This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Abby Martin
  • TOPICS: The situation in Venezuela

Kap, Cops and Confederate Statues: a Better World Without Double Standards

I am a former NYC Narcotics Police Detective who exposed citywide endemic police corruption during my 12-year police career, from 1959 to 1972. After testifying before a grand jury about my observations of police corruption, I was shot in the line of duty while investigating a narcotics operation. As I lay bleeding from a bullet wound to the head, my police backup failed to call a signal 1013 (officer down) nor did they transport me in their readily available vehicle to an emergency room. The Police officials would later falsify the records as to what really happened that night.                                                                                                                               

This past August I received a call from NYPD Sgt. Edwin Raymond, one of the NYPD 12 suing the New York City Police Department. The officers had been ordered to violate their oath of office by engaging in a quota system targeting minorities and people of color. Former NYPD Police Commissioner William Bratton went on record to ceremoniously state on national television that the officers charges were “bullshit” repeating the epithet twice for the benefit of those who could not believe his eloquence. More

Proud to be an Agent of Catalonian Sedition

Now they’re calling us seditious. They accuse us, all of us, tens or even hundreds of thousands of people that have protested in support of Catalan institutions, of being  agents of sedition. This is what the assistant state prosecutor, Miguel Ángel Carballo Cuervo, has said in a document destined to inhabit the precincts of judicial infamy. He, of course, will never understand it, but his accusation, is for me at least, an honor.  More

Climate Armageddon Revisited

It was only five years ago that Scientific American published this article: Climate Armageddon: How the World’s Weather Could Quickly Run Amok, d/d May 25, 2012. The subheading to that article read: “Climate scientists think a perfect storm of climate ‘flip’ could cause massive upheavals in a matter of years.” Well now….

That 2012 article also explained how the eminent British scientist James Lovelock (98) switched allegiance from his original theory of Gaia, which states that Gaia (Earth) will always compensate for changes in climate by natural occurrence, a self-correcting mechanism, not too hot, not too cold, not to worry. That was back in the 1970s. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Whatever happened to the American Left?

In this issue: Paul Street dissects the decline of radical politics in the Age of Trump. The Future of NATO by Ron Jacobs; The Fires of Neoliberalism by Kenneth Surin; What’s Driving Trump’s Bashing of Mexico? by Laura Carlsen; Preaching Racism by Lawrence Ware; Afghanistan: the War That Time Forgot by Jeffrey St. Clair; Refugees and Mental Health by Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark; Let the Buybacks Begin! by Mike Whitney; The Battle of Hue Reconsidered by Michael Uhl. Plus: Yvette Carnell on Kamala Harris; Chris Floyd on the Surveillance State; and Lee Ballinger on the Problems with Philanthropy.

Charles Bradley – The World (Is Going Up In Flames)