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Can nonprofit journalism fill the funding gap?

US media: the bottom line

US news media are now far more diversified in genre and platform than the old network TV, newspaper and magazine model. But the desperate search for revenue limits their freedom.

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‘New York Times’ reporter Glenn Thrush is excluded from a press briefing in the Trump White House
Mark Wilson · Getty

Richard Nixon lambasted the media half a century ago as if they were a single entity, and as they were then dominated by a few big national TV networks, magazines and newspapers, he might have had a point.

This century, though, US journalism has dramatically diversified, subdividing into segments that mix genres as well as media: mass infotainment with well established websites such as BuzzFeed and HuffPost, and national TV networks (CBS, ABC, NBC) with their local affiliates, and news channel CNN; a partisan segment with (conservative) Fox and (progressive) MSNBC, conservative-dominated talk radio, the political blogosphere, and political TV satire like The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight; and a quality segment led by national papers and websites such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Politico, magazines like Time and The Atlantic, and leading regional papers. Small but dynamic public and nonprofit sectors offer an occasional counterbalance to this market-based system.

The boundaries between these segments are fluid and porous. Network news and digital outlets such as HuffPost and Vox try to straddle the infotainment/quality divide. Conservative critics dispute the claims of the New York Times and other mainstream media to be nonpartisan. Sinclair, the largest local TV news chain, which reaches 70% of American households, recently hired a former Trump spokesperson as its chief political analyst and has been accused of using its 173 channels to ‘advance a mostly right-leaning agenda’.

To fully understand this new ecosystem, we need to go back to the period after Watergate and the ‘golden age’ of the 1970s — the 1980s and 1990s, when profit became the news companies’ first priority.

Market failure, policy impasse

In France many newspapers struggle to earn more than they spend and would not survive without government subsidies, but news has long been a profitable (...)

Full article: 3 203 words.

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Rodney Benson

Rodney Benson is professor of sociology and media studies at New York University.

(1) See Rodney Benson, ‘Partisan media’, Le Monde diplomatique, English edition, May 2014.

(2) Sydney Ember, ‘Sinclair requires TV stations to air segments that tilt to the right’, The New York Times, 12 May 2017.

(3) Philip Meyer, The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the Information Age, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, 2004.

(4) Pew Research Centre, Newspapers Fact Sheet, 2 June 2017.

(5) Andrew Tyndall, ‘Issues? What Issues?’, Tyndall Report, 25 October 2016,

(6) Rodney Benson, Matthew Powers, and Timothy Neff, ‘Public Media Autonomy and Accountability: best and worst policy practices in 12 leading democracies’, International Journal of Communication, vol 11, Los Angeles, 2017.

(7) Gold’s remarks at a New York Centre for Communication event for Vice Media, 23 November 2015.

(8) Jesse Holcomb and Amy Mitchell, ‘Personal Wealth, Capital Investments, and Philanthropy’, Pew Research Centre, State of the Media Report 2014, 26 March 2014.

(9) ‘Finding a Foothold: how nonprofit news ventures seek sustainability’, Knight Foundation, Miami, 28 October 2013.

(10) Justin Elliott and Laura Sullivan, ‘How the Red Cross raised half a billion dollars for Haiti and built six homes’, ProPublica, 3 June 2015.

(11) Author interview with a foundation official who requested anonymity, March 2013.

(12) Michael Getler, ‘Tensions over Pensions’, PBS Ombudsman, 14 February 2014.

(13) Amy Mitchell, Jeffrey Gottfried, Jocelyn Kiley and Katerina Eva Matsa, ‘Political polarization and media habits’, Pew Research Centre, 21 October 2014.

(14) Richard Fletcher and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, ‘Using social media appears to diversify your news diet, not narrow it’, NiemanLab, 21 June 2017.

(15) James Curran, Shanto Iyengar, Anker Brink Lund and Inka Salovaara-Moring, ‘Media system, public knowledge and democracy: a comparative study’, European Journal of Communication, vol 24, no 1, Sage, Thousand Oaks (California), 2009.

(16) Remarks by Arthur O Sulzberger Jr, publisher of The New York Times, at the Columbia Journalism School, New York, 6 April 2011.

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