2014.01.06 - Kulturhuset Jönköping

Vi ses på fredag!

2013.01.09 - Whatever it Takes

Whatever It Takes from the split 7" with Angelpiss

2012.12.25 - Turist i Tillvaron Vol.5

Vol. 5 of the brilliant LP Compilation Turist i Tillvaron is here. Get your copy here:
Distro As Fuck

2012.07.30 - Hygget 2012

2012.05.18 - Cover Of The Month CD for download

The retail cd for our project "Cover of the month" is now availible for download. Including the Bonus track "Sätt Benet i Halsen På Borgarjävlarna". Right click the album cover to download the album or check out the media page to download a specific song.

2012.05.17 - See you 2/6 / Härden / Göteborg

more info.

2012.05.02 - Hopplöshetens Budbärare - Video

2012.04.23 - Friday Gig 27/4 Insikten / Jönköping!

more info.

2012.01.14 - Punky Reggae Party...

2012.01.01 - Ep / New member / Reviews / Download / Gigs...

The split ep with Angelpiss is now available here for >>order<< . It is also available for free >>download here<<.

Reviews of the split:
Pike Empire
Skippers Corner
Doomsday Mag

We welcome Lennart to the band!! We have just begun rehearsals and we will do two gigs in January. One in Falköping with superb Angelpiss and Krimtänk. One in Jönköping on the two-day festival "Two fingers up in the air punk show."

2011.06.29 - New 7" Split EP!!

A new split ep is on its way! Next week we will release a split ep with Angelpiss. >>Order<<

2011.04.24 - New CD!!

We have printed 150 copies of last year's project "Cover of the Month". We've also added a bonus track on the disc. Buy it here..
Cover Of The Month

2011.01.12 - New LP!!

A new compilation LP is now availible through our shop.
Dimmorna Skingras

2010.12.01 - Cover Of The Month part 12

A song from the swedish d-beat masters Avskum. You will find it on their "Punkista" LP. Enjoy! And as they say in the song - VÅRA SÅNGER TYSTNAR ALDRIG!

2010.11.01 - Cover Of The Month part 11

We celebrate their 30 years! in punk. Our last but one cover is When by Bad Religion ...

2010.10.01 - Cover Of The Month part 10

New month and time for the new cover. The tenth in order ... And this time the turn has come to the Ramones. Guess it was inevitable ... Ramones is not something that spins frequently at home these days, but is still a band that meant a lot (both for us and punk in general). Thanks to Fredda for vocal effort on the choruses.

2010.09.01 - Cover Of The Month part 9

A really great "4-taktare" from the swedish kängicons Meanwhile. A band that have been defending the swedish d-beat tradition for almost 20 years, and still doing it better than most of the rest. Gubbkäng at its best....

2010.08.01 - Cover Of The Month part 8

Sub Alert Masken Sub Alert Magnus Sub Alert Per
From the first punk single to be released in Sweden, Vårdad Klädsel by Kriminella Gitarrer...

2010.07.01 - Cover Of The Month part 7

Snick Från The Liptones
An inspiration maybe hard to notice in our music. But still one of the best early hard core bands, that have meant a lot to us. Enjoy our version of Dead Kennedys; MTV Get Of The Air.. And a big thanks to Snick from The Liptones for playing the trumpet on the recording...

2010.06.01 - Cover Of The Month part 6

Sub Alert & Kreben
Pure hate and aggression from one of Swedens finest, Wolfpack! If we have captured a tiny bit of the energy from the original, I'm more than happy. A damn good song taken from their "Hellhound Warpigs" 7''.

2010.05.01 - Cover Of The Month part 5

Sub Alert & Kreben
This time we´re doing New york´s finest Sick of it all´s "My Life". Our friend Kreben helped us out with the choirs. It was kind of hard to do such a legendary band justice but hopefully you will like our version too.

2010.04.01 - Cover Of The Month.. Sub Alert goes crust!
This is a cover from one of the absolutely best band in Sweden today. From their latest album ”Defy”, we present: Stoner Punk, originally by Warcollapse.

2010.03.26 - First review, split EP.
Cow Mag is first out to review the new EP. It is written in swedish, but i provied an auto traslation link belove.

In swedish.
In English (auto traslated)
Cow Magazine

2010.03.22 - Free Download... Samma Hat EP.

Sub Alert Samma Hat / Split Ep Our latest release, Samma Hat 7" EP is now available for download under media. This is a split EP with Krimtänk, but we will only make our side of the EP available for download on this site. If you want the actual EP, you can buy it here.

2010.03.03 - Release gig..

Insikten Jönköping

2010.03.03 - New Cover of the month..
This time we do Stiff Little Fingers classic punk anthem "At the edge". Recorded at the same session as the "What makes you go on ?" 7''. Micke from the Liptones helps out with some vocals. Enjoy...

Sub Alert & Krimtänk
2010.02.16 - Split Ep!!
Yesterday we met up with parts of Krimtänk to officially release the split ep we have been working on for some time now.

As you may have been noticed, we have redesigned the site. Now you will find all downloads under media. We will also add more stuff over time.

2010.02.13 - New ep out on monday!!
Finally!! The new split ep with Krimtänk will be released 15/2. Order it here for 25 SEK. Our songs will also be availible for download on the media page soon, where you will find our complete discography for download.

2010.01.31 - Cover Of The Month Part 2.
It's time for Cover Of The Month Part 2. To download, right click the link to the right and choose "save as".

2009.12.15 - Cover Of The Month Part 1.


Cover of the month… This is nothing serious, just us putting up covers of bands/songs that have a special meaning to us. Songs or bands that have inspired us in one way or another.

We will continue this adding one song/month, and all songs will be found at www.subalert.net for you to download.

First out, the absolutely brilliant “Hata dig själv” ,originally done by Krimtänk. A great song by a great band. Just as simple as that! Recorded in our rehearsalroom. >>download<<

Cover of the month - December 2010
A song from the swidish d-beat masters Avskum. You will find it on their "Punkista" LP. Enjoy! And as they say in the song - VÅRA SÅNGER TYSTNAR ALDRIG!
Upcoming Shows 2014
10/1 - Jönköping