LRB Cover
Volume 39 Number 18
21 September 2017

LRB blog 22 September 2017

Homero Aridjis
Earthquakes in Mexico

21 September 2017

Rebecca May Johnson
On Weeds

20 September 2017

Anna Aslanyan
In Helsinki


18 May 2017

Bruce Cumings
A Murderous History of Korea

5 October 2017

Giles Tremlett
Short Cuts

18 July 2013

Jonathan Coe
Giggling along with Boris

In the next issue, which will be dated 5 October, Jonathan Raban on the flight to Dunkirk.

The London Review has a vacancy for an intern starting in November. More

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Giles Tremlett

In Catalonia

The polls give those who want to remain Spanish a lead of 8 per cent, but most of them won’t vote. In the ensuing mess, all sides will claim victory, whether political, legal or moral. There may even be an attempt at a declaration of independence, though this would be more theatrical than real. The language used to describe events – ‘traitor’, ‘conquistador’, ‘coup d’état’ – has not displayed what Catalans like to think is one of their chief characteristics: seny, or ‘level-headedness’. More


Anne Enright


In 2015, the novelist Catherine Nichols sent the opening pages of the book she was working on to fifty literary agents. She got so little response she decided to shift gender and try as ‘George’ instead. The difference amazed her. ‘A third of the agents who saw his query wanted to see more, where my numbers never did shift from one in 25.’ More

David Thomson

Eighteen Hours in Vietnam

Once, every American knew the outline and the stock images of this chronicle. Because of largely unhindered television news coverage and the cameras that soldiers carried with them, this was the most visible war ever fought. Never again would the government allow reporters to go wherever daring took them. More

Thomas Meaney

The German Election

Many leftists and Greens have been too stunned by Merkel’s modernisation of the CDU to notice that her trick is to avoid the country’s root problems while treating the symptoms more skilfully than any conservative politician before her has ever managed. The media, meanwhile, unwilling to address the difficulties caused by Germany’s position as the reluctant hegemon of the Continent, or the growing sense of lurking inconsistencies in the gospel of Atlanticism, prefer endless celebration of the leader: the intellectual, strong, patient, grounded, wry, compassionate, tough, reality-grasping, scientific, opera-loving, Bismarckian wunder-Kanzlerin on whom nothing is lost. More

Pankaj Mishra

Closing Time

‘Most of the white people I have ever known,’ James Baldwin once wrote, ‘impressed me as being in the grip of a weird nostalgia, dreaming of a vanished state of security and order.’ Today, longing for the ancien régime increasingly defines the Atlantic seaboard’s pundits as much as it does the fine people defending the honour of Robert E. Lee. It remains to be seen whether America, Britain, Europe and liberalism can be made great again. But it already seems clear that the racial supremacist in the White House and many of his opponents are engaged in the same endeavour: to extend closing time in their own gardens in the West. More

At Tate Modern
Eleanor Birne

Short Cuts
Tom Crewe

John Sturrock
Mary-Kay Wilmers


AUDIO Staffing the Raj


Ferdinand Mount on how India was run for the benefit of Britain. Listen »

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AUDIO Auden Anxieties

W.H. Auden

Seamus Perry talks to Mark Ford about W.H. Auden Listen »

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