-70;
Feb 26, 2007: added dreams 2-79, 2-80, 3-44, 3-45, 5-91, 6-51, 7-59, 7-60, 8-42, 9-14; added a major enhancement for dream 2-11;
Mar 29, 2007: added dreams 2-81, 2-82, 3-46, 5-92, 5-93, 6-52, 7-61, 7-62, 8-43;
Apr 28, 2007: added dreams 1-36, 2-83, 5-94 through 5-100, 6-53 through 6-57, 7-63 through 7-65, 8-44, 10-41, 11-71, 11-72;
May 31, 2007: added dreams 1-37, 2-84, 2-85, 5-101, 7-66 through 7-68, 10-42, 10-43, 11-73; added story % in tact stat;
Aug 17, 2007: added dreams 2-86 through 2-90, 3-47 through 3-49, 5-102 through 5-110, 6-58, 6-59, 7-69 through 7-74, 8-45, 11-74, 11-75;
Oct 24, 2007: added dreams 2-91 through 2-96, 3-50, 4-13, 5-111 through 5-123, 6-60 though 6-66, 7-75 through 7-79, 8-46, 9-15, 10-44 through 10-46, 11-76, 11-77;
Nov 29, 2007: added dreams 2-97 through 2-99, 3-51, 5-124 through 5-128, 6-67, 7-80, 7-81, 8-47;
Feb 13, 2008: added dreams 1-38, 1-39, 2-100 through 2-102, 3-52 through 3-55, 4-14, 5-129 through 5-131, 6-68, 7-82 through 7-85, 8-48, 8-49, 11-78;
Apr 29, 2008: added dreams 1-40 through 1-42, 2-103 through 2-107, 3-56, 3-57, 4-15, 5-132 through 5-138, 6-69, 6-70, 7-86, 7-87, 8-50, 11-79 through 11-82;
Jul 12, 2008: added dreams 2-108, 5-139 through 5-142, 6-71 through 6-73, 7-88, 7-89;
Sep 29, 2008: added dreams 2-109 through 2-112, 3-58 through 3-60, 5-143 through 5-146, 6-74, 7-90 through 7-92, 10-47, 10-48, 11-83 through 11-85;
Dec 30, 2008: added dreams 2-113 through 2-116, 3-61 through 3-64, 5-147 through 5-150, 6-75 through 6-77, 7-93 through 7-99, 8-51 through 8-54, 10-49, 10-50, 11-86;
Mar 18, 2009: added dreams 1-43, 2-117 through 2-120, 3-65, 3-66, 5-151 through 5-156, 6-78 through 6-81, 7-100, 10-51, 11-87;
Jul 29, 2009: added dreams 1-44, 2-121 through 2-129, 3-67, 3-68, 4-16, 5-157 through 5-163, 6-82 through 6-87, 7-101 through 7-107, 8-55, 9-17, 10-52 through 10-54, 11-88 through 11-91;
Jun 9, 2010: added dreams 1-45 through 1-48, 2-130 through 2-138, 3-69 through 3-72, 4-17, 4-18, 5-164 through 5-177, 6-88 through 6-91, 7-108 through 7-114, 8-56 through 8-58, 10-55 through 10-57, 11-93, 11-94;
Apr 27, 2011: added dreams 1-49 through 1-51, 2-139 through 2-144, 3-73, 3-74, 4-19, 5-178 through 5-187, 6-92 through 6-95, 7-116, 7-117, 8-59, 10-58 through 10-60, 11-95 through 11-98;

5 The categories

5.1 Links

To read the dreams I have, you can follow these links. The dream count values are used for these links. To view a dream, find the category then the dream number. If you want to see dream 5-28, go to category 5 (travel dreams) and click the 21-30 link. To see dream 11-60, you'd go to category 11 (exploration dreams) then click the 51-60 link. If you want to see the newest dream 8-43 (as an example), you'd go to category 8 (fun dreams) then click the "41-latest" link. Once that category gets to 51 dreams in the example, you'd see it as "41 to 50" with a new link added for that category taking you to the page with the newest dreams.

Pages: Return to main dream index
1. Mud dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-latest

2. Video game dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-latest

3. Water dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-latest

4. Nightmares: 1-10 | 11-latest

5. Travel dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-latest

6. Other dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-latest | 91-latest

7. Weird dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-latest

8. Fun dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-latest

9. Computer dreams: 1-10 | 11-latest

10. School dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-latest

11. Exploration dreams: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-latest

Newest dreams: 1-49 through 1-51, 2-139 through 2-144, 3-73, 3-74, 4-19, 5-178 through 5-187, 6-92 through 6-95, 7-116, 7-117, 8-59, 10-58 through 10-60, 11-95 through 11-98;

5.2 Descriptions

Mud dreams - These involve mud and occasionally quicksand. Quite often, it's going into it and walking around in it for no apparent reason or just for the fun of it. Some of my favorites are those of the endless mud lake, rivers of mud in a factory, theme parks with rivers of mud, and strange cases where roads, carpets, and floors are quicksand or mud. These dreams often have a moderate weird rating though a little fun. Mud is basically mainly lots of water with brownish-colored sand mixed in, roughly 85% water, 15% sand (gooey mud) to 60% water, 40% sand (thick mud). Quicksand has higher sand:water ratios. Most mud in my dreams is about 75 to 80% water and 20 to 25% sand. These values are based on simulations run in my mind game and are not tested (based on volume, not mass).

Video game dreams - These involve a video-game-like nature. I've had a Frogger-related dream, several dreams featuring remakes of Zeliard, others featuring Metroid, Bubsy, Sonic, Spyro, and other classics. These dreams are generally well-forgotten, but there are plenty of graphics to explain things, more than any other category does.

Water dreams - These involve water. Whether it's going in for a swim, just playing around in it, or the dream taking place in a very watery area that doesn't fit well in other categories, these dreams involve water and are often quite fun. Because these dreams tend to be quite fun, they tend to be moved to the fun category instead of here. Some of my favorites are where I'm having fun in a river, playing through weird pools, a 30-foot-deep hot tub, and several others.

Nightmares - These are scary dreams. They have a high scary rating. Nightmares are a rarity to me and thus there aren't many in here. Some of my most interesting ones are the one featuring the UFO and a mysterious light, and one involving a strange disease and the only known dream where I supposedly "died". Any dream with the scary rating of 6 or higher go here (in both systems), 5 (4 in the new system) only if the category otherwise can't be determined.

Travel dreams - These involve travel with little exploration involved. They could be visiting foreign places (even in my home area), but not really doing much there in the way of exploring. One of my favorites is a house that was on 3 continents that would otherwise not be possible and a rather weird plane flight to California. These dreams seem to be the most common ones.

Other dreams - These are dreams where the category cannot be determined (multicategory dreams), the dream is so strongly forgotten that the category is impossible to determine, or simply just doesn't fit any of the categories. A special feature in these dreams includes why they have been placed in this category. This category is small in size compared to the others due to its nature. Whenever this category gets unusually large relative to the others, thoughts come for methods of splitting or moving dreams by creating new categories.

Weird dreams - These are dreams that are bizarre and make little sense and are otherwise just strange. One of my favorites is where I somehow got a laptop computer to show super close-ups of Europa (one of Jupiter's largest moons), closer than what is known today, and another related case where a pencil eraser was an extremely powerful telescope and microscope, millions of times better than today's best. These dreams have a high weird rating. Sometimes, they include weird time portals taking you to weird places, or even secret entrances taking you to odd places. Any dream with a weird rating of 6 (in both systems) or above go here, 5 (4 in the new system) only if the category can't be determined.

Fun dreams - These dreams are dreams where I had a lot of fun and will have high ratings on almost everything except scary and sometimes weird. These dreams tend to be very well-recalled with the highest in tact ratings of all dreams, often holding the dream records. My two all-time top favorites are in here. One featuring a city in water is the best known ratings of all my dreams. Another features a race where you are racing underwater in a special kind of water and has the best story of all time. A third favorite is the one called "Amazon tribal region fun" which holds the record for the most well-recalled dream, especially the scenery which is 99%. A fourth favorite, close to the all-time high, is one that features a weird fun house that begins to crack and fall apart. Any dream with a fun rating of 8 (6 in the new system) or higher go here, 7.5 (4 in the new system) only if the category otherwise can't be determined.

Computer dreams - These dreams involve computer-related things not of video games. Strangely enough, most of these are negative in nature. If it was of a game played on the computer, it belongs in the video game dreams category. Some examples is where I'm on the internet forums that I frequent or getting a computer virus. There aren't many dreams in this category though as I rarely get them.

School dreams - These dreams involve school. Whether it's revisiting my old schools that I actually went to, teaching or learning in a different school, or otherwise, these dreams have a lot to do with school in some way. Some of my favorites feature a race through a 27-story school building to get to the bottom and there was an area where I had to walk through some quicksand in a science lab.

Exploration dreams - Like travel dreams, only where considerable exploration is involved. Whether it's a secret cavern, a strange basement that went abandoned for decades, or riding horseback along hills with cacti, these dreams tend to be a bit of fun.

5.3 Proposed categories

These are categories likely to be used in some near-future update mainly to break up the "other" and "travel" categories which are unusually large. The likelihood of being added follows at the very end.

Multicategory dreams: Since I seem to be getting a lot of these lately, a new category should likely be created that will remove about half of those in the other category. 95% likely.

Chase dreams: These dreams are where I get chased by something. I seem to get quite a few of these. Whether I'm being chased by something or I'm chasing something, such dreams will go here, unless, of course, they go into a higher-priority area (such as fun or weird). 90% likely.

Escape dreams: While escapes are similiar to chase-related dreams, they basically involve escaping from something. Escape dreams would be less common than chase dreams mainly because chases are usually associated with them. 70% likely.

Vaguely recalled dreams: These dreams would have very little details recalled about them, so little that the category usually cannot be determined. This would be the case for dreams of, say, 2 or 4% in tact and less (as a whole), those with at least 2 exclamation points (or 3). This category is highly questioned on whether or not I'll be adding it, but it seems quite low. 10% likely.

With the travel dreams category being so big, I'm thinking of splitting it into 2 or 3 separate categories. These ideas follow:

Local travel dreams: These dreams are where I'm travelling around in my home area. If it's at or near my house (less than 1/4 mile outside my yard or so), they do not belong here. These dreams essentially revolve around my home town and the 8 miles surrounding my house. 90% likely.

Foreign travel dreams: These dreams are where I'm travelling in a far off area, more than 8 miles from my house which is where unfamiliar territory is. They also include foreign countries, remakes of my home town or my neighborhood, and remakes of places I've been to, though they must be based on real places or places I think are real. 90% likely.

Fictional travel dreams: These dreams take place in completely nonexistant areas or areas I doubt are real. This category is moderately questioned mainly because some areas I don't know if they exist or not. 25% likely.

Indoors travel dreams: These dreams involve travel, but are strictly indoors or in a dark area like a cave. The other travel dream categories (local, foreign, fictional, and exploration) will take priority over this with the exception being if the entire part of what I recall takes place in a building or cave and no considerable exploration is involved. 70% likely.

Due to the video game dream category being very big, the second-biggest, I have proposed splitting it into two categories.

Real video games: These dreams involve video games that exist in the real world and would include any modifications that frequently occur (modifications such as Bubsy's forest world having 16-bit color instead of 8-bit color, a common theme I've had). 80% likely.

Fictional video games: These dreams involve video games that do not exist on the market such as a 2D Spyro game (no Spyro game I know of has been made in 2D or with 8-bit color) or that game that obviously doesn't exist would go here. 80% likely.

6 Dream journal FAQs

This section covers frequently asked questions related only to the dream journal.

Question list:
1 Posting the dreams
1.1 Why post the dream journal online?
1.2 Why all the details?
1.3 What's with the hexadecimal numbers when it comes to colors?
1.4 What if I see a duplicate dream?
1.5 A dream is in the other category and it would better fit in the x category. Why is it there?
1.6 The dream is 80% or more in tact, but it has few details. Is this a mistake?
1.7 If a dream has 2 or 3 parts, why is it mentioned as 1 dream, even if supposedly well-recalled?
1.8 What does a brightness of 64 or 200 mean?

2 Recalling dreams
2.1 I can't seem to recall my dreams; how do you recall yours?
2.2 Two dreams in one night? How's that possible?
2.3 Do you recall any sounds?
2.4 When will a dream be 100% in tact and will it occur?
2.5 Why is the scenery the most commonly recalled aspect of a dream?
2.6 What do you see when you don't recall anything about a part of the scenery?
2.7 What common themes do your dreams have?

3 Dream extremes
3.1 What is the oldest dream you have recalled?
3.2 What is the best dream you've had?
3.3 What is the worst dream you've had?
3.4 What is your least recalled dream?
3.5 What is your most well-recalled dream?
3.6 What is the weirdest of your dreams?
3.7 What dream has the best story?
3.8 What is the longest-lasting dream?
3.9 What dream has the most parts?

4 Ratings
4.1 When a dream is well-recalled, the ratings are often much more varied than one vaguely recalled. Why?
4.2 Why does the weird rating have 2 question marks, scary at 3, and fun with 1? Why not all the same?
4.3 How do you determine the "in tact" rating?
4.4 Why don't the ratings in the old system ever get to 10 and some don't reach zero?
4.5 Why do the old dreams have two ratings bars with the other not filled in?
4.6 If you really like a dream, why not rate it as a million times better than neutral?
4.7 Why do ratings tend to "snap" to certain values? What are these snapped-to values?
4.8 Why use the "times better than neutral" system instead of a simpler 1 to 10 scale?
4.9 Why do dreams after April 2007 have a story in-tact rating when those before don't?

5 General
5.1 What goes on behind the scenes when you add dreams to the dream journal?
5.2 Have any of your dreams come true?
5.3 Do you ever interpret your dreams?

6.1 Posting the dreams

These questions involve posting the dreams to my dream journal and the dream journal on my website.

1.1 Q. Why post the dream journal online?
A. Dreams are like stories. Just take a look at some of those well-recalled dreams (especially those that are 80% in tact and above). Stories are a form of entertainment and since dreams are stories, I figured that I could have them online. With now almost 600 dreams spread out into 11 categories, my dream journal is probably one of the biggest online dream journals by a single individual and continues to grow rapidly.

1.2 Q. Why all the details?
A. The more detailed a dream is, the better the story is. For the headers, they help give a "feel" to the dream. A dream that is very scary or a lot of fun will have high ratings in those categories so that way you know how the dream felt to me. The in tact ratings tell how much detail there is and how well-recalled the dream is. Compare a dream that's 5% in tact to one 95% in tact and you'll see a clear difference.

1.3 Q. What's with the hexadecimal numbers when it comes to colors?
A. Because I know so few word color names and they aren't standardized, using numbers to name colors is my best option. Plus, I provide a sample of what that color is to help. See here for details on the system and what wonders I can do with numeric colors.

1.4 Q. What if I see a duplicate dream?
A. If you see two otherwise identical dreams (some dreams do have variations and don't count and others have been repeated), let me know about them and I'll look into it.

1.5 Q. A dream is in the other category and it would better fit in the X category. Why is it there?
A. If a dream is too strongly forgotten (3% in tact and under is the most common case) or fits two categories equally well (not minor ones, but top such as being a mud dream and a travel dream), it belongs in the other category. If a dream, however, doesn't fit this criteria or you are more certain on a better category, let me know. I may create a new category for dreams that fit multiple categories as I seem to get quite a few of these.

1.6 Q. The dream is 80% or more in tact, but it has few details. Is this a mistake?
A. For very long dreams with lots of details, typical of those above 80% in tact, only a short summary is given with a link provided to where the main details are, as a whole new page. This keeps down the clutter and helps save bandwidth and speed up download times as well. Not all dreams 80% in tact or above will have a separate story, especially in the case where a lot of major or moderate details are recalled with few minor details.

1.7 Q. If a dream has 2 or 3 parts, why is it mentioned as 1 dream, even if supposedly well-recalled?
A. Quite often, I seem to have multi-part dreams. In the dream, there really is a skip to a radically different scene, setting, and/or event. Because I'm aware of this, it becomes a multi-part dream. There are some dreams with 5 or even more parts to it (one dream has even 10 parts!). When I'm sure I wake up with a recalled dream, go back to sleep again and wake up again with another dream, that's when I have multiple dreams recalled and thus the reason for multiple dreams on the same day. I have about a 1 in 20 chance of recalling two dreams in one sleep session and 2 cases where I had 3 dreams recalled in one night. On May 6, 2006 as an example, you can see that there are two different dreams with the same date. The date is taken at the moment I wake up. You'll see the Nov 10, 2006 date on 3 separate dreams, one of the cases where I had 3 recalled in one single night.

Another common case is that I split dreams into "chunks" for easier processing. By doing this, I increase the likelihood of recalling more details, boosting the ratings and in-tact ratings as well. Let's say a dream occurred where I was at my house leaving for a fishing trip. At first, I prepare. Next, I get into the car and start driving toward the lake. The car mysteriously overheats and I was forced to abandon it, in the middle of no where. I decide to just use my special abilities to get around and I reach the lake with my fishing supplies and the dream ends two minutes after arriving. There are no skips in this dream (it's seemless). I'd consider this a 4-part dream. The first part is where I prepare to go and get into the car. The second part is where I'm driving toward the lake. After the car overheats, the third part starts when I begin using my special abilities to get to the lake. The fourth part is where I'm at the lake. It's this "chunking" that makes the dream easier to recall when I start with the major details.

1.8 Q. What does a brightness of 64 or 200 mean?
A. Like with the colors, but for the cases where I don't recall colors well enough. A dream may have a dark carpet, but I wouldn't know if it was red, brown, or some other color. Instead, I may mention it as having a brightness of 64 for it instead to give the approximate shade of gray it represents. The higher the number, to 255, the lighter something is. If I mentioned the brightness of 64, the shade of gray mimicing the brightness of the object would be that if the red, green, and blue values were all 64, or the color 404040 (######). I normally round it to the nearest multiple of 16, as I've had the habit of doing with colors since 2002 or so. For pure hues at maximum brightness, the table in section 4.4.3 here gives a very accurate representation with the approximate shade of gray to remarkable accuracy given.

6.2 Recalling dreams

These questions involve recalling dreams.

2.1 Q. I can't seem to recall my dreams; how do you recall yours?
A. I don't know in this case. There are cases where I get no recalled dream for a whole week and even some cases where I recall 2 or even 3 dreams in one night. In 40 days, I've recalled the night's dream(s) nearly 32 times or an average of a total of 35 dreams in 40. I don't know what enhances my chances of recalling dreams, even if 3% in tact, but comparing events for the day (in my blog) to whether or not I recalled my dream is about all I can say and there's more than 2 years' worth of comparing available.

On August 2, 2007, I discovered an interesting pattern. For over a month, I was heavily involved with Final Fantasy 12 and during this time, I was rarely recalling dreams. Before and after this, I was recalling dreams at a much greater rate. It appears as if, when you're not heavily involved with something or anything, you're more likely to recall your dreams, but I have yet to confirm this (as of Aug 4, 2007).

2.2 Q. Two dreams in one night? How's that possible?
A. Two dreams is only a small fraction of what you actually get per night. Normally, one dreams 3 to 8 times while sleeping, depending on how long you sleep (length of sleep, in hours, divided by 1.5 gives an approximation). Only the latest dreams tend to be recalled. In the odd case of recalling two dreams in one night (occurring about 1 in every 15-20 times I have at least one dream recalled (on average)), sometimes I wake up after less-than-normal sleeping time, then go back to sleep waking up with another recalled dream. In this case, I'd have two recalled dreams in one night. I've even had 4 cases where I've had 3 dreams recalled in one night (Nov 10, 2006, Apr 8, 2007, Sep 23, 2008, Dec 1, 2008, and Apr 22, 2009), about a 1 in 160 chance of occurring if I recall at least one dream.

2.3 Q. Do you recall any sounds?
A. It's very rare I recall any sounds at all, rarely anything past even 15% in high detail, normally entirely forgotten. Recalled sounds are indirectly stated, most commonly as speech. That's why there's no ratings for the sound as it's practically entirely forgotten.

2.4 Q. When will a dream be 100% in tact and will it occur?
A. In order for a dream to be 100% in tact, every detail, down to the finest of detail, including the story, feelings, scenery, and, most especially, the sounds must be recalled in full. The scenery is the easy one as it's the most well-recalled. Feelings are the next harder ones with the story following after that, but I've often had cases where the story is well-recalled too to the finest details. It's rare, however, that even 20% of the sounds are recalled in high detail, even though 85% of the sounds have been recalled to sufficient detail. When all this is put together, you'll then have a 100% in tact dream. Theoretically, it can occur, but it may be on the order of decades before a dream even gets to 99.9% in tact, which is still not 100%.

2.5 Q. Why is the scenery the most commonly recalled aspect of a dream?
A. This I don't know for sure. Even though there may be no recalled story or hardly any recalled story, I could easily have 5 or more recalled scenes from the dream, some of which are even photo-quality. Compared to the story, usually 2 to 3 times as much detail is recalled with the scenery alone and the scenery makes up the biggest chunk of the recalled dream. With enough scenes, I can sometimes build a story off of them or at least estimate what the story was, even though I have no recollection of the story.

2.6 Q. What do you see when you don't recall anything about a part of the scenery?
A. When I recall a dream, the scenery has various appearances. If it's well-recalled, the full texture is used. If just knowing what it was, the texture would be plain and monotonic (with obvious lighting effects). If I don't recall the colors, the object would be gray with only lighting effects changing the shade of gray. If the shape is unknown, then the object will appear as a box to the best possible and most realistic size, but as a gray color. If one particular area has nothing known about it, it appears completely transparent. No, not black, just transparent with nothing there at all. At high detail, a wall would have a detailed-looking, near-life-like brick texture of a yellowish color (and very rough and stony). A tree is behind. If don't recall the textures, the tree would only have a cartoony-like green color for leaves and the wall would be completely monotonic of that yellowish color. If I recall something being behind the wall, a box of a gray color would appear that would otherwise form the boundary. If I don't recall if there was a wall there, the top of the tree would be shown as is, but the area in the image would be transparent. No, I couldn't see anything beyond the wall, that entire area is fully transparent. The top of the tree would show, but the wall wouldn't even though the tree would very likely extend further down. This sort of clue tells me something is there, but I have no idea about it at all. Sometimes, when my high-level mental processing of the area to "pan" or "move" the "camera" around at different angles than the dream had, I get this transparency effect as well.

This image explains the effects quite well.

Samples of what well-recalled and forgotten dreams compare

There are four different objects in focus here. There is a brick wall behind with some hills far in the background. If this was an actual dream scene, each letter represents a different degree of forgottenness. In this sample dream, I recalled what A looked like very well. There's all the patterns and textures it has and they're clearly seen and recalled to fine details. For B, however, I only recall what it was and its color as being FF00FF (magenta). I know that C existed, and I know what it is, but I don't have a clue as to what the color was. It appears as this exact shade of gray if that's the case (of course, with the usual lighting effects, if any). I know D exists but I don't know shape, color, or even the size. The transparency effect helps get some of the basics, but this becomes useless when there are many such items of D's degree of forgottenness. Shown in the sample image, I made D as half transparent instead. Otherwise it'd be the same as the background color of my website, which is black. Seeing the odd looks, I can tell that something is there, but I don't know what. Usually, it wouldn't be a shape as clear as this is (the shape of the capital "D"), rather, it'd be a box or a much simpler polygon. If the brick wall was also like this, it'd be far more difficult to make out what "D" even is, even with the shape. This is the case for vaguely recalled scenes.

2.7 Q. What common themes do your dreams have?
A. My dreams fit many themes. When basements are involved, there's a good chance that it it has sand with areas of mud, often deep mud. Some of my dreams often take place in the future, typically 10 to 30 years into the future. Another common theme involves my commonly-used special abilities, mainly gliding and high jumps, occasionally the float run. A few of my dreams even predict the future typically 3 or 4 days prior to something happening, but always very indirectly. Sometimes, some of my dreams involve doing something fun, but something blocks me from doing it, whether it's a human, or something mechanical. A few times, I do manage to finally get involved with it at the end of the dream, but the dream cuts short before it takes effect.

6.3 Dream extremes

The oldest, most well-recalled, best story, etc. of all my dreams.

3.1 Q. What is the oldest dream you have recalled?
A. From 1993 or 1994 (the video game job, as dream 2-18 (as of Apr 27, 2007)). The next oldest is from late 1995 (drifting down a river on a log raft, dream 11-5 (as of Apr 27, 2007)).

3.2 Q. What is the best dream you've had?
A. See the "mud/water carnival" dream in the fun category (dream 8-5 as of Apr 27, 2007), which is 1300 times better than neutral. It has the highest ratings for almost any dream (except story, scary, and weird, but it's a close second in terms of the story). Many of the dreams in the fun category are the best dreams.

3.3 Q. What is the worst dream you've had?
A. See the first dream in the nightmares category (dream 4-1), which is 900 times worse than neutral (-900 compatibility). This dream, even though it's more than 6 years ago, still haunts me today when I think about it.

3.4 Q. What is your least recalled dream?
A. See "the underbuilding" (dream 6-2 as of Apr 27, 2007). This dream has no story at all and a single scene with almost nothing in the way of detail outside blue-cyan. There appears to be columns in the shape of squares, but even that shape is uncertain. In fact, I'm not even sure if they are building columns at all. This dream is as close to nothing as you can get at a mere 0.5% in tact. I'm not even sure it should be listed as a dream since it's so well-forgotten. It's as close to nothing as you can get at a mere 0.5% in tact.

3.5 Q. What is your most well-recalled dream?
A. The one titled "Amazon tribal region fun" (found here; the listed dream is 8-33 as of Apr 27, 2007) is where the scenery is recalled 99% in tact and the dream as a whole is 98% in tact. "The magical potions with an evil side effect" is the second-place winner as it's an extremely long dream (spanning 60 minutes, near that of a feature-length movie) and it's recalled 98% in tact. "The masterminds" (dream 11-3 as of Apr 27, 2007) was the first dream of only 4 total dreams to be 98% in tact. Many of the most well-recalled dreams are in the fun category.

3.6 Q. What is the weirdest of your dreams?
A. The one titled "fun in trash" (dream 7-6 as of Apr 27, 2007) is rated as 130 in the new system. No other dream even breaks past the 100 mark and the next highest, at 90, is "nosebleed and taking a bath".

3.7 Q. What dream has the best story?
A. The dream titled "The underwater race" (dream 8-11 as of Apr 27, 2007) has the best story rated at 1100. The best dream of all (dream 8-5 as of Apr 27, 2007) has the second best with 1000.

3.8 Q. What is the longest-lasting dream?
A. The dream titled "A fun exploration video game with life-like water" (dream 8-45 as of Aug 7, 2007), of which spans 70 to 80 minutes.

3.9 Q. What dream has the most parts?
A. The strange dream called "Bizarre happenings at an old house" (dream 7-69 as of Aug 7, 2007), of which has 10 total parts, most of which vaguely recalled. Some dreams get to 6 or 7, but this one is an easy winner at 10.

6.4 Ratings

These question involve the rating statistics shown at the start of every dream.

4.1 Q. When a dream is well-recalled, the ratings are often much more varied than one vaguely recalled. Why?
A. The higher the in tact rating, the greater the range of the details. With only the last 2 minutes recalled and small bits and pieces of the beginning 40 minutes of the dream recalled, it's hard to make out a good story. Sure it's possible to have a dream 5% in tact with a fun rating of 8.5 or a 2 (11 or -6 in the new system), but for a dream that is vaguely recalled, ratings often hover around neutral. The reason is that unknown details, naturally, are neutral-rated and by piling on more and more neutral ratings, the rating leans more toward neutral causing the lack of variation. In the case of the story, if I only know what happened during the last 2 minutes and small bits and pieces of the beginning part, you really don't have much in the way of a story and thus it's very difficult for me to rate it. By knowing a great detail of the story, with mainly minor things left out (such as the color or size of a table), it becomes much easier to rate it and without all the neutrals added onto it, allows for a greater range. The question marks give ranges to rating where the likely value is. If a dream had a 9.5 (100 in the new system) for the part I knew 100% in tact, but don't have a clue about the other half, the rating would average out to an 9 (roughly 25.954 in the newer system). If 80% was forgotten, it'd only be an 8.2 (or about 7.842 in the new system). Forgotten parts have half the neutrality impact. Normal neutrality impact for half forgotten would be 10, or the square root of 100. Instead, it's the basis raised to the power of the square root of the in tact percentage. For 5% in tact, 0.05, the result is 100^(0.05^0.5), 100^0.2236, or almost right on 2.8 (which converts to about a 7 or so in the old system). This is, at least, the general trend I seem to be seeing.

4.2 Q. Why does the weird rating have 2 question marks, scary at 3, and fun with 1? Why not all the same?
A. Although the feelings are almost entirely directly related to the story, in parts I cannot recall anything about to add, I may have feelings about it recalled and thus the variations. Sometimes, during the story, I don't recall any feelings during that part causing more question marks. Yet, it could be on the border between 1 and 2 question marks and small variations can cause this. If a dream was fun all the way through and I know this, but I otherwise vaguely recall anything much about it, the fun rating may have one question mark whereas the scary and weird ratings have 3 (or even an X).

4.3 Q. How do you determine the "in tact" rating?
A. I normally break it up as follows: scenery: 50%, story: 30%, sounds: 15%, feelings and other attributes: 5%. There are some variations, depending on the type of dream, but this is an approximate generalization. Furthermore, within each of these categories, it is broken up into 3 separate subsections, all the same: major details (general location, or a major event): 60%, moderate details (how objects are generally arranged or how the major event was solved): 30%, and minor details (colors or sizes of something or how I did something at a certain time): 10%. Also having a factor is how many different variations of the scenery there are or how many major events there were in the story (as well as the length of the dream). There could be 15 scenes in one dream with little in the way of a story (of which would have 80% of the impact rather than 50) and 4 in another with a long story and numerous events (of which would have 20% of an impact instead of 50). The story could be set all in one place or it can be all over. Things like these modify the distribution values, but this gives the general idea. Major details are included in the summary.

If the dream featured a pencil eraser as a very powerful microscope and telescope (I actually had such a dream), that's a major detail in the story. What I generally saw through it (planets and atomic structures) is a moderate detail. A long description of what one particular thing I saw (such as the planet having blue water and green land with the land arranged in a particular shape, often described with measurements) are minor details. If a class went on a field trip, that's a major event. If the class went swimming in a pool of mud, that's a moderate detail. If one of the classmates refused to go in, that's a minor event.

4.4 Q. Why don't the ratings in the old system ever get to 10 and some don't reach zero?
A. From the formula involving the half-step techique, 10 is impossible along with zero (zero is valid in the case of the scary and weird ratings, but not for the others). This is due to division by zero. Although division by zero isn't obvious in the formula, you'd have to know basic algebra to understand where it comes from (the -2 exponent is a hint). To find the impact on neutral, this is the formula:

COMP = ( 1 - ( 500 ÷ | 500 - COM | ) ) ^ -2

For the ratings marked with "5 neutral", multiply the rating given by 100. For those marked with "0 base", multiply the rating given by 50 then add 500. This is the "COM" variable in the formula, from which can be worked out. Plugging in 10 (COM = 1000), you'd have 0-2, the cause to division by zero. A negative exponent is nothing more than the reciprocal of its positive counterpart. 02 is 0 and the reciprocal of 0 (0/1) is 1/0 and dividing by 0 is not possible (no solution in this case (0/0's solution is the set of all real numbers)).

4.5 Q. Why do the old dreams have two ratings bars with the other not filled in?
A. Because I changed the format of the ratings bar sometime around July or so of 2006 to include more items, I wanted to "upgrade" the ratings bars of the old dreams to use the newer ratings bars and I've done about 50 out of about 350 or so dreams, but my motive since went negative (below neutral) and I've since never gotten above neutral motive. This means I don't have any intentions on working on this. For speeding things up, I copied the base format of the new rating bars to each dream so I don't have to keep recopying it to the clipboard again and again. From there, I just need to copy the existing details and fill in the missing details. Once the motive gets out of negative territory, I'm much more likely to finish and I'm pretty sure it'll happen, just not any time soon (as of Jan 21, 2007). With the change to the "times better than neutral" system, the motive is increased and is otherwise right on neutral as of Feb 26, 2007.

4.6 Q. If you really like a dream, why not rate it as a million times better than neutral?
A. If a dream really was a million times better than neutral, it would be more dangerous than hopping over a pool of hydrochloric acid a thousand times on a very slippery floor. It's not readily apparent, but with a compatibility like that, you'd literally go out of the way of anything (including life-important things like eating, sleeping, drinking, and going to the bathroom) to get involved with it. I was getting something sort of like this with just 3190, the highest recorded spike (with a song), and it was causing me to miss out on some parts of even favorite shows on TV (as it was a song) that caused me to want to mute my TV just to hear the area with the greatest spike and I went on with that song within a very narrow speed range for 46 days in a row (107 days on the same source)! That's with just 3190! A million is over 300 times better meaning almost 100,000 times the sustainability which makes my record 53 days seem like a second to a day. This is why you'll never see anything rated that extreme. Even 50 is hard to come by. The best dream is only 1300 times better than neutral (dream 8-5), more than 750 times worse than a million and that dream is already high enough to bother me since I tend to keep thinking about it a lot and it can, at times, distract me. The same also applies on the negative side. The worst dream (dream 4-1) is only -900 and even 6 or 7 years later, it still haunts me and -1,000,000 is over a thousand times worse than that.

4.7 Q. Why do ratings tend to "snap" to certain values? What are these snapped-to values?
A. This provides simplicity and quicker processing which also keeps up my motive for adding to my dream journal. The old system (0 to 10 scale) snaps to multiples of 0.5 except when above 8 or below 2. The new system is a bit different. The snapping values are 1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, etc., along with their negative counterparts. This is still precise to within 15% but actually has a 20% logarithmic margin of error. Above 50, however, I go with greater accuracy as these are more extreme cases due to their great rarity, and are precise to within 10%, the maximum I'm capable of. The percentages, however, are a bit different. 0 and 0.2 would be the lowest, but no dream, as a whole, has gotten this one. 0.5 is the lowest recorded for a dream as a whole. 0.8 is next followed by 1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 (rare), 4, 5, 6, 7 (rare), 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 (typical average), 25, 30, 35 (rare), 40, 50, 60, 65 (rare), 70, 75, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92, 93 (rare), 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, then 100. Only one instance of 99 has occurred and there are no 100's. Those marked with "rare" are only used when otherwise on the border between the two adjacent ones.

4.8 Q. Why use the "times better than neutral" system instead of a simpler 1 to 10 scale?
A. In short, it's easier to use and understand, more consistant, more motivating to use, more accurate, and just faster in general. In more detail, it mainly comes to mathematics. A rating of 1 to 10 is more of an arbitrary scale. There is no mid point unless fractions can be used (thus 5.5). 0 to 10 means an exact 5 mid-point. In my mind, I have the compatibility as something like 25 times better than neutral, a strong high point (which converts to a 9 on the 0 to 10 scale). Neutral is defined as something neither liked nor disliked and is rated as a 1 in the "times better than neutral" system. If rated as a 2, I like it twice as much and can maintain doing it for 4 times longer (25 means 625 times longer). This is the basis used. Using a 0 to 10 scale is not only tricky to work with since, in theory, you can always find something better. Sure 3190, my highest recorded spike (-5100 on the low end), can certainly be increased, even tripled, but rating something as 10 isn't possible. The half-step technique resolves this and I only use it if forced to (such as rating a game, movie, or product from 1 to 10 (or 1 to 5) where I need to use conversions using this wacky formula (solved for COM though):

COMP = ( 1 - ( ( | COM - 500 | ) ÷ 500 ) ) ^ -2

There's more to it than this though (using 5's instead of the 500's then an adjustment to convert from a 0 to 10 scale to a 1 to 10 scale). It's just confusing to work with. By using the "times better than neutral" system, it is far easier to understand, is more accurate, and more motivating to use. Not only that, but you can easily compare dreams. If you see a dream's nature rating as 10 then another as 40, you can tell that the one rated 40 is 4 times better with 16 times the sustainability (or interest/involvement). This formula is simple division (and occasionally multiplication). Negative values indicate "times worse than neutral" and is just the reverse. -2 actually means 0.5 when doing calculations so a dream rated 4 is 8 times better than one rated -2. By using negative values instead of fractions, it's easier for those weak in math to understand. If alike, divide by their positive values. If different, then multiply their positive values. This way, only positive values are worked with and little in the way of fractions. It's also easier to understand which is why I made the switch. This applies not only to the nature rating, but all ratings, except the percentages and date of occurrance where it's not possible to begin with. The old method had the scary and weird ratings on a slightly different scale and thus a slight alteration was needed. The new method keeps consistancy all the way through for all ratings (except the percentages and the date). This page explains the details very well.

4.9 Q. Why do dreams after April 2007 have a story in-tact rating when those before don't?
A. This is a recent addition, of which hasn't been implemented into the past dreams. The story, after the scenery, is the most important aspect of a dream, and by informing users just how much of the story is recalled, they can get a better idea. The dream in-tact rating includes the minorities: feelings and sound. These make up only a small part of it, even if 100% in tact.

6.5 General

Other questions that don't easily fit the other categories of questions.

5.1 Q. What goes on behind the scenes when you add dreams to the dream journal?
A. When I wake up with a dream recalled, the first thing I do before anything else is to jot down the major details in a short summary. For a well-recalled dream, this summary could take up a half of a page (standard 8x10.5-inch wide-ruled paper). This will help keep the dream more well-recalled. After writing the major details, I then rewrite everything only with all the minor details included such as more detailed descriptions and the actual story along with it. When done, I read through the summary to find out anything I may have left out and if anything, I write those details down as it helps jog my memory. With two recalled dreams in one night, it gets a little trickier, but the process is still the same. I also take note of the date of occurrance and give the most expected category so it makes it faster to add to my dream journal, short of having to reread the dream to find out.

Then, when I come to update my website, I use the papers that I wrote on and copy them to my website. This often also jogs my memory again allowing for additional details, but rarely anything significant, except scenery descriptions. When I type the details, I first give a title to the dream after finding the file that doesn't have a full ten dreams on it (If none are available, I create a new page by saving the existing file as another name and deleting everything except the basics.). I then begin typing, copying my notes (not the short summary). When done adding the details, I modify the ratings banner to suit that dream. Finally, I add the details of the latest addition to this particular page, adding one to the dream counts for the total and for the category it went to. I then go on to process the next dream in the same way. If a category cannot be decided on for some reason (usually from fitting two likely categories equally well, or from being too strongly forgotten), it goes in the other category. This page of my "how I update my website" article gives a much more in-depth look at what I do and how the formats and stuff are.

5.2 Q. Have any of your dreams come true?
A. Only indirectly, except in one case where I made it come mostly true. My dreams seem to give highly indirect predictions to what will happen. The closest one is one involving the Playstation game Bubsy 3D (dream 2-11). In the dream, I somehow enabled debug mode in a similar way as the classic Sonic games have. I created platforms to use to get up very high where the orange mountain tops were heavily fogged out looking straight down. Two weeks later, I manage to actually see this for real, but rather than debug mode, a glitch with the fans when a platform is above. See the screenshot from the actual game on this dream for very close replica of what I saw in the dream. Other common things seem to relate to storms. One of my dreams, where my family was snowed in at Bismarck and I went off to get supplies featured a lot of snow. A few days later, a big blizzard indeed struck my area. This is extremely indirect. Another case is where I had a dream where some hunter was after me and me and my family hid in a junk yard. A week or two later, one of my dogs got killed by a hunter in the form of a neighbor's dog. So far, I've had one case where I had the option to make a dream come true. In my 2D game, at the time, I was wondering how I could do the clouds for the game since I didn't have any decent way. Then comes a dream showing clouds in a misty form in a far simplified version where my sister was playing the game. I took careful note on how the clouds looked and began making the clouds and upon testing them, the way they looked in the real thing strongly mimiced that in my dream. Later on, I showed my sister my 2D game and she liked the clouds a lot. This was the weirdest coincidence I've had yet. There are other cases where I use a dream in my stories, but this doesn't really count.

5.3 Q. Do you ever interpret your dreams?
A. I don't mainly due to lack of motive. The rest of it comes from the fact that I simply don't know how. I will remain skeptical of dream interpretation being true until I find convincing evidence (and it doesn't take much).

* My mind game is a futuristic-like video-game-like "game" I play in my mind often. You can read all about its complexity in fairly simple terms here.
** The concept of the half-step technique is quite straight forward. From neutral or the closest end to neutral, every time the rating gets halfway to the outer limit, it has 4 times the impact than the previous. A rating of 7.5 has 4 times the impact than a rating of 5 if 5. A rating of 9 has 4 times the impact as a rating of 8. A rating of 1 has 25 times the impact than 5 if 5 is neutral or less than 25% more of an impact if 0 was the base. Here's a detailed chart to help gauge ratings better:

Compatibility reference chart
Chart last updated: Aug 15, 2007
0 base†Remarks
undefined‡0010Not possible‡
-60,0002.0410.029.959Ultra extreme hate
-30,0002.8870.0299.942Ultra extreme hate
-15,0004.0820.0419.918Ultra extreme hate
-80005.590.0569.888Ultra extreme hate
-51007.0010.079.86The lowest compatibility known to me; Ultra extreme hate
-40007.9060.0799.842Ultra extreme hate (highest point)
-200011.1800.1129.776Extreme hate
-100015.8110.1589.684Extreme hate
-50022.3610.2249.553High hate
-32027.9510.289.441High hate (highest point)
-100500.59Hate (highest point)
-5070.7110.7078.586Below here is rarely seen or encountered; Semi-hate
-2510018Semi-hate (highest point)
-15129.0991.2917.418Slight hate
-11.1111501.57Slight hate
-8176.7771.7686.464Slight hate
-6.2520024Slight hate (highest point)
-2.77830034Moderately disliked
-2.043503.53Somewhat disliked
-2353.5533.5362.929Somewhat disliked
-1.56340042Slightly disliked
-1.2334504.51Very slightly disliked
1.2335505.51Very slightly liked
1.56360062Slightly liked
2646.4476.4642.929Somewhat liked
2.046506.53Somewhat liked
2.77870074Moderately liked
6.2580086Slight favorite (lowest point)
8823.2238.2326.464Slight favorite
11.1118508.57Slight favorite
15870.9018.7097.418Slight favorite
2590098Semi-favorite (lowest point)
50929.2899.2938.586Above here is rarely seen or encountered; semi-favorite
1009509.59Favorite (lowest point)
320972.0499.729.441High favorite (lowest point)
500977.6399.7769.553High favorite
1000984.1899.8429.684Extreme favorite (lowest point)
2000988.829.8889.776Extreme favorite
2200989.349.8939.787Highest known sustained compatibility; extreme favorite
3190991.1479.9119.823The highest compatibility known to me; extreme favorite
4000992.0949.9219.842Ultra extreme favorite (lowest point)
5000992.9299.9299.859Beyond here is where it starts getting dangerous; ultra extreme favorite
8000994.419.9449.888Ultra extreme favorite
15,000995.9189.9599.918Ultra extreme favorite
30,000997.1139.9719.942Ultra extreme favorite
60,000997.9599.989.959Ultra extreme favorite
undefined‡10001010Not possible‡
Times Better Than Neutral SystemCOM value5 neutral0 baseRemarks

Table footnotes:
* This is what the new compatibility system uses and is the most commonly referred to due to its numerous benefits. I use this in my dream journal's newest dreams, my blog, forums E-mails, everywhere.
** This is what the old compatibility system uses and only old documents on my site refer to it. It is no longer used in the newer updates.
*** This only applies to the dream journal's older dreams, of which applies to the general, nature, story, scenery, and fun ratings.
† This only applies to the dream journal's older dreams and only applies to the scary and weird ratings.
‡ Not possible due to the formula and division by zero (from the -2 exponent - putting in 0 or 1000 for COM eventually yields 0-2, of which cannot be done):

COMP = ( 1 - ( ( | COM - 500 | ) ÷ 500 ) ) ^ -2

Solved for COM, the formula is this (for the positive part): "COM = ( 1 - ( COMP ^ -0.5 ) ) * 500 + 500". You can't get 1000 or better no matter what you put in for "COMP", even a googol isn't high enough.

For more details on this system and its origins, go here.
*** To help you understand the dates and the range terms given, use this table:

31-day months*30-day months**February (29)February (28)Year (365)***Year (366)
Early1-101-101-101-9Jan 1 - May 2Jan 1 - May 1
Mid11-2111-2011-1910-19May 3 - Aug 31May 2 - Aug 31
Late22-3121-3020-2920-28Sep 1 - Dec 31Sep 1 - Dec 31

Table footnotes:
* These are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.
** These are April, June, September, and November.
*** Based on the actual mid-point in the year, not by the months. In a normal 365-day year, the one-third mark would actually be 121 2/3 days in (considered as 122). The 122nd day of the year is actually May 2, not Apr 30. February is the confusing one that distorts this.

As an example, If the date given was from mid-2004 to mid-Dec of 2004, this would mean that the date of occurrance would likely fall somewhere between May 2, 2004 to Dec 21, 2004. The first part is based on the earliest part of the time and the second end of the range is based on the late part. 2004 is a leap year so it's based on the "Year (366)" column. A date from late 2003 to early Feb of 2004 indicates a range from Sep 1, 2003 (the early part of the late 2003 range) to Feb 10, 2004 (the late part of the early Feb range).